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Derbyshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... ac; ?? gro iees TOWN OF NOTTINGHADI. hea ent and of NOT'TINGHAM MARCHI FAIR. the re- f a ?? EREAS the first day of NOTTtINGHAM n I of W MARCiI FAIR happeneth this year on the Market ?? aid Day, namely, Saturday, the 7th of next Alonth, which will Bir rk render the holding of the Cheese Fair on that day imprac. nic, ced ticable; dayexe idy The Right Worshipful THE MAYOR Doth therefore tiqn ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I DUMAS, de Paris, s'offre aux Habitans de 'La Derby, Lichfield, et du Voisinage, pour donner des ors de -s langue. I1 prend cette occasion de faire con- ire qu'il peut enseigner lea Classiques, et las Mlathd- tiques, et ce propose en consequence, pour l'instruction Ot jeunes Gens, sur ces matieres. gn adresse esc: chez Mir. Leedham, a Burton on Trent, il 16side depuis hult mois ; mais il se ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RIPLEY. RIPLE:Y. TO BE SOLD BY PRIVATE CONTRACT, 11HREE Substantial Brick built DWELLING b T. HOUSES, with a good Garden to each, situate st Green Hillocks, near Ripley, in the parish of Pentrich, and county of Derby, now in the several occupations of George i Cresswell, John WAll, and Joseph Phillips. Also to be Sold by Private Contract, a Quantity of OAK, ASH, and ELM TIaMBER TREES standing ...

Advertisements & Notices

... to BY EYRF AND SON-- Id Handsome double-bodied DENVNFT and Atarr IIAC1C lOrSDE, CLOTMNG, 10m2mB t 40' le TO BE SOLI) BY AUCTION :ir Er E YRE Soir,N, Id At the Coach House of TnOMAS PARKER BAIVUBRc to Esq. Chapel Street, Derby, or, Monday, the I ES ie February, 1835. at eleven o'clock; Lth of t CAPITrAL 13LACK GIG HIORSE, .hand 31 A.High, steady in farrcs, and a good roadster.-A l handsome ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TEETH. ARTIFICIAL TEETH & PALATES. 5FR L. E. ESKELL, SURGEON-DENTIST, lm] of the Firm of Messrs. ESRELL & SONS, Surgeon- Dentists, of Oxford Street, London, having been repeatedly requested to visit Derby; MIr. L. E. ESKELL is now arrived, and may be consulted at No. 30, ST. MARY'S GATE, In all Operations and Mechanical Contrivances for the Ilouth, for a very short period only, in consequence ...

Advertisements & Notices

... he Under the Protection of Government by Royal IX Letterg Patent, ty RANTED to THOM1AS FORD), for his Medicine E G~L~ umiversally kotown by the title of' Improved Pectoral BiALSA of HOREHOUND, and great Restorative- ont Msrdicitre-hivacittd anid published by the pateritee-whricI, is patroritzed by the Nobility, dire faculty Pgenerally0 tyrecomlmefrrled tihroi girout thie Unrited ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IDERB3Y BENEVOLE NT SOCIETY, FOR 11ELOEVIXG C THE POOR AND AFFLICTED, AND FOR THlE suYrrtOESSION or ?rENDICITY. 7~HE ANNUAL IE ETINTG of this Society, will TAbceheld at the lANCASTRIAN SCHOOL, ROOM, an THURSDAY, February 19th, at SEVEN o'clock in IT ibe Eveninj. WMll EVANS, ESQ. PRESIDENT, ins the Chair. Re The a'ttendance of the Suboceibers and Friends of this valuable Institution is ...

Advertisements & Notices

... KING'S HEA) 110TEL, DE RBY. MRS. HOARE: EGS to return her grateful acknowledgments to ei the Nobility, Gentry, Commercial Gentlemen, and her Friends in general, for the numerous favours conferred upon her and her late husband, during the period of the thirty. five years they have conducted the business of the King's Head Hotel, from which she has just retired, and trusts she may be permitted ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE RIOYAL, DERBY. Blodi Ilan FASHIONABLE NIGHTS. Phaf aEING LAU LAURO, T HE PAGAN INI of all Conjurors, Ventriloquists, On A Siffluers, &c. &c. will go through his astonishing Per. ?? I ptpent VWEDNESDAY4- FRIDA YE-venings, To commence at half-past 7 o'clock- TI %oxes, 2s. 6d.-Pit, Is. 6d.-Gallery, Is.-Children Rool half-price. chair ?? - - chint DUMAS, de Paris, s'off're aux Habitans de ...

Advertisements & Notices

... in Health secured by Dr. MOR.RISON'S hot, hb UNIVERSAL VEGETABLE PILLS, S rng H1-ICH are now taken by thousands, agnd are Der ni. effectitig cures if almoijat all the DISEASEi to wihich wor ,nd tbe Iumthan frame, from a vitiated state of tile vital fluid, Claw is sutiject. let fi ay, ZaGRUTAMW CAUTXoi - of 1J. DREWRY, Mere., fire- Derby, is specially up- . ! pointed WVHOl.EMLE AGENT IOf ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BY MR;. HOBSON. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. HOBSOX, At the Red Lion, in Kniveton, near Ashborne, on Mlonday On the 2d day of March next, punctually at 4 o'clock in i tId, the Afternoon, subject to such conditions as will be then produced, unless previously disposed of by private ' contract, of which timely notice will be given Big 7 WO Pieces of good LAND well watered, with a TL Building ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UK. ?? - -- -rec leg cot NERVOUS DISORDERS. I Dat nEPRAVED Appetite and Indigestion, Lowness affi Ib. vl Spirus, ]LaiigUwr avid Weakness, ConlstiUte the CL, nd misery at a large portion of the afflicted, and peculiarly of the ad the Nervous. 'These symptoms, shetber they havte their the ocr Origiit ii the fsahiumnble and dissipated habits, an excessive Re tar indolgelce of the appetites and ...