... LAW NOTfCES.-T uis DAY. COURT OF KING'S BENCH. Sittings'at half.past nina. MIDDMzsEX SPRCIAI. JURIKS.-The King v N ?? on the acveral demises of Cooke and another v Stones and ?? Daiby-The King v Altaugham and ?? v Blake. CoSImoN JURI£S.-Rees v Sibley-Doe on the demise of Ltingdon v IAMBs. COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. Sittings at half-past nine. M;IDDnLEsN SprUtAL JU!EOs.--Webb v ?? v Leigh-Utilly v ...


... OANtDr.FIrAS. TERM 18.35. Pieceedinos lefore Justices in Excise. Revenue 7Cases. The Lord Advocate moved in the follocing cases, that 'the judgment of the Justices in certain proceedings brought before then, by order of the Commission-e of Excise, and removed into this Court by writ of certio- ,ari, he set aside as contrary to law, the parties thereto not having nppedred to show cause to the ...


... CENTRAL CRAIMINAL COURT.-ESB. 7. CASE OF JOSEPH ADY. Joseph Ady was indicted for having, on the 10th of July, obtained one sovereign from Francis Tebbutt by means of false pretences. Mr. CL.AaRsos, Mr. BOBKU, and Mr. RAWLSGS con- ducted the prosecution. The former, in stating the case to the jury, begged of them to cast from their minds any prejudice which might have existed from their having ...


... . BATH, FEB. 6.-Considerabld excitement has prevailed in Bath and its neighbourhood in consequence of the con- duct of a paid overseer of Freshford, and some proceed. figs had upon the subject at the instance of Col. Napier, Admiral Trollope, and other gentlemen. Colonel Napicr appealed to the magistrates of the district to interpose to stop a system of cruelty pursued by the overseers. The ...

Police Intelligence

... - a- COUwR cii RIQU ESTs.-A Vaid of i10 IlVork ?? 111illhon Sprontt, a licenscdivitel/er, oils sainin tond till iut irre ?? N tirnmissioiters be Emoina, W.ill iams or5~i the qpecies half' Ainiazon, halfr nartar, for sixteeni sh ii jugs, tile ariminiu t of olles mon ti's wages. 1511 to Cominin ssinter : I l ii wht capacity Were0 VO CLI ifi~ed ?? As it iiaiid of'all wolric, sir, anl Spiral t: ...


... GUILDHALL. Yesterday, William Taylor, a journeyman smith, was brought before Sir Chapman Marshall, charged with bur- glariously entering the house of Mr. Bradbee, who keeps a trimming warehouse in Newgate-street. Mr. Bradbee stated that he was alarmed about five o'clock on Sunday morning by Miss Sweetlove, a young lady who sleeps in the front room on the second floor, and who aroused him with ...


... LAW NOTICES.-THiS DAr., COURT OF KING'S BENCH. Sittings at half past nine. MnIDDLESX COnMON JUIttES.-IlTe King v ?? v Jadis-The,;ing v Belt and Ottiers-Saine v Sinine nsu Another: ( h :..laJIta S.-htex v Bioast-Rtces v Sibley-Doe deirn. Ialig. don s Lewis-ltex v Buttress. COURT OF COMDION PLEAS. Sittings at half-past nine. MiLotmEswx SPECIAL. Juriss.-Wlphb v W4ecdAn ; part hearil- Gnarwond v ...


... LAW INTEL LICENCE. COURT OF KiNG'S BENCH.-MoND.Y.' [Sittings at Westminster before Mi. Justicc CoL.m:tinot, and Special .urics.] 'TIlE KING V. WIGIEY. The ATToRNEY-GeNrtiAL aml Mr. llunrity appeared for the prosecution, and Mr. PLATT for the defenrcc. This was an indictment against the defendant for perjury, alleged to have been commtitted by him in a deposition respecting some bill ...


... TBE-SPRING UIRCUITS. NORiTHIERN Ii 1 CIlCI Bet1 1a D CfBefore Air. Baron Parke & Air. Ilaron Aldlersnol.] D )urhanr.-Saturday, ech. 28, at Durham. t e e Asiutnibber/nd.-Weioesdlay, Maarch 4, at Now. si c e e castle ?? Town (if Nvweastlei the saine daY. in r C ?? arech 9II, at Carl ulies th lt'cstoisrelrid.-''hnlrsad v, 1 Marclh 12, at A lppleby. I L ?? lia rch 14, at Ie icash ire, hi Yorhrehse ...


... SERIOUS CHARGES AGAINST A SCOTCH I ~~CLERG YMAN.I The Presbytery met in the Town-hall, Arbroath, on Wednesday, the 21st ult., to pronounce judgment in the important case at the instance of the Managers cf the Abbey Chapel of Ease, Arbroath, against tle Rev. J. J. Ml'Farlane, minister of that chapel. The proceedings ex- cited great public interest from the nature of the charges with which the ...


... MANSION- HOUSE. THE IEMALE SAILOR.-The Loan MAYOR having read the statement which appeared in T'Ie Qbsoivev newspa- per, relative to a fetnalc vnll has, for some time, per. formed the arduous duties of a seaman, and whose sex was accidentally discovered, directed M'Lean, the inspector of the city police, to nfikc inquiry into the circumstances, in order that, if the girl required assistance, ...


... LA U' iNTELLIGENCE. COURZT OF KING'S BENCIH.-TCESDAY. [Sittiligs at Westmiinster befbre Lord DassstAs and Special Juries.] tHE iNSG V. iIAWKINS, EnS. Mi'. CARnKsoN, i) the absence of Sir JonI,; CAMPBELL, conductcd the prosecutiohi ; ajid the SolcironTGRENEAAL aud Mr. ?? 3PitlilY ti he iifence. Thiswits aal lietgde it fii perjury, lii'gcd to havebeen comnmitted in ml proceedi:ig in equity, ...