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... VICE-CHANCELLOR'S COURT. LEIGH v. LEIGH.-A question arose in this case, the other day, on a de- murrer as to the precise construction of certain words in the allegation con- tained in the bill. Sir C. Wetherell appeared in support of the bill. The de- murrer was supported by Sir AV. Horne, on the ground that the bill stated a period of 20 years' adverse possession had elapsed since the death ...


... A few weeks since two black nien, then in the Wolk- house at Liverpool, were charged with lvvng mur-dereil k Capta n Ellis of tihe Amelia, anid part of hiis crew, riff tie coast of Afiica. Tire particulars were given at the timP. Oh Saturd sv the two negroes, one called Jumbo, d and the otler -Battle of Beer, were placed at the bar ,- efutse his Worship the Mayor, and Ml Alderman ft Wri ht ...


... LAW INTELLIGEBCE. COURT OF KING'S BENCH,-MONDAY. [Sittings in Westminster before Lord DENMAN and a Common Jury.1 DOYLEY V. TIHE EARL OF LIVERPOOL. Mr. PLATT (with whom was Mr. Bugsy) stated, that this was an action to recover damage for the sale of a mare warranted sound, and which afterwards proved not to be so. The plaintiff was an attorney residing at Mor- ton in Worcestershire. In the ...


... LA IV INTELLIGENCE. Co CR1'' 01F Kl i\G'S IN I.Tws v' [6it t jas before LOI . Il iNcMAN atiti Cowninon Juries.] tMiN V. SiTAFFV Mr. LCBADW1 i K~ Ji btes a ppearcI forl the plaiiitiff, nd Sir J. CAMTI'Vt.I. and ?? 1k-salY tLWr11h' defenidanft. 'Thic wvis ani act ion ii recover at sani of between '21. and t31. frat the deiit-idatilt due a 0 pan he( b)allance of all ace- coanlt Ilbr stealo lot I ...


... MIDDLESEX SESSIONS.-TUFSDAY. [Before Sir WILLIAM CuGTis, Bart., and a full Bench of Magistrates.] Janzes Clements, a mechanic, who was convicted at the last sessions of an assault on his wife, was brought up to receive the judgment of the Court. On the trial it ap- peared that thc dispute between the parties was relative to the sum of 50/., which was in the savings' bank in the wife's name. ...


... LAW INTELLIGEIVCE. COURT OF KING'S BENCH.-WEDNESDAY. [Sittings before Lord DEN)siAN and Common Juries.] HOPKINES v. DUNLAP. Mr, KNOWIF.s stated that this was an action brought to recover the amount of a bill of exchange, of which the defendant was the acceptor. The plaintiff was a carpet manufacturer at Kidderminster, and the defendant a fa- shionabledress-makerin Regent-street. The ...

ROLLS' COURT, Thursday, Jan. 29

... ROLLS' COURT, Thursday, Jan. 29, TEISVELYAtI V CHAIITEit. Mr Pemberton, in opening this case, stated that the bill was ?? partly for the purpose of baving certain documents and title.deeds delivered up by the defendant, but chiefly for the purpose of setting aside a purchase obtained by the father of the defendant, who was the steward oftthe late Sir John Tre- velyan, on the ground of fraud. ...


... OLD COURT. [Before Mr. Serjeant AAADIN.1 John Mason, 13, was indicted for stealing a 501. note, the property of his master, James Wilson, who is a hat- maker, in the Blackfriars-road. Itappeared-that the prisonerwas entrusted, on the 8th of January, with- a letter to put Into the General Post- office which contained the 50L note in question. On the same evening he went to a public-house, kept ...


... BUILGH COURt. oil Ivelisd..y hlot, Thliomas Dteary, ishitefisiher at Foodlee, rand his boet's pt crewr, were brorught before the sitting Magistrate, 13:illie Mihue, charged w with tllstltrrtiiig muscles 'rain ani. injuring thle misclt-bedls belonging to ?? at IHirbour 'l'rutlees, situiateed i (lie spill water chaniiel of tile river Dee. The Il panels plecadedt Not Gil ty. liI George 'iflIl wis ...


... LAW NOTICES.-THis DAr. ROLLS' COURT, CHIANCERY-LANE. Sittings at ten. v Tarbuck-Weston v-roe PErZTION S.-Attorney General ?? ?? v Sbepherd..-la1nireg v Thesiger-Attcivell v Cleverton-Dixon v Neatby-In re tie aayor of 1,don-Csmpbell v Campbell-Bow. %her v OsmOnd-Keen, v Chalinner-Thonlron v Constable-Mbartinl v Sheekell-Cbahncey v Westwood-GrinnicY v Mlason-William v, Kersfiaw-Larkin v ?? v ?? ...


... MANSION-HOUSE. Yesterday a man of very respectable appearance ap- peared at the justice-room, and conilained that a very odd and sovere trick hadt been played upon him bv his family and friends, for basing embraced political views dilerent ffrom thoic entertained and acted upon by them. At the time of the elections his friends wore all for the Whig or Radical interest, while he thought that ...


... WORSHIP STREET. FIRING AT SHERIFF'S OrFICERS. - Yesterday after- noon, just as Mr. TWYFORD, the sitting magistrate, was about leaving the bench, Mr. William Dennis, a most eccentric character, residing in Lamb's-lane, Hackney, was brought into the office in custody of several police constables of the N division and placed at the bar, charged with having attempted to shoot Charles Farrant and ...