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Morning Chronicle



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Morning Chronicle


... Yestcrday a Court was held for the purpose Ot p ing the coenmony of swearmin iii thi two uer: A.l- wv. Thomas Wood, Esq., of Corda ainers' Ward, anti uilis , Lainson, Esq., of Bread-street Ward. 'I hem(i Loi1 arrived in state at the Guildhall at one o'clock. 1 .I!hr was a very full attendance of Aldermen. Sir WILLIANI POLAND introduced Alleril! it, mas Wood, whom he described as a gentlentlat ...


... LA T INTELLIGENCE. COURT OF CHIANCERY, LINCOLN'SINN, FaLDAY. AsNDLRTON V. GIBBS. This was an appeal motion from a decision of the Vice- Chancellor, refusing a new trial of an issue directed to ascertain thle legitimacy of the plaintiff, Mrs. Anderton. Mr. KNIGSTt and Mr. V. RiciCARDS were heard yesterday in support of the motion; and Mr. Serjeant TA.LFOVRD anainst it. Mr. Jscort was this ...


... POLICE INTELLIG-ENCE, ilARY-IA-IiONNE. ClHAtAeth ot ROBBtuiRY AGA;lNST A P011C N. -Yester. (tlia Faciis 7'Thorntton, a police constable Of the I) dihi- sion, No. 115, was br ought lup in Custody antd Ill lud It the bar, charged wiith stealing 4il1., consistiugr of two 1411. notes, two a. bi ditto, and four soc vrelIg.r, the prl-perty of .tobl Wiglt. Wiatill, it chair-maker, residing at 2t5, ...


... *COMPENSA 'ION COURT, GUILDHALL. [Before the RecooDEn.] Mlr. Charles Pearson, as administrator of his brother, William Pearson, claimed to bo entitled to the value of leasehold premises in London-wall, required for the new street from Prince's-street to Moorgate. The lease was for a term of 80 years from 1825, at a rent of 1051. for 21 years, and then at 801. per annum. They were underlet by ...


... LAW NlTXCES.-Thzai DAY. -4- COURT OF CHANCERY, LINCOLN'S-INN. Sittings at ten. Marquess of Londonderry v Beckett, exceptions and further direc. tlons, by order. RZYAINiNo LUNATIC PETITsIoNs.-In re Fowler, exparte Fowler -In re Fowler, exparti Finch-In re Hill, two ?? re Fowvler, exparte Holyoake-In re Pince, two ?? re Weaver. by ?? re Chapman, ?? re Chambers, ?? re Bass, ?? re Goldsmid, ?? re ...


... 0 UILDHALL,-SATURDAY. A MAID OF NO Woag.-William Sprott, a licensed witter, was summoned before the Commissioners by Emma Williams, of the species half Amazon, half Tartar, for six- teen shillings, the amount of one month's wages. Co'NIIISSIONER: In what capacity were you hired?- Emma: As a maid of all work, sir. Spratt: Aye, but you was turned off as a maid of no work; why, gernemen, there ...


... LAW NOTICE S.-THIS DAY. ROLLS' COURT, CHANCERY.LANE. Sittings at ten. Bickerton v Morley; to be ?? v Townlty; cause- Greenhill, B9atoll, motion. SltosR CA:Is.-L aresv Downes; pro confetso-ulwrSdT Mll- wsrrit- llpk->, ;V Fr; r-'ik*eyv lacarth-_ouldsmithV Ifwkets Hart V ?? V ltogers-%testbroOkC ev Westbrooke.- Afler schickl l-al.gtcee Tholripson-Lennard v Flight; ?? * Sykes ?? v Wahineslev- ...


... COURT OF REQUESTS-KiNGSGATE-STREET. | -I CAPT. BURTON AND HIS PLACARD-HOLDERS. Yesterday, Stephen Boreham summoned Capt. J. Iyder Burton, the late candidate for the Tower-hamlets, for 11. 19s., alleged to be due to him since the last election. A numerous squad of the placard fraternity were in wait- ing for the result. The CosssissioNaR inquired what was the nature of the debt? to which ...


... A person named Cooper summoned a man named Driscol, an Emerald 'jime of the first water. CO)MBSSIONER: What is the nature of your demand against the defendant.?-Cooper. Twenty-three shillings, for furniture and provisions. Driscol: Never heed him, your worship, it's all gosther he's talking in regard of the eating; and shure there's not more nor a couple of hogs due on them bits of sticks he ...


... MANSION- HOUSE. Ti-E FEMAM.E SAILtoR.-On Saturday the Lord Mlavor desired that M'Lean, the inspector of police, who had ill- quired into the particulars of the case of Ann Jane Thorn- ton, sould cause her to be removed frornthe Coopers' .Arms, in Lower Thames-street, to a private lodging ; a good deal of inconveideice having resulted from the visits of the public to that house, to see the ...


... LAW INTELLL GENCE. I ther sted COURT OF CHANCERY.-.MONDAY. 'the COCHIRANE V. CURtLEWIS. 12. This was a motion by way of appeal from an order of ives the Vice-Chancellor, restraining the defendant from to suing out execution on a judgment in an action at law, by He which hie obtained avierdict for a sum of 1,3001. against prrc- the plaintiff. It appeared that thle plaintiff, Mr. Peter ,~Cochran ...


... LAWV NOTICES.-THis Div'. COURT OF CHANCERY, LINCOLN'S-INN. Sittings at tell. Anjnurnui, LuNATIC PrTITIoNs.-Ill re Fowicr-in re ITuimph- rnys-i n re 'lrrbvck, tw,, peiiioiis- lit re ;iorri4, litt,,-11i r JwI mIS -is re Osbaldeslon-In0 re Grltiiing-Ina re FowlOr-in re Hill, two ?? re Fisher-In re Fowler-III re PilCe. two petitioss- i K re Kingston. ditto-its re flail-in ra Humnaphreys-In re ...