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Morning Chronicle



London, England


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Morning Chronicle


... LAW INT'ELLIGENCE. COURT OF' KING'S I3ENCH.-SATURDAY. [Sittings before Lord Dr.N.MAN and Common Juries.] THlF KING( (ON THlE PRaOSECu'TION OF JAM1ES DAVIS) V. DAVJD ANI) HEtNRYt DAVIS. Mr. Ttmostlm.n stated that thi s was tin indictment against these defendants for ail assault. One Of thle dce- fssndants, Henry Davis, had allowed judgment to go by default; the other had pleaded not guilty'. it ...


... POLICE INTELLIGENGE.. he MANSION-HOUSE. u-Mr. Niclsolson, the tea-dealer in Fenchurch-strcet, ap- nie peifred at the Justice-room before the LORD MAYOR, for ~P- the purpose of making a complaint against a gentlemain ok whom hieliad engaged to act as second mate on board the dY George the Fourth East-Indhiman, of which hit is owner. ey The defendant was not in attendance, but a Solicitor, 'it ...


... MANSION-HOUSE. A young man, of the name of Pollard, was brought before the Lord Mayor on Saturday on a charge of affi- liation under the old law. Charlotte Shelly, a pretty young woman, stated that in (he month of September,. 1881), she had a male child by Pollard, which was now alive and present, and since that period, though hitvingfrequently promised, he never con- tributed anything to its ...


... LAW INTELLIGEBCE. COURT OF KING'S BENCH,-MONDAY. [Sittings in Westminster before Lord DENMAN and a Common Jury.1 DOYLEY V. TIHE EARL OF LIVERPOOL. Mr. PLATT (with whom was Mr. Bugsy) stated, that this was an action to recover damage for the sale of a mare warranted sound, and which afterwards proved not to be so. The plaintiff was an attorney residing at Mor- ton in Worcestershire. In the ...


... SERIOUS CHARGES AGAINST A SCOTCH I ~~CLERG YMAN.I The Presbytery met in the Town-hall, Arbroath, on Wednesday, the 21st ult., to pronounce judgment in the important case at the instance of the Managers cf the Abbey Chapel of Ease, Arbroath, against tle Rev. J. J. Ml'Farlane, minister of that chapel. The proceedings ex- cited great public interest from the nature of the charges with which the ...


... POLICE INTELLICENCE. MANSIONAHOUSE. On Saturday, an old woman, named Anne Smith, WaS charged under the following odd circumstances.:-Parish, a City policeman, stated that on the night before the de: fendant addressed him, at the Mansion-house, sayinD that her inside was bad, and she begged him, if he had tihe slightest feeling, to give her a small glass of brandy and water. Instead of finding ...


... LA IV INTELLIGENCE. Co CR1'' 01F Kl i\G'S IN I.Tws v' [6it t jas before LOI . Il iNcMAN atiti Cowninon Juries.] tMiN V. SiTAFFV Mr. LCBADW1 i K~ Ji btes a ppearcI forl the plaiiitiff, nd Sir J. CAMTI'Vt.I. and ?? 1k-salY tLWr11h' defenidanft. 'Thic wvis ani act ion ii recover at sani of between '21. and t31. frat the deiit-idatilt due a 0 pan he( b)allance of all ace- coanlt Ilbr stealo lot I ...


... LA WV INTELLIGENCE. CO1UiRT OF CHANCIE:RY, IU oNsoi.'sTsN-Faa. 14. ARRANGE.MENT OF BUSINMSS. Sir W. IIOtaN: at the sitting of the Court this morning took occasion to observe that as his Lordship would in a very short time be called ou to sit in the House of Lords for thc purpose of hestring appeais, it wvoucld be vory conve. ncient to the Bar to receive some intimation of the course which his ...


... MIDDLESEX SESSIONS.-TUFSDAY. [Before Sir WILLIAM CuGTis, Bart., and a full Bench of Magistrates.] Janzes Clements, a mechanic, who was convicted at the last sessions of an assault on his wife, was brought up to receive the judgment of the Court. On the trial it ap- peared that thc dispute between the parties was relative to the sum of 50/., which was in the savings' bank in the wife's name. ...


... I On Thursday evening, another meeting of the inhabi- tant householders of the parish of St. George-in-th-cEast was held at ?? Britannia Tavern, in the Back-road, to rc- ceive an answer to a communication which at a former meeting was appointed to be miade to the parochial autho- rities, respecting tile late melancholy case of the unfortu- nate girl Waller. Mr. Waller, the father of the ...


... LAW NOTICES.-TliJs DpAk COtlRT OF ('HANCERY, LINCOLN'S INN. Sittings at ten. First 9enl.-Motions. N'IC Ci-HNCELLORWS COtRT. I.NCOLN'S INN. Sittligs at tell. First Seal.-Mfotlthon. IIOWlS' COl-RT, CHANCEIER-LANE. Ti~vSIttings at ten. F.tdOOtll H Ilwayer, for ?? v Fernhead, ditto- ?? a Nt alhnsley, ?? s teet, ?? v Levi, ditto, and tttfiivtt5t (.Olt'll 01 EIXCS ?? Mlll)ttf.~ExSE SlEI IacL JntES. ...


... LAW INTELLIGEIVCE. COURT OF KING'S BENCH.-WEDNESDAY. [Sittings before Lord DEN)siAN and Common Juries.] HOPKINES v. DUNLAP. Mr, KNOWIF.s stated that this was an action brought to recover the amount of a bill of exchange, of which the defendant was the acceptor. The plaintiff was a carpet manufacturer at Kidderminster, and the defendant a fa- shionabledress-makerin Regent-street. The ...