... POLICE INTE'LLIGENCE. GUILDHALL. A young man unamied T'honas Fry was brought before Sir Peter Laurie yesterday, charged with committing a daring robbery. Mr. Avant, assistant to Mr.Gray, a silversmith In Fleet- street, statetl that about a quarter past seven cclock the preceding evening he heard a violent blow struck against the shop window, and looking towards It he sasi that at re- markably ...


... *CUtIOUS TRIAL IN IRELANT. On Tuesday week, the long expected case of Hudgeis V. Mahon, brought against the defendant far crimipal l conversation .with the plaintifls wife, was Dbrought osi- for trial in the Court of King's Bench, Dublin. The damages were laid at £10,000. From the statement of .the opposite counsel, and the evidence of the plaintiff the circumstances appeared to be as follows ...

Published: Friday 02 January 1835
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1852 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 


... I cicRGJ OP EMBEZZMEMNT. ion, fThe fI(01-irg case wtss 'oitted in' iur Iast. As vre ner,, 'n.j t it, has excited conisrdirisble ifiterest,. we can old, n( ,, -t e the-part icuasr vai snore at length, than lreet. if iwe~had tnserted it lost week, Wee Oil Saturday week, at thh.Masssion4Rouse, JoaeP CUlarn- ed in pla lte mio~tanaging clerk to Dt'Y. Proks, solicitor, was brought 1.ho 'tm ...

Published: Friday 02 January 1835
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2338 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 


... M URDE J o F A CHILD BY ITS. I MUDI.O A CHILI) DY ITS MOT,,E . dr, Ani inqoest was elvd on F-rtddy 1asrotie hI ilsr Mansion.f ube,e befioreitl Jon ar oihE - coroer 'nhaivt nvewo h body of as chilId six -lonf old, v~a- whose parents reside it) Chapel-cour OsborntreeOl therto shortly alluded to in our last, will be found detaiked in ee-the evidence adduced.: Thle unfortunate wnma~ vwhfo band, is ...

Published: Friday 02 January 1835
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2392 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 


... THE RECENT EXTENSIVE ROBBERIES | OF JEWELS. The police, as well as the officers of Bow-street and Marlborough-street, have been actively engaged in tracing out the means by which the late robberies of jewels, &c., amounting to between one and two thousand pounds, have been accomplished. As yet nothing has been discovered to afford ground for hope that the perpetrators will be de- tected; but ...


... These sessions commcnced yesterday morning. In the absence of F. CoNs', Esq., the official chairman, who, we regret to say, is seriously ill, Mr. RAvWLINSON, Of Queen- squire police-officc, presided. Harriet Diron, an interesting looking young woman with a child in her arms, was indicted for feloniously steal- ing, on thQ 21st of December last, a sovereign, a half- crown, a shilling, and a ...


... lEROGATIVE COUTR'T, Dcc. 30. | IN' TIH 4oo00S OF WII.LIAM '11IVAYTLES, DECEASErD. Dr. lbIvard moved for probate of certain papers con. -oifjing the will of tile late Mr. Win.'rTwtaytes, grocer, P; Fenehliurch-stret, a pess'o of c-rnsiderable wealth, 1te pesrsonat estate aniourntimg to £700,000, besides real property of the vahie of £100.00. and an estate in 'lie %Vest Indies valued at £3,000. ...

Published: Friday 02 January 1835
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 662 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 


... GUILDIIALL. - Yesterday a labouring man, named ?? Castlc, was brought beforn Sir Peter Laurie' charged with carrying on an illicit still in Butler's-alley, Milton-street. ilur-ess and Smith, two excise officers, entered the house about four o'clock the previous afternoon, and found a still at work on the first floor, which they seized, with about 20 galb ns of wash, and a small quantity of ...


... (Fross the Exanaiiner.)t This trial is the most eventful of the minor incidents G of these eventful times. It is a scene of drilamatic recur rection-a brief presentment of those 'good old days which all true hearted Tories yet long to restore. It s refers to transactions of the closing nionth of ]811(, andt tile topening' of Ih ya 17whntreusendons ma- jorities ar.ed the government itht ...


... MARLBOROUGH-STREET. SrNGUL..A CAs..-A VOLung- man of very repulsive ap- pear-abe, having lis hair fastened in a knot, with a comb in the same manner as a woiman's, wet yestortloy brought before Mr. Conant on the followiag charge:- The previous afternoon he had been seen to decoy a lit- tle child into a house in Church. street, in which he occu- pied a garret, and information of the ...


... COURTIor EXCQUER.t. ' (L9udOstSitsingS .at.Nisi .Prz, ,befiore M~r. . Baon Park, aind a. LodonJury). RICHMOND V. MARSHALL ANt:ANOTHER. This was, oR actiots brought by Aldiander DaVid-RiebrAond, whse nbas e haS been log: familiar to she public as coxnrected with IheO state.trials in the west of Scotland ill.8 l7 ,.for ibies6 PUbHiShnd iD Tait's Magazine, of MayI Jlune-, July, and- Aognst, 1833. ...


... .Q*1ONER' S ,ItNUEST. Thoiswlltls heaving ekiprossoed' &Wist thnalti 8'b 6tldul '~l~C~~4 lh~ sitgilav case enirela, we have deterine iprtof i't which appeas's'd in ~olr 'lait weektls pv~ere rent Imerest whichl the inquiry has ex'cited will, Wie ~d~ bseurse accinptabild id ourfreaders generally.) shipl. on ihts Uusrtt, OM4ilqiti A, hi~te phetictelar~sof t'he d aeo ~tde~llsdy, amed Clarta Anin ...