... The ordinary monthly meeting of the Commission took di place on Moadav. The Lerd Provost il the chair. RATr OF WAGES. H Mr Tullis brought forward the motion of which he hod formerly givens notice, tiat a Committee be appointed to R inquire Sa to the rate of wages paid to the different ser- vaonts ito the establishment. I-Io soil this 'notion hbad suggested itself to him oil 0t late occasion, ...


... HOME CIRCUIT.-CHFLMSFORD, WEDNZ5DAY. CROWN SIDE, [Before Lord DNAN. Incd James Pueficid, aged 33, labourer, was indicted for fe- loniously setting fire to certain stacks of corn, on the night of t'te 4tb of February last, the property of Isaac Davie, at Toppesfield. Mr. CLARKSON conducted the pros-:. ar-on; Mr. JESSOr defended the prisoner. . t The prosecutor is a farmer, living r. thi county, ...


... POLC8 INTBLLIGENCE. I- ?? GUILDHALL. «Yesterday Geoiye Windsor, a boy about fourteen years old, was. charged with embezzling various esnall sums. belonging to his employer, Mr, Carr, a lace-man in Gutter~ane. 3 Alfred WVoodhouse, a clerk In the service of the romplaslinht, ?? e that the sooner wes employed to tarry parcels to the inns, and on the 1ith ebaary he wras sent with three ?? for ...


... COURT OF CHANCERY.-WEDNESDAY. SANDY8 V. LONG. This was a motion to rescind an order of the Vice- Chan- cellor, directing the plaintiff in the cause to find security to the amount of 1001. for the payment of the costs that might be incurred in the prosecution of the suit. Mr. CooPmU, in support of the motion, said it appeared from the affidavits that Mr. Sandys appeared as the next friend of ...


... LA W INTELLIGENCEL COURT OF CHANCERY.-TnIuRsDAY. The LorD CHANCELLOR heard counsel on a lunatic petition in his private room. The case occupied the whole of the day. VICE-CHANCELLOR'S COURT-TnunSDAY. The Vlce.Chancellor was occupied the whole morning with causes of no public interest. We understand that Hir. Spence has determined to give up his extensive proctice in this Court, and confine ...


... MIDLAND CIRCUIT.-LINCOLN, MArn:ni 10. [Before Chief Justice TiNDAL and a SpecialJury. THE SING V. WILLIAM ?? BOND. This was an indictment preferred against the defendant by his iajesty's Governiment,fir halving, whileacting in-the capacity of an Excise officer, obtained under false pro- tences certain sums of money, and applied the same to his own use. Mr. B3A n61Y, .C., Mr. Serjeant ...


... l l COUNTY DAY. i The business of the day from the paper appeared to be of the greatest importance ; and although the Court did not sit until 12 o'clock, shortly after that hour there was a full attendance of magistrates to the number of about 40. l The first business was a return from the various parishes in the county of their several rentals-these were made with some few exceptions; but the ...


... I - CENTRAL CRIMINAL COURT, MARCH 6. (Before Sir John Niehoil, Knight, Judge of the .diuiratty Court, the Lord Chief Baron, Mr. Justice Vaughan, and the Recorder.) Jumbo and Bottle-of-Beer, two black sailors, were indicted for piracy and murder on the high seas. The indictment chared them with having, on the 15th of August last, made an assault upon Benjamin Glasscock, on board a vessel ...

Published: Friday 13 March 1835
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 3097 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 


... On Tuesday afterdoon last, a court convened by the Sheriff of the town and county of the town of Hull, was lield in the room of the Court of Requests, to assess damages in the case of B3ellerby v. Borrell, in which the defendant had suffered judgment to go by default. Tfios. HOLDEN, Esq. the Under-sheriff, presided. The case had excitied considerable interest in the town, and a large ...

Published: Friday 13 March 1835
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 4485 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 


... LAW NOTfCEJR-TihD DAI. ! ?? - VICE.CHANCELLOR'S COURT, LINCOLN'S INN. Sittings at Ten. Carewe v Itobinson; to be spoke ?? V Higgins; petition- Expaste Evans, ?? e v King-Attorney-Geneml v Jones- Dalton v Bevan; ?? v Lewis-Same v Price-Attorney- General v Jones-Edwards v Jones-Ewstes~ v Spooner-Metcalfe v the Archbishop of 1York-Dixofl v Bealy-Feake v Cranefeidt-De Tastet v Hankey-Grlffith v ...


... TRIM ASSCZES-TlIAt OF TIHE ORANGE20,tN. The trial of Danied, Aelsou, and Slnith, thren out of tle five Orangernen accused of the murder of John llearr, a Ronman Catholic, in tile town of Kells, on the dav ,f the termination of the last Meath election, closed on Satur. day, by the jury being discharged on thc verge of the county, and the prisoners remanded to the next assizes. Durin thc trial ...


... Yesterday a Court was held for the dispatch of business. THE ROBBERY IN CORNHILL.; The LORD MAYOR said, that it was his painful duty to inform the Court that the Court of Aldermen had come toadeterminationto discharge from the office of con. stable Mr. Neville Brown, the Upper Marshal, appointed by the Court of Common Council, and to recommend to that Court to dismiss that officer from the ...