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... POLICE, INTELLIGENCE. MANSION-11OUSE. Lord Stairlfye )role to the Lord M1ayor a few days agtio, requesting that his Lordship would do him thle fiavnur of reading a letter which he had received from a femiale fricind in Lancashire, on the subject. of a pauper, whose representations of distress were likely to excite a grf at &dcI of rcu'iseration. The Lord Mayor's Noble correspond- ent also ...


... C¶ENTRA L CRIMINAL COURT. OLD COURT. These sessioni commenced yesterday. At ten o'clock the court was opened with the usual forms by the Lord Mayor, the Recorder, Mr. Serjeant Arabin, iile Common Serjeant, the SheriIls, and tile other oiiiccrs of the court. The Grand Jury having bcen sworn, the Recorder pro- ceeded with hlis usual address. The ealendar shows a total of 170 prisoners for trial, ...


... ASSISE INATELLIGENCE.-THis DAY. MIDLAND CIRCUIT,-OAIcHAM. MARCii 6. The commission for the county of Rutland was opened this day, there being two cases for trial in the Civil Court. and five in tile Calendar l risoners, one being for child murder by the mother of the infant, two for perjury, and two for petty larceny. The Grand Jury throw out the bill for murder, but intimated to the Judge ...


... MARLBOROUGH STREET. James Thompson, apprentice to Mr Gould, proprietor of the London Hotel, Albemarle street, was brought before Mr Chambers, charged with having gone out at night and neglected his master's business.- he defendant, in answer to the charge, said he certainly did go out at nigh, because he wanted to pay a visit where he knew he should not be allowed the liberty of going in the ...


... ASSIZE' INTELLIGENCE. NORTHERN CIRCCIT.-LANCASTER, MARCHi 23.: CROWN COURT. Thomas Siriglt, ?? 33, was indicted for having un- lawfully, naliciousiy, and feloniously set fire to a barn, a stable, alid an out-house, at Scotfortih, in the occupation of John Alston. On the 26tbs of January a pile of buildings was found to be oil fire, and despite every exertion, the erections, with their contents ...


... HOME CIRCUIT.-CHFLMSFORD, WEDNZ5DAY. CROWN SIDE, [Before Lord DNAN. Incd James Pueficid, aged 33, labourer, was indicted for fe- loniously setting fire to certain stacks of corn, on the night of t'te 4tb of February last, the property of Isaac Davie, at Toppesfield. Mr. CLARKSON conducted the pros-:. ar-on; Mr. JESSOr defended the prisoner. . t The prosecutor is a farmer, living r. thi county, ...


... EXTRA ORDINARY FRA CAS. Yesterday Major W.) Byrne was brought before the Brentford Petty Sessions, on a warrant, charging him with having desperately assaulted Lord Montford on Sunday. The assault having been committed at noon on the high road, great interest was excited at Hanwell and the neigh- bourhood to hear the investigation. The magistrates present, were-Col. Clitleroe, chair- man; Rev. ...


... LAW NOTfCEJR-TihD DAI. ! ?? - VICE.CHANCELLOR'S COURT, LINCOLN'S INN. Sittings at Ten. Carewe v Itobinson; to be spoke ?? V Higgins; petition- Expaste Evans, ?? e v King-Attorney-Geneml v Jones- Dalton v Bevan; ?? v Lewis-Same v Price-Attorney- General v Jones-Edwards v Jones-Ewstes~ v Spooner-Metcalfe v the Archbishop of 1York-Dixofl v Bealy-Feake v Cranefeidt-De Tastet v Hankey-Grlffith v ...


... MANSION -li0USE. Yesterdav, an aged mai ;applicil to Alderman Pirie, who slat for the Lord Mayor (lils Lordship having been engaged in licensing publicans at Gttildliall), aud requested ile Alderman's interference with the ovretcers of St. Mary Mounthorne, to save him fro'm perishira. Alderman PitNI ( Can they refuse assistance to a lman like you- Applicalnt: They refuse to take me into the ...


... LAW INTALLIGENCE. COURT OF CHANCERY.-MoNDAY. SCAR1550RUC1 ?? It appeared In this case, which was an appeal from a decree of the late Muster of the Rolls, that the testator, a Mr. Ecr'lestone, was, at the time of making his will, thc owner of three estates, which he inherited from three dis- tinct branches ofihis family. The principal of tbese three was called the Scirisbriek ...


... ASSIZE INTELLIGEATCE. I HOME CIRCUIT.-HErTFoRD, M.trci 5. The Commission opened here yesterday, and business commenced this morning. Lord DENINMAN sat on the civil side, and Mr. .justice GASISLEE in the Crown Court. There are the names of AD9 prisoners in the calendar, the majority of whom are charged with stealing. There are two eases of arson and two of manslaughter, and one of an attack ...


... C CENTRAL CRIMIhAL COURT.-MAnItci 4. OLD COURT. [Before the LOaD Cmisr BARON, Mr. Justice VAUGHAN, and M-r. Baron BoiICAND.] 2liaurice 'Donahue, aged nineteen, was indicted for a- saulting and robbing George D~ay of a watch and handker- chief on the highway. Mr. DOANE appeared for the defence. The prosecutor it appeared was passing through St. Gues's at two in the. morning of the Stlit of ...