... IINSOL TEANT DEBTORS' COURT.-Tu-ESDA Y. IMPORTANT CASE. IN T1lE MArTEr OF IlENtY WILSON. In this mattcr, which came befare the Court in the nature of a ro-hearing. was involved a question of con- sidenble iniportance. Tle insohvent, a bidlif' harl becn dis- chargod under ?? Act in the year 1830, at wlich period Ile owed about 4(01., snd in iis schedule, to the truth of w hichl he had sworn, he ...


... IM ANS IOUN.HOU IE. The ?? of ,Bishops~alo i' arisi (Complained against a milaiary pelntioner etid his is fe, who are, together with tfieir two children, dcl)Penslnt, upon paroichial bounty. The descriptios given of thle hu,,band andi wife caused no small dle'grep (if tllrinitv. 'Vhe penlaotivr bad for -some time been vinder obligatlolts to the 1 arish, 'and althoughi brought up to the trade ...


... C CENTRAL CRIMIhAL COURT.-MAnItci 4. OLD COURT. [Before the LOaD Cmisr BARON, Mr. Justice VAUGHAN, and M-r. Baron BoiICAND.] 2liaurice 'Donahue, aged nineteen, was indicted for a- saulting and robbing George D~ay of a watch and handker- chief on the highway. Mr. DOANE appeared for the defence. The prosecutor it appeared was passing through St. Gues's at two in the. morning of the Stlit of ...


... I-IAIH COURT OF JUfST[CiARY. Onl 31oday the follo wing criuririrl cases wel e br ought I We before tire Courtr- !to. d, Jaernw Taogler,. otudideat o divinity, ?? Guilty to p I cc; the Charge of stealirng .6itt lo hisra notes, from a toclifast On Al draiwer', in the houise-of Ir wfs, Windmill Street,in ls C which Iioa.was a lodger. The prisoner is a young man of and C respectable parents addi ...


... I G U LD)ElA LL. Yesterday a decant-looking~ worntn, namled Bradford, who resides at No. 2, Beech-lane, Cripplegate, applied to Mr. Aldermati Pirie for informial ito w~hether lii.r landlord,. who ditratrined liar fitriit nrc ott Tuesday, coukid lawfully sell her property onl ?? fl-llowing Friday' (I his day). T[le A itjitr.ifitAx, rifier consunii g with IIris ciorle, sald he'could not rdo so. ...


... CENTRAL CRIMINAL COURT.-THUnSDA Y. OLD COURT. [Before Mir. Justice VAUOHAN,] Samuel Hyes, a ged 29, was indicted for stealing a pursc containing eleven sovereigns, from the person of T. Smith. Air. DUNeAa conducted the prosecution and Mr. PNil.- mrs thc defence. The prosucutor, residing near Hounslow, deposed that oni the 20th of Ja!uary he was in St. John-street, Smith- field, nhere hie met ? ...


... TDE MIURDERED FELLOW. A C1IAFTER OF COl.LEGE RO)ANCE. Tix 7,,11in University J 7eIgtIzi,. e fur this month, in ad dition to its usiral proportion of interesting and attractiv articles, contains a romantic tale of uncommon power unde the title which we have quoted. Nothing equal to it ha appeared in any of the monthly or other periodicals for considerable time, and as we mean to present our ...


... ASSIZE INTELLIGEATCE. I HOME CIRCUIT.-HErTFoRD, M.trci 5. The Commission opened here yesterday, and business commenced this morning. Lord DENINMAN sat on the civil side, and Mr. .justice GASISLEE in the Crown Court. There are the names of AD9 prisoners in the calendar, the majority of whom are charged with stealing. There are two eases of arson and two of manslaughter, and one of an attack ...


... LAW NOTICES.-THis DAY. e COURT OF CIIANCERY, LINCOLN'S INN. Sittings at Ten. Hopkinson v PolIs ; to be spoke ?? re Weaver, lunatic peti. tion ; by order. MloTIONs BY DArT-18th Dec. 1833, Soaresv Gould; two mo. tiorins 7th Aug., 1t34, Leemilng v Sherratt,; '3th Oct., 1834, Fielder i Smith ; 10t1 Nov., i134, Attorney General vSkinners' Company loth Nov., 143.1, Itichards v Wood; 1th Dec., 184 ...


... id VICE-CHANCELLOR'S COURT-SATURDAY. e, WARREN ?l. BI3I1 'ON.-TAVLOR v. FIELDS.-This dlay was IP specially a~ppointed f.r thle isearing of two motions In these causes of nosy O. great interest to Madiorlisis. The Court was crowded with respectable per- sorts durlrtg thle inhale dlay, Sit C. WVeTocenELL. appeared for the painitllirs, and stated that those 5tn two causes wvera taront isnrttical, ...


... ASSIZE INTELfLfGENrCE. H1OGME CIRCUIT.-lRlTroRD, 31AIO 11 i. UIVIL S I )E. [13efore Lord DVNitAN and a Spcial Jlmiy.l it IAPlIN . F1StK. This was aln action of assault. Mi. TIIEsIiItI and Mr. NNAYi coinducte(l the plantines case ; Mr. Serjetllt SIANillm. and Mr. }E'PlNASS: the defendants. 'ilie plaintiff is a tanner at BishopS Stortroord, and ?? delfoudant an attornley, who acted as agent for ...


... LA TV INTELLIGENCE. COURT OF 8oAtES V. GOVEIS.Il This was a motion to dissolve an irjfwe~lwih n n estrainred the defendants from parting uwith or nelgotianting H~e certain bills of exehange claimed by the plaiiatifl ans the To figent of th~e present Governmenlt of P'ortugal. The question has been repeatedly (hiscussed before th h'ic etC Chancellor, and amotion of the ...