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Advertisements & Notices

... ?? lef 12 _ 5,~ -18 r Rald. r Iii .,ftnlyj, Jun ?? I; P RO1PSALS for serving the Ilnfirmary for the r ensuing Quarter with the best Ml A T, MA 1T, and GRO REltlS tintist be sent to the Secretary by Eleven o'clock Oln WA'ednesday the 1st (lay of July.-Alt pernons hneittg demands upon the funds of the Charity are recoired to send itt their accounts Otl or before the 7th of . Jttly. N. ;3. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... X, Ila r g Ut ,vIY GROCER, TEi A DEALER, Sac. R ETURNS his respectful acknoitledgments to the Menmbers of the University, the Inhabitants of Oxford, and its vicinity, for the support he has received for many years; and begs to inform them he has this day removed to more commodious premises, on the south side of the IIrou STotEET, lately occupied by Dr. Twycross, where, he hopes, by pursuing ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ; : ?? iORSE FOR SALE.-The property of a gentlei . man about to leave this part of the co stA s. GREY HORSE, sound, six years old, has bp~ regu- d larly hunted with the H1ambliedor oudagd acr and remarkably ?? apru SI Cl enquire of Mr. Gilbhert, No. 72, Sihsrefotmuh or of Mr. 1- arris, at the village ofl aterloo. e POST 011T INTEREST. Gentleman, aged 57, Poaessin ?? of an s A irrevocable ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ieli)D, us. 11a. to is. t111. virtue Liht V t s() Sa(iS~l| ?? {tuAvl;: I Si, alout the Lt7t of Mareih, g p calling at Pon'rscio'ssitl thfte 1PtSSa}I .s, tbr |,Strfet, 3MAD U.'i CALCUTTA, and c(II I -tlie fine t e 6t0s) tOlIS, C. VVi. FRAtNC3;EN, It. al'S. tom liatider. For passage apply to R. N. Robson, II. C. S., 13 i, N Queen-street, Porisea, Agent for Shipping. ,t 7,'l!E i'liiEDI''01tO ...

Advertisements & Notices

... in ?? anct naru matour. or- BALL. ;ce IRS. MOORE (late Miss Ratchford) has the if y honotr to annoulnce to the Nobility, Gentry fad ionher Patrons generally, that, in conjuction with the iut sh ot'er Ppils, she wil ive a BALL, at the yeola ect Rooms, on Thursday, 19th, 1. mnd irs. M. has much plcosure in stating that she has been indlethatigable in her endleavcnfrs to give a 13alloan very ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'eve. _ ?? - ' - ?? ?? -U WU OIi~1 ,iver. quarters of wheat and b~arley. en no S'T. PAIJ' SCHOOL. SOUTMSEF_ stodly 4SHAR E for SALE or NOM1 INATION enur c 2,67L) A.~ ofMr._Heather, No. 127, Broad-street, Porrsmou~tb Mr. H-M EON 11MIT RACEt,/ ncir- rJ1'1E STAKES which heave already been Adver- C ue- .1 tised, will elose, and the Horses mnust he named ented with the Clerk of the Course at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W; ANTED,-A GOOD PLAIN COOK, fl'a Family in Portsmouth; she must have acheWecr, n from her last ?? to the Printer. IV = on t Just published, price 7s. 6d. Pr( s A PRACTICAL TREATISE ON *rE CUI,- we e TIVATlON OF THE VINE ON OPEN SE WALLS.-By CLEMENT HOARE. Or Longman and Co. London ; Mason, Chichester; Tay. tic r lar, Brighton; and Harrison, Portsmouth. e TOLLS TO BE LET. a TITCHFIELD AND ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IlIItbe -U 'Cork .BRHDY B L 7 severe F¶HE Nobility and Gentry are respectfully informed, G I. they Iihat, on Thursday the 5th ot March, 1835, a wind BALL4, in hionour of Hxtt MOST GRACIOUS W_~ IVeer` JEsTX's BIRTH DAY, will be held at the G3re~-Rowj again Rooms. V.Ata they - ?? ?? Sir T. Williams, G.C. B. and Lady W1illiams.- ?? ,.Gen. SiYT.ll1c.Mahon K.C B. andLady~lc.Mahon. keni Rear-A dm1l ...

Advertisements & Notices

... KINDERTON HOUSE, /7 RYDE, ISLE OF WIViT Al 3/1[ISS STEELE'S ESTABLISHAIENT' for the EDUCATION of YOUNG ILADIES, T will nrE-oprN on the 27th of July. - xAD[ES' BOARRDING AND DAY SCHIOOL; No. 27 UNrION STREET, PORTSE To 1fE: MiSSES OWEN, inreturninf their on L thanks to their Friends and the Pub ic,,be to an - t!0 nounce the n ENVY.N G oftheir ESTA BLISHW ENT t'o' on Monday the 20th July instant ...

Advertisements & Notices

... s~NINTH ANNUAD-EXHIBITION of 1he HANTS i )l PICTURE GALLERY, SOUTHAMPTON. n- )UCIIAN and SLODDEN inform the Public tbitt III they will continue to receive Pictures inteesded for Exhibition and Sale until the 31st of July inst. r- The carriage of Pictures lent for Exhibitron, a 'ha lie well as those sent from Artists, will be paid by eca of Pro etiors, of the Gallery. -in es *Th Exhibition ...

Advertisements & Notices

... as UGH OF PORTS U Of the'J. Wf 1D, the btifdersighed, Inhabitants offt 8, Vf Wof Portsmouith, ieqfiegi you *iflo h me MEETING of thb Inhabitant Rate payler nvl e en ?? nrext, the 22nd iist, to conaid, Te- Comlonr Alm~pa Refoitrn, nuw. before TheHu rA- Commons;? and Rarticularly such rer preserve to the existing Burgesses ext Cae- Its the payment of Tolls and Dues, to c new gesses ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 7.R\.4 1OF BRIGHTO.Y. N(OTfCi3 l~I EBY GIVEN, that a Public VES- 'TRY lI~ -A-ING of tlhe Inhabitanto of this Parish, will lie beld at tile Town hall, onl Thursday, the 5th day of November next at ITwo ?? in the Afteinoon preoilsely, to Audit and Pa.'s tile Actounts of the Directors and Guardimag, for tile Quarter etiihog ie 20th' day of September last. Ad?(lIgE IS 1WEY U LTE GVN -TIhat nonie ...