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Aberdeenshire, Scotland

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Advertisements & Notices

... MA1RMALAD~ OrtANCG95, &e. upyo TILAMl'MIE hasI just got to hand( a largesupyo o VN it o u N G 3-is, ?? minmA.mmt, of Superior qusit, eit~ ?? tooriit~t, pic l~l Itl. Flue ME-S. ~i \ X LEMONS, .t 4d. with goodLUMP SUGARI, for Pre- D iiig, i liii..h~d., aiti lid Also, an ad, ill VXCVllent Moidi- it, I une iaiiriy of Mssrs Mxx me:itl & Pow a:i. t.'s stiperior it T 0 T I-1 E 1P V 1 L I C. J011AT ...

Advertisements & Notices

... a1 BANFE AND LOND3ON S3IIPPING COMPANY. e Hi eito(doors! MIttitim! Iii' thei ?? i t lie BAXNFF and Lt)Z' ON SHIPI'PNG COSMPANY willI, ho til it) their Ofttiho, Ititittf, ottl Fridlav the 27th Fthruittv curt, at otto o'clock afternoon, inl Conluito lty Ivtlt thot dovil of contracat. CHAS. SMITTH, Kmttager. ?? 1lth i'es. 111.35. SOLO1DION LODGE, rFT1ASERnltIAG.Q7 aGEN ERAL AtEETINQ oif TiEM ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LIFE ANNUITIES TO SECURE 11VCRIEASED INCOMES. f HE ROYAL UNION LIFE ANNUITY OFFICE, established i T5 in 11124, by Act or Pailimncnt, anl with powers now enllarged andl confinmedl udiller llth (eo. IV. mnl 4th and 5th Win. IV., hav- e tig puiblished Tables tbr the puirhase of immediate Annui ties in a - pl'opectus of a single sheet, the saine may be hadl on application by letter (post-pail) to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JAMES WALKER, NURSERYMAN, ABEIIDEEN, EGS lveat tf) roiin I Noblolnen ll d G(lintlernen of his extensive B Stock of NUISlSttY P'LANTS, non' Ifo' Sale, and at resson. able rlattis, not 0lle half ot the tflrlmer pricts,-slich ns LAIICII, SCOtS mu11 SpI'MuC Flits, fti'l 01 to tbu It'l V 's ohl Ol; , Asii, Fz, atr II 5: Ecu, A i. tu, Itled BItttwit, iln glsi t abundance, plcticiilail lv abovo l4lu ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0'' N EX'r A ~SEMBL1.Y will1 t lo' tplace ii th 1' PtilIt .( Iltr'' lepti'stel' that Laillw fill'[ I 1'llteiellenl tIll1 coll't 'dcth~it -ttci~ill:,my 4'lllImIitlW'l at Nliii ?? 'ob-C ail aitit 1 ?? ill'tit5 ' Can ti'lil';d'. Irou Ikt' oll'tllii adfili, arrthe Pu -ron tie 0ith, tit hlfll-icist twyo o'clock, to ak IIii''~i4 fir the Fvctiitt. 7 1- t I1i l IitlEt-It hasi oil haitel a (clt* 'l'st ...

ASS I!EM LI ES. r~11

... I NEXT ASSEMBLY will take pilace ill time' P~I'II-c j~ i omts, on TH-URS I)AY time5th Februa~ry. F, ist pvtinl~iarl v requnested thiat Ladlies amid (Semtit iii iW wvillie Q101 '-iin order tilit DanciioF oim ivitol omli'v at NHine m ?? m( Z'Teli i'c iock. -Cted atid Itofhshlmiolts its ?? N trvniers~ in~trodumced hy! Sithscriihrs to Payi 7s. ?? e'dih. Thei sievwisalt i've (qiiesteil to tint',t ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ABERDEEN FRtE: AND LIFE ASSURANOE AN!) ANXUITIS' COMPANY. HE An nui Genvel'. IMctetinlgt Of thle Proprietors wvill Iobehll, ilthle Conipaity's House, No. li9, U nioli Strjeet, nill Friday Cci 20th On i of Fe~rilarv cult. ait I 2 O'clock Ilooll, fillr the ?? ot electing ?? deent Ordi nary IDiriitore, &c. iln ternus of thle Cull. tract. Biv oridcr of' tit' MI rectors, JOHN CLARI~, Ma iatl' nand ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I BONF Ml!ANURE. t 4 MA NSON ?? to retiui his bsst thel iks to his numerous G . Friend:Is, :111(1 Aglrictitii'ists ll g.eivral ill this District, for flbild' kind o-lt'rs last sevs;i ; and ntow ligs to intiolate, that be is t tiltling ill ider's fin tie saine Lstablishiteont, wrhose enlu's has giveln tthe higllest siistictioti. For tlte c ivoili ionilition of tlhose whlio require a sitpply ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . 0 T p:-L.At' JO 1! V /)1-I7 lv 1 A11 l. rt l'it Ba l .tc3IitMi wot' tIillinglti, 1 i~l ' it toz, No. IVEitV -. M1, At iichii& CLitnti-lS A~II'~'SION 01?C:*~iITVUO C\ ?TU It! lo~ s rti tdt)a ~~ I I r, tI I at ?? te A' itrC ifI th ed I tE t atIQ 'o Al':c :tte 'ftill! Pubic.ii ?? t of,; pl2Oiretii, a7ti t-itP i tylt'abreatle 1.1LV i 21 'A V.ha lieu (I SO v ?? i'-itE, till tome Vt.t i t lst , ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A-SEMBSEN FIRE AND LlTZ ASSUWANCE .s lVD eNNUITYCOMP.IXNY 1 qHF AwIltoal Ge el al Meetliti of the Pro(Pritois vill lc b Iehl A i,, th, Co mtiaont s House, No. tIll, Ul iona Street, tin Frilil t!i l llt iL0 i t' Ferloarv iurt. ait 12 o'cloek nootll, lior tile purlpose : vli:;;tng Fonrimt, Olitary DirectOrs, &C. ill tililis of tll Culs- I tlt t. By tri-el of tie lIleDrectls, j lOHN CLARK, .ts tw ...