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... LAW NOTICOS.-THi8 DAr. COURT OF CHANCERY, LI\COl.N'S INN. Sittingm at Ten, Tamlyn v lleynolds, ?? Griffiths, lunatic pctitlon- Eiparte Allen-Ercclestone v Shelineradale, appeal. VICE-CRANCELLOR'S COURT, LINCOLN'S INN. Sittings at Ten. Warren v Burton, part ?? v Fildes, ditto. ROLL'S COURT, CHANCERY-lANK.. Sitting3 at Ten. PXTITI ?? v Barber-Tenisont v Rarnsbottom-Vere v onuth -Hawes v Bossey ...


... MANSION-HO0USE. -t Saturday-, a Frenchman, rnamed Colliard, whose ,zcet had been picked of a handkerchief a few days ago, fiarged a fellow named Brown with attempting to steal his handkerchief. The prosecutor, a laughiing-, jolly-looking man, said, My Lor, I vas going down Lomnbar-strect, F riday ireefi, and I felt tug, tug, andven I turned about to see vat it yes, I saw avira littlegargon ron ...


... LAW INTELLi GENC£. COURT OF CIIANCERY.-SATrURsoy. Notice was placed on thle door of Lincoln's Inn Hall that the Lord Chaoccilor would mot sit to-day. VICE-CHANCELLOR'S COURT.-SATUIRnAY. IVARRSIEN v. BURTON.-TAY1.O1t 0. rTS.DEF5. This day was specially appointed for tise hesaring of two motions in these causes of very great interest to Me- thodists. The Court was crowded with respectable per- ...


... POLICE, INTELLIGENCE. MANSION-11OUSE. Lord Stairlfye )role to the Lord M1ayor a few days agtio, requesting that his Lordship would do him thle fiavnur of reading a letter which he had received from a femiale fricind in Lancashire, on the subject. of a pauper, whose representations of distress were likely to excite a grf at &dcI of rcu'iseration. The Lord Mayor's Noble correspond- ent also ...


... C¶ENTRA L CRIMINAL COURT. OLD COURT. These sessioni commenced yesterday. At ten o'clock the court was opened with the usual forms by the Lord Mayor, the Recorder, Mr. Serjeant Arabin, iile Common Serjeant, the SheriIls, and tile other oiiiccrs of the court. The Grand Jury having bcen sworn, the Recorder pro- ceeded with hlis usual address. The ealendar shows a total of 170 prisoners for trial, ...


... .LAW N)TIXCOS.-THzs DAY. COURT OF CHANCERY, LINCOLN'S INN. Sittings at Ten. Tucker v Wilkins, for ?? v Powly, to be spoke ?? Jonen-Rengstron v Bass, per ?? v SIhelinersdale, pert heard. M~otions. VICE.CHANCELLOR'S COURT, LINCOLN'U INN. Sittins at Ten. Warren v Burton, part ?? vFields, ditto. Blotions. ROLL'S COURT, CHANCIRY.LANE. Sittings at Ten. Remaining petitions and sbort Causes-After ...


... REMARKABLE CASE Ok' ABDUCTION. [ ';I0Sl THE L5IMERICK TIMES.1 At the Nemngh pofttY sessions, on Tllursda last, in- formations were sworn by Catherine M'Namaor against John Creighton, Martin Creig-hton, and others, for abduc- tion and assault; a warrant was consequently issued by the bench of magistrates. Margaret Ml'Namara, a pretty country girl, is the only unmarried daughter of a comfortable ...


... LAW INTALLIGENCE. COURT OF CHANCERY.-MoNDAY. SCAR1550RUC1 ?? It appeared In this case, which was an appeal from a decree of the late Muster of the Rolls, that the testator, a Mr. Ecr'lestone, was, at the time of making his will, thc owner of three estates, which he inherited from three dis- tinct branches ofihis family. The principal of tbese three was called the Scirisbriek ...


... L AWTF IN TEL LIGENCEh'. COURT OF CHANCERY.-TLLSDAY. ECCLhs'rONE V. StililMERSDALF. This is anl appeal front at tecision of the late Master of thle RZols onl thle effect of a shifting clause in a will. Tile appeal being agdinst thle whole decrec, the SOLICITOR- GENER~AL and Mr. JACs wer heurd yesterday Iin support of that decree. Mlr. WALKER followed thits inorning an the conic stile. Mr. rx ...


... CENTRAL CRIMINAtL COURT-Tv;sDAY. OLD COUR~T. [Before the REOtRcasn.] -,PCCAA I TuBH KING AT TIlE PRtO55iCUlTIO OF SAMUiiE i0 C, GiS JittIN IICOSO, VVILLIAM tBROOK5, WItLLIAMI W5ARREiN, ANtS MAT- TiSO i5' JO511 Ofli1tt IiM, Post CONSPIRACY. IMr. Plilxsisrs tttd -Mr. B3ODKIN appeared for fihe pro- secutnt lo Mr. Ci.xARtSON for the clofendasit Matson ; anti Mr-. DOANr. for Warren. The prisoner ...


... MANSION-HOUSE. Yesterdav mutch curiositv was excited by tile appre- hension of a mati, niamed TiOnias 13B Icher, a pawnbroker, Who has, tip to the psresent tinie, maintained a very re- spectab1e chlarater in Lonon. the inories. stated I lr. lsaace Moses, a slnpseller, of thcilnrc.sac that the prisoner had been at crstomer of his for the last three or foor years, and was always considered to be ...


... bAias; o T- 8 vn un- -1 o 0Wo |- - 41- t~idons of Insolvent Debtors heard at the County Hall in d Derby, on Friday the 27th iebruary, before Wi LIAM A1 JOHN LAw, Esq. P William Orton, James Allen, and John Bamford the elder, were unopposed, and ordered to be discharged. S James Canline and Joseph Mlanlove, had received notices tc of opposition, which were abandoned, and they were dis- charged. ...