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Morning Chronicle



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Morning Chronicle


... POLICE INTELLIGENGE.. he MANSION-HOUSE. u-Mr. Niclsolson, the tea-dealer in Fenchurch-strcet, ap- nie peifred at the Justice-room before the LORD MAYOR, for ~P- the purpose of making a complaint against a gentlemain ok whom hieliad engaged to act as second mate on board the dY George the Fourth East-Indhiman, of which hit is owner. ey The defendant was not in attendance, but a Solicitor, 'it ...


... MANSION-HOUSE. A young man, of the name of Pollard, was brought before the Lord Mayor on Saturday on a charge of affi- liation under the old law. Charlotte Shelly, a pretty young woman, stated that in (he month of September,. 1881), she had a male child by Pollard, which was now alive and present, and since that period, though hitvingfrequently promised, he never con- tributed anything to its ...


... LA TV INTELLIGENCE. -- VICE-CHANCELLOR'S COURT.-F-OImIAY. ATritOxRN .nEx.AS. 5. PEOARSON. b r. KINSOIGT wos hcord at grcat length f)r the (Inteslndnt this day. Mr. BOOTH fotlooied (oo the same side also ot great length ; and as another Counsel still desired to be heard it some leogth for the do. fendant, the eose wtos adjourned at half-past four o'clock. MWe shkll give a report of both days' ...


... )g COURT OF CHANCERY.-MONDAY. by Several matters appointed to be spoken to were put off ad this morning. ra- IARRISON V. WILTSHIIRE. do This case was partly argued during last term, and the 'e further arguments were rcsumed to-dav. It will be re- io- mernbered that it was an appeal from a decision of the Muster of the Rolls allowing a demurrer to the plaintiff's of bill, which prayed foran ...


... MYWSTEIOUS AFFAJR-.NUI(IDEiJ B OY. Yesteridar eeecieg. an inqllest, whih lhad been ad- journie tl-rom \Vedriesday list, Was ?? at tile vestre - hall of St. Johns, Southwark. before Mr. Pa) ne and a respectable jury, to inquire toiching the death of George Aastin, a line lad. aged fiftee.l who commited( suicide bY throwing himselif off Lendon-liridlge, arisine fromt cireum- Stances of aun ...


... LA Ijr IN TF, LLiGECNCF. COURT OF CiHANC'ERY.-SATCRt'DAY. EXPtARTiL I IIAMITFIS, A diiac issiont oif sosne leonth Itook placte thlil isorning be. irveenl Mr1. 'I'irnple, the cou1II51' for Mrt. Chatabetis, and' Sir W. flone. assibted by Mr. Jacob, thle counsel for Cthe creditors, Oil the StlbjeCt of flie petition lately pr-esented by' C.hamboers io sitperoetloC thle C01inn1isgiot iof banhruptcy ...


... BREN7TFORD PETTY SESSIONS. [Present: Colonel CixrlllroE, Cl airman, Lord MONT-'I FORD, Rev. Dr. WMAl.MlS:l:Y, 1]. POWNAI, aid T. B.xi- LEY, Esqrs.] Yestcrday Alr. Thomas Folnval, a pawnbroker at Old Bretrtord, appeared beforc the Bench to answer the coni. plaint of a femntlc, narmezi Ann Totuling. The complainant stated that ott the 15th of February last year, she pledged ai flig tit Mr. ...


... POLICE INTELLIG-ENCE, ilARY-IA-IiONNE. ClHAtAeth ot ROBBtuiRY AGA;lNST A P011C N. -Yester. (tlia Faciis 7'Thorntton, a police constable Of the I) dihi- sion, No. 115, was br ought lup in Custody antd Ill lud It the bar, charged wiith stealing 4il1., consistiugr of two 1411. notes, two a. bi ditto, and four soc vrelIg.r, the prl-perty of .tobl Wiglt. Wiatill, it chair-maker, residing at 2t5, ...


... Es - MARLBOROUGH- STREET. CHiARGE AGrAINST A POI.ICE INintEcTont._Yesterday the hearing of the charge against Inspector Abrahams, of the C division, was resurmcd before Mr. Dyer and Mr. Conant. On the former ocitasion an attempt was made to obtain o1 private hearing, bot the Inspector resolutely opposed1 such a pro. cdiiand the marrtter conisequently cainle putbicly before the Ten il.eV, ...


... I COURT OF CHNEY-WDEDY CAftIEWIS V. COCHR~iANE. This was an appeal motion from an order of the Vice- Chancellor, directing the payment into Court of a noun of 1,500!., which the plaintiff alleged to be due by the defendant on a bill of' exchange, and for which he had obtained a verdict at law. The motion was opened at length a few days ago, and thle ?? fully stated. It may be sufficient, ...


... EXTEENSIE ROBBERY OFJEWIELIS Another of those nmysterficiis robberies of .Jewclk and other vaioahte.ii-. bh~lo hate of lato been so remarkably prevalnent, oecuimrrecl on Tlmisdav evelinp'I. ?? Ihlii dowamgir La.dv Biriwnlow'. No. .3t1, ?? Betrkeley- square. 'ti'me robber wa~'s eflected i~i m: such seciresiy and, Ileol pillm.' il if itI IIIti almilci i, hle arp a. bi!tlieo rtiemlros Ili i.1 irl ...


... LAW NOTICES.-THIS DAY. .-k. COURT OF CHANCERY, LINCOLN'S. INN. Sittings at ten. Tasnlyn v Reynolds, motion by ?? Allen, petition byr order. ?? continued. VICE CHANCELLOR'S COUJRT, LINCOLN'S INN. Sittings at ten. Warren v Burton, motion by ?? v Fieldes, ditto- Attoney-enerl v earson, PaUit ?? v Stew, *rt, port ?? v Sherrntt petition by ?? v Trovgood, petition by ?? d v Durait, cause by order- ...