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... INS.OL VNTDEBTORS' COURT.-TuBSmD v. IMPORTANT MOTION. IN THE MATTER OF CAPTAIN WILLIAM STOKOE. This was an application on the part of the insolvent for a re-hearing, under the 67th section of the Act, on the ground that the adjudication had been improperly made. The matter, which involved a point of some importance, had been before the Court on several occasions, and to- day the Learned Chief ...


... LAW NOTICES.-THIS DAY. COURT OF CHANCERY, WESTMINSTER. Sittings at ten. I . Lewis v Lewis; two appeals, part. ?? v LIngham; ?? v Leach; ?? v Kennett; appel- Htardy v Lee, appeal. VICE-CHANCELLOR'S COURT, WESTMINSTER. Sittings at ten. Turner v Newport ; to he spoke ?? v Haworth; petition by ?? v Leigh-Ditto v Ditto; twvo ?? v Sprade-IItto vn Prior-Hatiieid v FSrnivai; excepttons by nr es- Scott ...


... I Suoclicrra ACCIDENT.-Tuesday night an inquest was s held at the Mirlin's Cave, Spa-fields, before Thomas Stir- ling; Esq., coroner, on the body of Samuel Mears, aged 5. 56. It appeared in evidence, that on Tuesday last a van r- was unloading some goods in Exmouth-street, Clerken- g well, when the deceased was driving his cart on the right side, followed by a hackney-coach, 1,436. On passing ...


... LAW id)TI'CE;S.-TmIS DAY. COURT OF CHANCERY, WESTMINSTER. Slttings at tell. SEAL DAY.-Bower v Mltorrim, to be spoke ?? v Long, peti. tion and motion-Motions. VICE.CIIANCELLORIS COURT, WESTMINSTER. Sittilngs at ten.-Ilotions. ItOLLS' COUllT, WESTMINSTER. Sittings nt-tenl.-Mlotions. cOURT OF IIN('S BENC1. Sittiegs in llanco at Westminster, tit tell. COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. Sittings ait tell. ...


... POLICE INTELLIGHNCE. MANSION-HOUSE, Yesterday an elderly man, of respectable appearance, named Francis 11etcalf was brought before the Lord Mayor by John Forrester, charged with felony. There are, it appears, several charges of felony against the pri- soner, and the amount of the property said to have been stolen was stated to be upwards of 5001. Mir. HoL.Ea, jun., appeared for the prosecution ...


... ISURREY COUNTY CUURT OF APPEAL. [Bcfore ROB0ERT HoDGSua, Isq., Chairman, and a full bench of Magistrates.] IMPORTANT APPEAL. Thc following case is of great interest to landlords and tenants. The Chiurchwardens of Saint Saviour's, Southwark, rcspondlellts. James Easton, appellant. 'Ihis application was considerecd as a momentous matter of general public interest. The subject has been litigated ...


... LA W INTELLIGENCE. COURT OF CHANCrIRR .-Wvs:E'ESDAY. XWE.VS V. LEWeS. The arguitiot in tbis case being concluded, The LOnl CllANcr£LI.O said lie had entertained some doubts on the matter ' i the course of the hcaring; but thev wvere now Completely removed. By the will of the testater' a sunm of three hundred pounds was appropriated to the e(ldcation of the children of his son Thomas Lewes, and ...


... - I COURT OF CHANCERY.-TnutSDAY. nOBSON V. NOEL. This was a motion to discharge an order of the Vice- Chancellor, directing Sir Gerard No.l to deposit with his clerk in Court the books and documents set forth in his ausiver in the cause. Mr. Tw qs was heard in support of the motion up to the rising of the Court on the first day of the present Term. Mr. BACON' now followed on the same side, and ...


... LAW NOTICES.-This DAr. COURT OF CHANCERY, WESTMlNSTER, Sittings at tell. Whittaker v Leach, appeal, part ?? v Kennelt, ap. ?? v Lee, ?? v Irving, ?? v En. tcicknass, ditto. VICE-CHANCELLOR'S COURT, WESTMINSTER. Sittings at ten. Parker v Spicer, by ?? v Braudon, petition, by or- ?? v Baker, part ?? v Furnival, exceptions, by ?? v Hudson, re-hearing, by ?? v Lyall- Baldwin v Lewls-Ditto v Prtce ...


... COURT OF COM3lMON' UNCIL. Yest erday at Cou rt wvas lie!ct I 1. It tas tile first 5111cC tht% elcinof the Commonna Councilmenc, atnd it was ottO 0 ullusual initere~st. It was nirat fully attendel. TH E ItEEFU SA! O F THIE L.OR'D MA YORP TO CALL A COMMON IIALL.. Upon the raotion for placing the name of the Lr Mayor vipon thu list. of ilie City Lands' Commitutee, Mr. E:FFINGHIIAM WILSON rote to ...


... r GUILDHALL. Yesterday a young man, named William Tindal, was brought up in the custody of Roe, the Guildhall officer, charged with obtaining a cask of stone blue, under false spretenees,from Mr. Roberts, a drysalter, in Old Fish-street. lMr. Roberts stated that the prisoner applied on the f morning of the 10th inst. for a sample of blue, and return- sing an hour afterwards he said he believed ...


... COURT OF CHANCERY.-FsuDAY. WHVrrrAleE. V. LEACH. This was an appeal from the Court below, against a decision on exceptions taken to the Master's report. The question arose out of the construction to be put on the will of a lady named Slade, who had devised certain free- hold avd copyhold lands, situate at Bampton Abbots, in the county of Oxford, to Richard Whittaker, for life, and then to his ...