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... 1lENCH OF AIAGISTITS'1'S. MoNDsA, MlARnCn 30.-Iresent-Sir D. Scoiir, Bart., Captain FuiL.i a, UI.N., and S.Y.r2IOCtU, J.ll ALL, attdJ. II. l mioten, 1?',ter Shepherd was remanded till this day week on a charge of havirjn robbed ?? 1 m. pi!l11, of 1vi9igean, rvith viwhom hc former ly lived as fo(otian, of a large quanotity of plate wearing apparel, &c. It appeared that tbe prisoner hadl tounll ...


... Thle Rlev. Joint StaiaLtoe wasl indicted for having forgedi attil uttcred a decd purpoorting to convey certain property ati Page Bank, withl initent to defraudl John lazakerly. O)ther I cotnnts charged with itrtent to defraud the Dukc of ?? , 0 Tb'e prisoner had forme rly been inicumbent of thre church ot V Ramtsidc, near Ulecrstotr, ?? gboutt two years ago he was I suspendedl ftrr implroper ...


... Thursday, March 12.-Present-Sir D. ScOTT, Bart., and WV. SBYNItlUit, Fsq. Frederick Denman and Thomas Pairsons were charged with having a quantity of turnip greens in their possession, under sus- picious circumstances. Cousens, the police-officer, deposed that on Tuesday morning last, between 5 and 6 o'clock, lie sawv the prisoners in Trafalgar. street, with the greens in two sacks (whi ch the ...


... BENCII OF MAGISTRATES. Thursday, March 5.-Present- W. SEY1U11, JouvN HA LL, Esqrs. and General ST. JOINS. VEXATIOUS ?? information was laid against William Cave, the keeper of a beer-house on Mount Sion, for not having the words ' to be drunk on the lirnmises, on the samie board whereon was wiitten his name, &c. Goodman, the common informer, called Harry Andrews; I took notice of the two ...

Oxfordshire Lent Assizes

... O?ford?hire Lent i?ss?zes. Thursday last John Fane, Esq. H~igh Shetriffo0l his CountY, attended by the usual cavalcade, mleet M~r. Justice Park and Mir. Justice C'oleridgel then Judges of Assi'ze, and the Commission was on their arrival opened at the Town Hall. Yesterday rnortiingj thleir l~ordship~s attendeds divine service at St. AlaTry's (Jhurchl, where an excellent and ...


... COURT O1' CHA~NCERY, W\Em)NESnAY, M\ARCHiI 2.o !The I,ord ( hanclcclor gave judgment in this important ~'appeal this morning. His Lordship commenced by slatingr . thalt he was of the same opinion as his Honour the Vice- -Chancellor. th at this case could not be consitlercdl as one of ! triflingg tuomcent; indeed, no question involving the interests -of so numerous andl respectable a body as ...

Oxfordshire Assizes—(CONCLUDED.)

... As.?izes-(coNcLuDED.) NISI P1UUS COURtT-MAUCIx 7. ti B fre ?? and a Special Jury.) a GORuON, Es.vcOl~ov sthis ease excited considerable interest from the peculiar or mutre of the action~, Eve present our readers with a ?? report 0 M( r. Tvrwllitt opened thle pleadings. h idr. Mnc stated the plarintiff's case. He said this action t Idbenbrought uinder ctroutuSmtanceO which entitled the l8 q.Oa ...


... IHW1,S SPRING ASSIZES. CJROWN COURF-TLJESDAY. Thornos Snsell was charged with stealing at Frant two hand-,bell .and a brass tap, the goods of Lleut.-Col. By. The bells;an tp ~h~d been take from the outside of the house on the 18th of ,February last, and prisoner had subsequently sold them to a dealer in marine stores.-LGuiltY.-Gne mosnth to, hard lafiour. 'Thos. Bradford, Aal, Geoirge Bradford ...


... CAMIBRIDGE ASSIZES, MIAuIIC 20. HE:NSLOWt, CLREIIC, V. CAscsAM.-This was an action nol to recover the penalty of 5001. for bribery comm~itted at the he late election for the borough of Cambridge: the defendant pleaded that he did not corrupt the voter, as the decla. - ration alleged. Dir. Andrews and Mlr. Gunning were Counsel for the plaintiff; Mr. Serjcant Storks and Mir. Kelly for the de- ...


... ABOLISHMENT OF ARREST AND IMPRISONMENT I FOR DEBT. Sir John Campbell has introduced into the House of Commons A Bill for facilitating the recovery of debts, the relief of debtors willing to make cession of their property for payment of their debts, the prevention of frauds by debtors, and fur abolishing imprissiirnent fin debt except in cases (f frid. As this Bill is &;together of very great ...


... IAN1TS LiNT A1SSJZUS. Th pigAsjYsie, for this county commenced bro onl Tiesday, on which clay thle Judgles of Assize, Bacor Wif (l urney, and Sir juohn Iatreo arivdithsiy. te haddnd h reiu dywt the Dukied ?? iy- tile Thenr Loredsiatelyanchedr arrivaD ?? a ceedeld ?? ?? whera thfelcommission for oh holding thre Assizes wats opened in thle usual maniner.- in' Their Lordships then proceeded to ...


... LEW ES. LEWES Ssritvo AsSIzES-On Saturday, the High SherifT, Charles Dixon, Esq.,. accompanied by his Chaplain, the Rev. John. Pannell, arrived at their lodgings (M1r. Willard's), pre- *paratory to the Assizes. On Nlondly morning, about nine o'clock, the prisoners from Horshali, about twenty in number, were lodged in our House of Correction. On the same day, about haltfpast two, the High ...