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Leeds Mercury

Advertisements & Notices

... Just published, QECON'D EDlTION of tlhe LIFE of S. DREWl, j iM.A. hbi Son. Enlarged and improved. I vol. 6vo. Wit) 1. a Poartrait. i°.. eiotjh. ii tt tr6fOI We rg .d tis bogrphyas area adition to thle stores qf our 2 efrornistiOn. Ml r. Drewv was inl alil re ipects at fine ?? tInciden~t, an~lecdote, or sentimncilt is in every ?? ..ldvate oe ntrete *- This volume ought to be in the library of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,IJt 01'WOO'tLt AIT LIVERPOOL)1, IIIilireI till AXtlilentii of /aif I, ,irf a.,/ ? , it L mele c l~oe, L ) L It th P~l-,L Ii C Sit I IIw110 1, It: ?? W0 HIU N 1)11 EDI UA L E S INEW SOUTH IWALES V, 1111,. Apilety. Iltl ird px al I, ITtli ?? . Li ?? tas , frllet S!hI IIt-e rL i llltIIANA'iN & 111(01 N BP,Attet SC iialrlltway'I hltt-totie tiltigc A'lt(V Coriihiii, Liona3n, eim 71 I I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HUNSLET ,Aoj LEEDS. 'Po WOOLLEN, WoRSTED. COtTON, FLAX, and Ilk'-'i1' ?? Hotel, lin Leeds, onl TJ'hei-sds, Pihe A'kvtlllt Day ?? Jstl6, 11M., precisely at Thrtee 0-cluck i tile Al ttt'llt0ll, inl the ?? or suth other Lots Is 1maie he agreed u1p11 lat the 'rime of Sale, by Mrv. JQI-IN HOLMES.2 1-IU NSL rT EST ATE11. Lot I.4 L that valutable FRE~EHOLD CLOSE of LN D, situate oil tile W~est Side ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NO. 9, BRIDGE-END, LEEDS. BINGLEY most respectfully informs the Inlhabi- 3 ,tooits of Leeds d its Vicin ip thorthe ?? idgconnnecting the t LiuliCI ,iid Woo;lico t)rcieiv n oeishiisea together, :oud will OPEN i (,ll M(;ii DAY, with nil enitire nlewv S1 OCX of WOOLLENS, FANCY I wA~lTCOA INGS. xc. 'bich hc is determined to offer at suobb 1 ?? as net tifl to give batll fiictioii, ht to Incure a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... klS.- -Wanted imtnediately, by the Leeds INew G Gas i~,tonpaliy. at 010lt1IN L FOIC1MAN. or princuptl no, li Cr. Ie ICw IIi Ito4veP the ChCIoreeI V of thII Me. ) tCI I IId th 1\'lli d alld ' ilit w ll lie II. re~spollsil~lC Situntimi~i Iilalie veed :tpply 00h11 Cannot (l1,1t10 satiif'iltI y Iteici Clive ~ha ?? to (Chairalc ter 1111d Ertperi- I *ne.A good I lti .i i Ilbe pr10vided, Rett ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 110N SCHOOL,' NittY \VORTLEY, near the the Si-~PN 'cI Olt [et:itite, of 'jin S..Iotol cii i1 be MiEN El Dott EItiIDAY, dcclV31s1t. Tile R1EV. tie~ o ?? 3 1 S ,Al. iS, of Leeds, will Pit-elel it' lt ?? t I j[elf- tin, [01'[e ?? intl tlte REV. iI. . hAMI LTON, of Leedsa, antc ct-lliicatt , tell-:eing, atbll-ritet Six: W~oltci. Fit Uit SsNIIA Y, ArecGms'rr2 d, te l10RI I V A. F. IE3NEC!KEIiI EG, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... alto0 bpJ auition, SI-A UN TI1IING, REDC~AII.-By Mr. JOHN WATSON, at the Howe- of Mrs. Sowlitv. the Red Lion Hotel, lReduar, on Thvrs- 1101, the 29/i1St;; I! ti October, IBID. at TBoree ?? in the Alter- itoonl, precisely, sultjjeet to Conditions thett to be prodaced. ALI, that delightful AIESSUAGE or DWELLING- HOUISE, situate Iin the far fined and Fashionable Water- iAelute, IRedenar, Iin the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AItR I VED. TO0 TIlE \NOIIILITY, GENTRYV, AND) INIIAHITI'I'TS OF IEDS liORE, O ' C ASTER, AND TH]ElIR VICI[NITIES. 2NComioRDIBIX ARITIFICIAL. T1EPTH FIXED without WIRES oties IGArTiRENA N~A.SiCDA P, for FILLING IIECAYED TEET H without IHEAT oir P;RESSURE. C,! ONS.i J. MALLAN, Suso iON DrifTlIST, (ol' ?? C FirmI oif 5Moits. Malioand to ilsou, ?? HIM If.5-ll'o-Strect, Pie. 'dI. aid 2. Great 1H ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Alboul thle middle 0/fd ugurt, ALL that valuable F'REEHIOLD ES TA TE, A(Ie L A It C 11 F IF S D, colnitanirig itbout Twienty-N ine Acres of Ground, lying btwe~ren the Lrondon. rurnipike flood and the Riierr A ire, wei th anl extitnsive Front1Cc onl both tokether with the ilctcusivl IIMANUFMICTL'RING BUILDINGS, IIWEL- XING-l-ioU'ilESt, PIESUI (IIUNDS,, &c, Thle Property will bie Soid in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... On the 31st Instant, neatly bound hI cloth, price Xi, ljhy~ Vt LUME FOP. iq3 OF~ THEl AT H ENTlUM, 9vli1t~ge Quarto Peges, with Title-page anid Index. This Votine con rains, it isi el evd d ithe most co Mplete History of tile l[te a ?? of tie Pcrie(d, and wilI be found invaluable to persveii residing ill the Country. in the ColoniCs, or Abroatd. it contailn REVIEWS, with copitus rEtrUitS, Of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BELGRAVE CHIAPEL AITJLL 1BE PU BIL] CLY OPENE ED, anld xi ' sCLE.NILNLVDEDICATED. by DI1VINE PERMISSION, a Ott I VJDNAESDAF 1,hielijil ofJ Jcciliicry, aU- Ni IMO lIN1ING SURlVIC)a. A Ni' jIIDLT IRYE OFfICE11 hiy the Rlev. lItICHARDO WINTER of 1 A NI ILTON. N 'I'lcC SEI,, jIoN %1vil lie preached byv the 11ev. iI~~ilE~~tT SlEPilI EN MAan LD ofilcchester.l S IN, T111' 'AFTERNOON, Thie 11ev. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Vattitt ;MlairiCuC0, &f+r R, I. ARMSTRONG'S LIVER PILLS. D ansenture of at Quack, but advice of a1 Physician, whlo I am ?? w.Ill proscribe nit l ore, for ale than may coilsSIL With1 mly Safety, and Ileed dloth requi re.-0ld Dirl'e. 'rho1 possessor of the P'rescriptionl froml 11whilb these Pill are prepared, solely forl h in by Mr. lohil T. Ed d, p. ascionltitle Clle- moist, obtained it fromn ...