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... CENTRAL CRIMINAK4L COUWT'.-FR i.4v. tilt llr, Just ice Vauighani, Sir John Nichi'ol, intd t ite Re- corder, took their seats onl the bench, shottly after nine sia, o'clock. Stt PIRACY AND MURDER. CL Jamloslt and Bottle-ti f-Beer, thle two black-s who stand Iin- if, dicted for piracy uinulinurdler, wvere placed nt thle bar and till arraifrned, for hiaving, on the l .thl ci A ugust, made ant as- ...


... TOWN COURT.-BEFORE ?? JUSTICE PARIEr. His Lordship entered the court at ?? nine, and after he usilil ?? against vice and immorality bad been read, the following gentlemen wvere sworn of the Grand Jury: Win. A. Sriteei. Esq., Foteman i Dlesrs Malin Sormble, This. Pollard, C. i1. blowbray, Wlm. runere, Win. U'Wailes, Joteph Crawboal, Cuarles Italne, James Archbold, Harrison Buhnati, Jolii ...


... DURHAM SPRING ASSIZE S, Monday, March 2. CROWVN SIDE.-B.3ro0PE SIR JA5455s pAssel. The learned Judge took his seat on the bench at 10 o'clock, ,hern the following gentlemen were sworn of the Grand Jury: J NV. Williamson, 'of Wlsiekhatio, Esq., foreman; A. Wjl- o50on, if Coxhoe Hail; W. T1. Salvin, of Croxcdale; E. Ship. Verdson, of D grhasn R. Casrr, of Dunaitan Hell; T. Hopper, ,fDurhint NV. ...


... - - I A lRATHlCORAMAC.-MiLl'TARY LANV. : II military oilicers there still exist, in high places, c lingcring wishes to maintain the ?? heresy that ;aln English soldier is bound to give implicit obedience to whatever his superior may commnmamiltd. So said a good D ouldier and able writer in 1832, whleim thoi ihappy scenes at BIl istul excited a large share of publie attention. 'Ihe expression ...


... IINSOL TEANT DEBTORS' COURT.-Tu-ESDA Y. IMPORTANT CASE. IN T1lE MArTEr OF IlENtY WILSON. In this mattcr, which came befare the Court in the nature of a ro-hearing. was involved a question of con- sidenble iniportance. Tle insohvent, a bidlif' harl becn dis- chargod under ?? Act in the year 1830, at wlich period Ile owed about 4(01., snd in iis schedule, to the truth of w hichl he had sworn, he ...


... LAW NOTICES.-THis DAY. e COURT OF CIIANCERY, LINCOLN'S INN. Sittings at Ten. Hopkinson v PolIs ; to be spoke ?? re Weaver, lunatic peti. tion ; by order. MloTIONs BY DArT-18th Dec. 1833, Soaresv Gould; two mo. tiorins 7th Aug., 1t34, Leemilng v Sherratt,; '3th Oct., 1834, Fielder i Smith ; 10t1 Nov., i134, Attorney General vSkinners' Company loth Nov., 143.1, Itichards v Wood; 1th Dec., 184 ...


... MANSION-HO0USE. -t Saturday-, a Frenchman, rnamed Colliard, whose ,zcet had been picked of a handkerchief a few days ago, fiarged a fellow named Brown with attempting to steal his handkerchief. The prosecutor, a laughiing-, jolly-looking man, said, My Lor, I vas going down Lomnbar-strect, F riday ireefi, and I felt tug, tug, andven I turned about to see vat it yes, I saw avira littlegargon ron ...