... LAW NGTICES.-THns DAY. COURIT OF CHANCERV, 1,1A~COLN'S INN. Sittinigs at ten. Taadynvr e fle,aolIf, a(,tic by ?? v tLinsbaro, too,. vpotke ?? 'e Newto, lu1at1C Petiioni Iy order-Bterg. Strom,)I lbs.3 furither dircOtions, tint )oiierltuTrlStfl Wiilit'liit, appeal. par t It ?? v% Glahans, ?? v hat-all, api~tc.l- 1110 Siame v ithe Santa, Ciseatiar le~tesoil ikC meridltie, apeiil- Ia ?? y ...


... POLICE INTELLIGENGE.. he MANSION-HOUSE. u-Mr. Niclsolson, the tea-dealer in Fenchurch-strcet, ap- nie peifred at the Justice-room before the LORD MAYOR, for ~P- the purpose of making a complaint against a gentlemain ok whom hieliad engaged to act as second mate on board the dY George the Fourth East-Indhiman, of which hit is owner. ey The defendant was not in attendance, but a Solicitor, 'it ...


... )g COURT OF CHANCERY.-MONDAY. by Several matters appointed to be spoken to were put off ad this morning. ra- IARRISON V. WILTSHIIRE. do This case was partly argued during last term, and the 'e further arguments were rcsumed to-dav. It will be re- io- mernbered that it was an appeal from a decision of the Muster of the Rolls allowing a demurrer to the plaintiff's of bill, which prayed foran ...


... UNION-M ALL_ -MISS MARIA MILLS.-Monday; James Balfour, a sallow-looking man, upwards of fifty years of age, was brought before Mr. Wedgwood, under the followv- ing circumstances :-The. proprietor of Hanover-house, Peckham, stated, that for a considerable time past his fa- mily had been very much annoyed in consequence of the conduct of the defendant; who was constantly lurking about his ...


... MYWSTEIOUS AFFAJR-.NUI(IDEiJ B OY. Yesteridar eeecieg. an inqllest, whih lhad been ad- journie tl-rom \Vedriesday list, Was ?? at tile vestre - hall of St. Johns, Southwark. before Mr. Pa) ne and a respectable jury, to inquire toiching the death of George Aastin, a line lad. aged fiftee.l who commited( suicide bY throwing himselif off Lendon-liridlge, arisine fromt cireum- Stances of aun ...


... LAW NOTICES&-Dts DAY. COURT OF CHANCERY, LINCOLN'S INN. Sittings at ten. Hiarrlson v Wiltshire, appeal part ?? v Graham, ditto- Kelsall v Kelsall, ?? v Ditto, cause. VICE CHANCELLOR'S COURT, LINCOLN'S INN. Sittings at ten. Graves v Dolphill petition, to be spoken ?? v Brooks, to be spoken ?? Dlhworth, furthef directions by ?? v Charisewortb, petition by ?? v Lowden, ditto-Anger. stein v ...


... COURT OF EXCHEQUER-Fab. 13. __ _ . . e .1 n ?? 7 sonl 1' LUUUL& W' .iI . Af-. 'Mosecai a~td ill jre T Ne 1ewsPuiudlC oil Wednesdauy, an action for libtel,11 lirituh t IsO F. d Mttsvsyti, 'an Italiun' teacher of -riiage,~iiteptett Time ?? per,.was tried in ths ort. it ?? of 1he triail empleape seven coieua fte2ilO hilat somifutiry If it will satifsfy ittlit realr. I pet~ tha Mijmut amea to ...


... ' 'COURT OF KING'S BENCH-Feb. 20. ARTER A lD OT HERS V. GREGlOR .| This was an acti (n to retover the su 0e of.L. ] 19 16s. being the value of' a quantity of nbarley.slrippe l on board the Comierce, of wsich -tire- defendant wasi the owner. It appeared that tire, Commerce, Captain Yeo, was ell)- played in trading ietw een Barnstlple arid Britol ; and that, iii January last year, tlt e ...


... POLICE INTELLIG-ENCE, ilARY-IA-IiONNE. ClHAtAeth ot ROBBtuiRY AGA;lNST A P011C N. -Yester. (tlia Faciis 7'Thorntton, a police constable Of the I) dihi- sion, No. 115, was br ought lup in Custody antd Ill lud It the bar, charged wiith stealing 4il1., consistiugr of two 1411. notes, two a. bi ditto, and four soc vrelIg.r, the prl-perty of .tobl Wiglt. Wiatill, it chair-maker, residing at 2t5, ...


... On Mlonday the Court met, when Thomas oD cou wasei hiaced at the bar, ?? of fasIehnod(, frairsi, and -wilful inpositior. No liss than nine different eharges of tlis nature, running through a period of twienty mnontlr`,4wef0 included in the indictment; the substance of whlichwere, that the prisoner haDI talled on various respectable indi. vidouls in this city, and sometiores asseumed oae nanse ...


... I COURT OF CHNEY-WDEDY CAftIEWIS V. COCHR~iANE. This was an appeal motion from an order of the Vice- Chancellor, directing the payment into Court of a noun of 1,500!., which the plaintiff alleged to be due by the defendant on a bill of' exchange, and for which he had obtained a verdict at law. The motion was opened at length a few days ago, and thle ?? fully stated. It may be sufficient, ...


... CQORK.CITY SESSIONS COURT-FRIDAY. ' IBEFORE THE DEPUTY RECORDEIt. James M'Aul'e, a cobbler, from the Coal-Quay, or, as he the more elegantly designated himself, i a cordwainder, was indicted for having intlicted divers blows arid bruises on the peirson of Mary Terian, on the 9th of the-present month. On the prisoner being directed to appear at the front of the dock. he cried out, with ...