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Advertisements & Notices

... OFPAINTING, 'RECTURE. CI I TOUI ~ XI1BTION ~ N1~ ~ \~NU RcI v! Lw IVINIG o ?? Galleries Of thle c O: z't ?? - Season Tickets, .t!R.v3' '02. 21212 2,22il2t0 C 2 '.24Yl; piei22 CC I' Otrlof t iunc O. UILL, SCGy. ?? ~ !O '0TSFCOl1D, Sc. .iII jifl) from ~ C,.tso-ttlEre,s .r ?? , 11tb r ?? 022%hj;212 ~ Gentry, f 222 \r ; 't ID , EX M BITED, it STE tLzET (imnenili.telv 22TI 22'022'. 20022P1 MODEL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 4c~EMYOFPAINTING, 5.i '3Y H°ItThECTURE. DI ~I1 ANUAL XHIBITION E INT4 fA r ?? LIVING ISS ona TbHU'sDAY the l2th inat. at * oWPLACre, ts ; A.O' ?? Shllling-Seaoson Tckets, A~lljIt3 3niv S1i10hngs- I Crdt alogl'ele Sixpigenc D lotcswinc-l obt D.0. HILL, Sec-Y. fee ,jCerg1h 7th Febrilfly P. IENTS.pre ,ie, that all POLICE pr 0 r I 1( ' rssit re79gl~quire to ble paid on or ole- L t the Crll'u No. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I BONF Ml!ANURE. t 4 MA NSON ?? to retiui his bsst thel iks to his numerous G . Friend:Is, :111(1 Aglrictitii'ists ll g.eivral ill this District, for flbild' kind o-lt'rs last sevs;i ; and ntow ligs to intiolate, that be is t tiltling ill ider's fin tie saine Lstablishiteont, wrhose enlu's has giveln tthe higllest siistictioti. For tlte c ivoili ionilition of tlhose whlio require a sitpply ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A-SEMBSEN FIRE AND LlTZ ASSUWANCE .s lVD eNNUITYCOMP.IXNY 1 qHF AwIltoal Ge el al Meetliti of the Pro(Pritois vill lc b Iehl A i,, th, Co mtiaont s House, No. tIll, Ul iona Street, tin Frilil t!i l llt iL0 i t' Ferloarv iurt. ait 12 o'cloek nootll, lior tile purlpose : vli:;;tng Fonrimt, Olitary DirectOrs, &C. ill tililis of tll Culs- I tlt t. By tri-el of tie lIleDrectls, j lOHN CLARK, .ts tw ...

Advertisements & Notices

... P N ri and plans, to be hbt] at the Music t JAMES DEWAR, Secy. f NRRt.D CONCERT, ,i l uilD UtNDTe R T lE C By0fF TIl. lE M BERS AND r p~k1T(~ SOF THE rST CECILIA'S a ASSaOc SOCIETY. i 0 IT RlTRIA respectfully announces, co ^ N 'C T ,ill take 111o in t h r rurht1 RLO)ROOM1, on F R.I D A Y: a T 1 r ' , trlro h i, * rtrvrsion the 'a ;, 'eelzs~it ~lt'lrtlrtt lt ?? c h p ; f s t iitreve t i ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HIDWIFERY-AND THE DISIASES OF WO. MEN AND CHILDREN. rnl ic, fR THATCHEII, FgLLOW OF TME RO'AS .le COLLEGE or PlIYSICIASNs, will, on MONDAY OY tble 231'ist. ?? cd l!PRACTICAL COURSE of Le- LECTURES adapted to Gendmtlien stldyiinsg Medicine. im as also to Praetitiouirsiofmn ssroad, or others who wish' he to obtain a Scientific Knowledge of this department of !n the profession, to enable thier to ...