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Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC AMUSKEMENTS. UNPRECEDENTED ATT'RACTION.-The Y INqDUSTRIOUJS PLEAS, and the PERPETUAL MOTION, 209, R ?? BERTOLO71mO has1 RE-OPENEI) his Celebrated EXHIBI1TION with a variety of New Objects, beside those of former seasonls. A single flieawill perform the Herculean task of moving 2,004) times its owo wveight, by drawing (on a mnislna ture representation of the Liverpool and Manchester ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. nRCALCUTTA DIRECT, will positively sailfrom Gravesend on the 5th of bray, the romarkallly fast- seling packet shipE STERLING, 580 Tons per Register, JoSGO BuRxzT-, Conimassder, yethe Rast India Dtocks. Tlhis ship being built and fitted only rthree years, expressly for a paolicet, has excellent accormmodatioris far a tlitiled ntitber of passengers, and is worth the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC AMUSEME.NTS. TITIAN'S VENUS.-This wonderful Wo r' aS confessedly, by all writers onl the subject, the chef-d'isosr a- i rt (,prior to its ,eing disposed of by sasbcr-iptiont NOW' ON Vi'w ~x ,~a separate Apartmeaat, at the St.James's Gallery of Nasaos- a t'a1 anat, oppo.rlte MAllborogh Houe. Adaottta.a.e, 0- ?? 'rTheStudents of the Royal Academy admittedl gratisa v ?? by the Princess ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,PppING6 ~INTELIUGENiCE. ) j.oMI3AYk, jind Will lqnd Paqsengers at the I Iece g~ss on board alter the2 II inst.. aind ')Itiln ?? 1st (Id Seitelosler, tlnrlitse 'Teak s~ls ' ( Bi M li 151,iurden ,S,Vsrei'Pns, FA SNat''rIps li'.Commander, PoS'Eact lsk. This ship i hs splendid and, Pos- ar rsengers, and carries sinl experienced rvl pIvTi'IsP aII Iy to J M N TH iAflihitR, 4, Lead en a -Fr.k, yC. . ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC AMUS-EMENT7S. COLOSSEUM,- Regent's Park.-NEW GRANI) SCENERIY is jail Opeiied to the Pubicht, Ii' otditton to the Varorus otlier Exhhtibitiosat this Estabtishrenti. Ni ExiTRA it. The Ytgl~c Lofard NLtLs,( , to his nov iitiiiforin, , nit the o~oo~0~00 he,~reio 4low to he seo, it. the Saloon afArts. Trho ltil< 11111. COSM ORANIA, 209, Rcgentqtrcet.-LAW- RENCE (GAtLLEMtY.-'Tile Nob~ility ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS. LAST WEEK. ROYA f, AQADEMY, Somerset-House.-No- it ci' it tint itre EX H I FIiti iN itt the ROYAl. ACA- ?? ir Ii II NAJtI' ClOSE iii .srrorduy rent, ttre loth inslatri, at Sc' cit itt lot I. titer ?? every dire from Eight o'clock titi naven, One Shilling Cutatogne. One Shilling. HENRY HOWARD, E.A.. See, Eohiittrcn see rar1rresteit to send for thetr Works no Wedirenilay, the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. oR BOMBAY, to sail positively from Graves- end the 7,th. Hold Portsmouth 15th July, THlE NIARlQCIS OF HASTINGS, 500'rons, Jm'iN L'tax Commander, l ?? Eapott Dock.-For freight or passage apply ctrcnt 1 Hiwhion lin~e, Co.rnbill; Messrs. Crawvford. viaandCo..i. ld rood-street; or for piassage, onts to Captain Fotla y~ro Agency, 16,Corahili, alnd 6,8t, Martin's- j~P MBAY, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WANT PLACES. AS HOUSEKEEPER to an Elderly Single AGentleman, or NVldower.-A well.educated and respectable Femnale, about foets', Is desirooiq of obtaining either of tile above situ- ations should thelatter have any fondly, the advertiser Is capable of SIT Imparting to them an English education, ivith the rudiments of Di Music and French,. No objection to the country. References of the first ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC AMUS.EMENTS. Mr. GLOVER'S EXHIBITION of ITIEWS in VAN, DIEMIAN'S LAND.-This ExhiWitin 'WILL OPEN Tills DAY, Friday, June 26tb, at 106, New Bond-street.-Admilttnce Is. cstalngucii 6d. ADELAIDE_-STFREET -GALLEfRY of PRAC- TICAL SCIENCE, West Strand.-This EXHIBITION, combining amusement with instntctions is OPEN DAI LY, at Half.past Ten, wlth a frequent succession uf important novelties Io ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS. Openever Evning~ArusemO'. of hissplendid Estabiishitttcltt do not depend upon the ?? Appeanranlce of Air. H. Williams; Alli`einheer ReichRBosen. Kraus, nand Kailln, the Hunga- Hria Brothers; Bliss Taylor, and illos 11toshia Collins, the Infant Violisist. COLOSSEUMI -This Evening (Friday), and Every Evening during the Week, Brilliantly Illuminiatel.- Salon des Nations-Indian ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUCTION. fitycerlor 1itoumehold Furniture, ?? Mahotgany Wardr,,Ie, Bunk. rises.4 Exteaditig V~ining-tubics, mid itumerous Effects. MIESSRS. EVELEIGH and CO. ,will SELL LJby AUCTI ON, at their (ireat Rouoms, 76, Latib's Conduilt- Otret, TO-MO BRlOWV, April 7, ait Twelve Itir One, precisely, excel- lent HOUSEHOLD FURNITURlE, cuatyrising a rosetrood draw- ing-room sulit of ioo, card, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... :1, SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. F OR MADRAS and CALCUITA, will be l put IlittIlly despatehed on the t;th June, the teak-built ship EXM101rH, 7.5i Tons Register, Captloin lDAXILWAuaREN. The cabin necnmrnmtimtitot's of this vessel are equal to those of the h200 ton ships; nud she will carry als experienced ?? Freight or Pals-ge napply to Mcssrs. Forbes, Forbes, acd Co., I0, Angel.coart, Trhrogmtroul ...