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Advertisements & Notices

... -04 -1 ¢~c g&W'YrRE IEA;Ay 'AND ?? CO WPANXY, t7 ( 11Ptitri'w~E BSI ACT OFP- I^lNT ?? t ral lii ot ' the CompanLy hell pur.. . ?? toir Act of Ptrliamnent, oil Frn~ ay Lw14i h st ialt 10 ,ber iSst., at ibhe-RedLioi* Houtel. pi g 0td f~ f prestori, of vhiclh dae ?? liad |et r ?? f'W(lOd* Esq. Al. P., in Ethe CWhaar. fer -Tliat e followicig GeWtlei.ell IzfD r ldrsr thesa,41 CornPaily. brJP'1 r He ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IN DeFECTE. SCOTTISH3 AMICABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY. On tire model of the Equitable Soeicty, of London. JAMES J. DUNCAN, Esq. Manager. HEAD OFFICE, 147. BUCHIANAN-STREET, G LASGOW. THIS Society divi'es the whole nrofits amongst T the Assured. At the last investigation, these Profits amounted to one and a half per cent. per annum, upon tire amount insured. Trhe Funds of the Society, and tire ...

Advertisements & Notices

... sl ?? FA SHIONS. ,}C ?? .. , O¶ I!.C , . ; EG:, 'to 28.,51 Fhhlergate, : tO iniform ?? andi the Public t~hat Aj MafsW B'oOfH a is just!?ieturnd fro~m LoNnOrN ?? a fashiodiible' ass'irtment of M1LLJNERY, DRESSES, -&iYwhicdi they wvilL have ready for. ani-. whikhw ~lyi6'0ictt ;?tlw attention q~r their. Friends. ..!P#4resttofftt j~a~l ltiS,835. ' : - : .L4;MZisiii PAR-xiNSON 7AKES the1liberty of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... uovision Shop and Premises. i 4 8 TO BE LET, BY PRIVA TE TREATY, WITH IMMF5t1IXTs POYsESSiON, /LL that PROVISION SHOP and PREMISES, A No. 6, St. John-street, Preston, consisting of convenient Shop, 2 Cellars, I Parlour aid Kitchen, 5 Bed Rooms, a Warehouse of 2 Stories, well adptrd for a Grocer or Provision Dealer; the latter trade has been carried on for nearly thirty years on the above ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I - i / A CARD. ADY, who has resided several years in Paris, ad accustomed to tuition, is desirous of engal herself in a Catholic Family, to superintend the ?? of Young Ladies, as well as the general ?? nglisb. Sheis qualified to teach Draw. bret sad the French language both fluently and iiis1aticallY. - Respectable references can be ob- gtraive Letters addressed, post paid, to M.A., at the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Joist prbished, price 6d. / SUBSTANCE VERSUS SHADOW; OB 'a TEE-TOTALISM The Supplanter of- Temperance, IRE VIE J1tED] JN A LETTFoR TO GREGORY GRUtEL, ES Q ST PBI1LO VEItVTAS4 tA 1 S 3S. l a ganciheser: printed* at the Times Offie e b by PITENTICE & CATHRALL; and sold by I . WIL. 0 cocKsoN & Cta., Chronicle Office, 17,, Market puce, Preston. TO SCHOOLS, _ 'Io YOUNG LADYr who ls.beentt doring ...

Advertisements & Notices

... v i JQUBSCRIBERS and PROPRIETORS of thec PALATINE LIBRARY,* are requeste d aotnd tile Annual Meeting, to be held at ithe PMAriNE LiIIRARY ROoMs, 4tth March, at Eleven ~Iock R. AR1IOWSMITH, Jun., Secretary. WANTED, APPRENT1CE, to the GROCERY and CoRN DEALING Businesses.-Apply to the 0jootern. THE TEETH. M1XR. NEIBAUR, SURGEON-DENTIST, (NVo. 7, Old Cock-yartd, Church-streetj r AILIES and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I, R. BOOTLE, STAY ANrD CO(RSBT MAfAKER, No. 61, Sr. ANN-STREET, LtVERPOOL, 1 ESPECTFULLY informs the Ladies of Pres- ll ton that Mrs.r Bootle will be at the Castle Inn, ZWEDNESDAY) the 15th instant, and will remain It seek with a Fashionable assortment of STAYS Itthcir inspection. 1ETF.R LELy, by Reubens, out of Stella, by t Sir Oliver, Scotilla by Anvil, Scota by Eclipse, lirnony by Herod, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T HE admirable effects of the establishment al- T ready existing in this town, for the education of boys by religious men, must naturally inspire the wish, in every friend of religion, to erect a similar establishment for the education of females. The great importance of such an establishment must be evident. The female would here imbibe the true spirit of virtue; she would acquire, both from ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PO ST SC RIPTtJ LONSDONt, 'fhursdey Evening, Ma.y 21. Tat PooLE ELECTION may be said, to be at an end. lly the latest accounts Mr. Byng was 27 a-head of his op. ponevt, and only 33 voters rernailoed to poll. TK~E FUNDS-_C-02l6, 91,;, lNEW LOTTH HAL L. FIS11 ER, GA TE, PRESTON. J 'IflTCHELL rESIRES to apprise his Friends, andI the CLOTHI IF DuYEus generally, that he has just returned fromn the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,jID!IWCHJ.ARITYr/ nnRJ Committee of the LADIES' CHARITY intend having a . BAZAAR, Fo the benefit of the above institution, in the Ex. C111GE Roows, during the Horse-fair Week. P,,iculars will be given in a future advertisement. Contributions of work, however small, are respect. fl11 requested, which may be forwarded to any Ls~l of the Committee,TPreston. SACRED MUSICK. 0q SONDAY NET., ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ATHOLIC CHAPEL, vG~r,4 7r EBCCLESTON. Y 1abYJuly 26th. 1835, the above Cha. , jtj ise opened for Divine Service, with a Pe ASS to commence at balt'past Ten d A SERMON will be preached :e Foe I and a Discourse in the Afternoon. ICe ;lornil ,ice will begin at ?? past Two Afetnoeflt S lusic. h ?? w~tade after ech Sermon, to 0tslkctiess (lEt incurred in the building, and if er oft ie try it 0on ...