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... SCROWN COURTi.-FnutoAY, MAtteRC '20. yr NormanWelsh, sired 5G,' nvan arrsigscd nonoar iudvrrter nrt chatruirrrg him in ith lthle whirr I murder of Mtr. NVWI turm Sokil igaIrte, w at Li verpool, thre l7th. of October toof. Tire prisoner pienrrieu gZ sot ?? prisoner war a wealober at ttre L.iver'rrot Cire. 2., to whthii Stationtihe hind been reducedt fret a, arnie. le ror Office ...


... Thursday, March 12.-Present-Sir D. ScOTT, Bart., and WV. SBYNItlUit, Fsq. Frederick Denman and Thomas Pairsons were charged with having a quantity of turnip greens in their possession, under sus- picious circumstances. Cousens, the police-officer, deposed that on Tuesday morning last, between 5 and 6 o'clock, lie sawv the prisoners in Trafalgar. street, with the greens in two sacks (whi ch the ...


... MIDLAND CIRCU1T, WARWICK, MARCH 28. NISI PRIUS COURT. [Before Chief Justtice Til.iAL and a Comnmon tory.] ELECTION ASSAULT. DAVIS V. BADGl.t. 'This was an action brouight to recover dainages for an assault. The defendant pleaded that he was not guilty. Mr. BALGUY and Mr. WHITE conducted the case for the plaintiii'; and Mr. Serjeant GOULsIĀ§uN and Mr. Hutm- Fnt:Y appeared on behalf of the ...


... IM ANS IOUN.HOU IE. The ?? of ,Bishops~alo i' arisi (Complained against a milaiary pelntioner etid his is fe, who are, together with tfieir two children, dcl)Penslnt, upon paroichial bounty. The descriptios given of thle hu,,band andi wife caused no small dle'grep (if tllrinitv. 'Vhe penlaotivr bad for -some time been vinder obligatlolts to the 1 arish, 'and althoughi brought up to the trade ...


... NORTHERN CIRCUIT.-CARLUIS~, NIARI CRIMINAL COURT. [Before Mrt. Ilaran PARES.' MURDER OF A Nviflt John Pearson, aged 47, was indicted for the rnilrul mr. der of his wife, Jane Pearson, at Randy-lands, in the parish of Abbey Lanercost, on Tuesday, the 14th ?? last The prisoner is a coarse-featured, hardy-looking Mni' belonging to the labouring class. Th e case excited 9reat interest, and the ...


... ASSIZE INTELfLfGENrCE. H1OGME CIRCUIT.-lRlTroRD, 31AIO 11 i. UIVIL S I )E. [13efore Lord DVNitAN and a Spcial Jlmiy.l it IAPlIN . F1StK. This was aln action of assault. Mi. TIIEsIiItI and Mr. NNAYi coinducte(l the plantines case ; Mr. Serjetllt SIANillm. and Mr. }E'PlNASS: the defendants. 'ilie plaintiff is a tanner at BishopS Stortroord, and ?? delfoudant an attornley, who acted as agent for ...


... FUFOLK LENTASSIZUS. BU1RY Sr. EI)MUIWs, ltf.,ilcm 23, 18.35. These Assizeq commenced on MIntday last, before the IMighi Ho n. Lord Abintger, and the Flon Sir jolq Vaug. lion. Shortly after fiee,o'clock Iin the afternoon, the High Sherilr, Robert Sayer,. E'q. accompanied by his retinue of officers on lhnrqelack, 'proreested a short distance Froea ithe town. where they met the lion. Baran ...


... COURT OF CHANCERY.-SATuRDAY. WARREN V. BURTON. Sir CHARLES WETIIERELL having replied on the part of the appellant in this case, The LORD CHANCELLOR said there were one or two points raised in the course of the argument which he wished a little time to consider, and for that purpose, as well as to enable him to look more attentively into the minutes and afidavite, he should postpone his ...


... LAW INTELLi GENCĀ£. COURT OF CIIANCERY.-SATrURsoy. Notice was placed on thle door of Lincoln's Inn Hall that the Lord Chaoccilor would mot sit to-day. VICE-CHANCELLOR'S COURT.-SATUIRnAY. IVARRSIEN v. BURTON.-TAY1.O1t 0. rTS.DEF5. This day was specially appointed for tise hesaring of two motions in these causes of very great interest to Me- thodists. The Court was crowded with respectable per- ...


... Yesterday a Court was held further to consider the pro. posed reforms in the civic institutions preparatoryto their behig laid before the Commissioners of Inquiry, There was a very full attendance of Aldermen. COMPULSORY FREEDOMS. Sir PETER LAURIE was surprised at hearing from the minutes of the preceding Court, that a resolution had been adopted for compelling all householders in the City to ...


... OXFORD CIRCUIT.-WoncCisrl:R, MARCHn 12. fiiltE.ANT V. CllAiFFi D.D.r This was an action of replevin by thle plaintiff's, executor of the late WV. Sergeant, on a distress for goods taken for rent arrear by the defendont, who is a Doctor of Divinity and Master of Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge. Avovvry rest arrearunder it tena.ncey at e1100 per amlem; the goods taken In distress amountced to ...


... LA W INTELLIGENCEL COURT OF CHANCERY.-TnIuRsDAY. The LorD CHANCELLOR heard counsel on a lunatic petition in his private room. The case occupied the whole of the day. VICE-CHANCELLOR'S COURT-TnunSDAY. The Vlce.Chancellor was occupied the whole morning with causes of no public interest. We understand that Hir. Spence has determined to give up his extensive proctice in this Court, and confine ...