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... WEJN'ESDAY, MA!RC! 18.-Present-Sir D). SCOTT, Bart. Henry Soper who deposed that he was a servant to Air. lenry Lee, landlord of the Royal Sovereign, Prestott-street, stated, that a short time since he found upon Wick 11il several sheep skins. Ile had kept them a considerable time, and had made every enquiry among the farmers in the vicinity, to ascertain if possible to whom they belonged, hut ...


... MURDERS BY POISOANING. The town of Burnham Market, in Norfolk, and the vicinity for some miles round, have for the last week been in the most dreadful state of excitement, caused bv the discovery of three diabolical murders which have already been committed, and a plan laid for taking away the lives of several others. The circumstance that led to the discovery was as follows:-A woman named ...


... DURHAM SPRING ASSIZE S, Monday, March 2. CROWVN SIDE.-B.3ro0PE SIR JA5455s pAssel. The learned Judge took his seat on the bench at 10 o'clock, ,hern the following gentlemen were sworn of the Grand Jury: J NV. Williamson, 'of Wlsiekhatio, Esq., foreman; A. Wjl- o50on, if Coxhoe Hail; W. T1. Salvin, of Croxcdale; E. Ship. Verdson, of D grhasn R. Casrr, of Dunaitan Hell; T. Hopper, ,fDurhint NV. ...


... Yesterday a Court was held for the dispatch of business. THE ROBBERY IN CORNHILL.; The LORD MAYOR said, that it was his painful duty to inform the Court that the Court of Aldermen had come toadeterminationto discharge from the office of con. stable Mr. Neville Brown, the Upper Marshal, appointed by the Court of Common Council, and to recommend to that Court to dismiss that officer from the ...


... NORTHIERN CIRCUIT.-LAN CASTER, MARCH 18. CRtOWN SIDE.-ARSON. John Sivn, 35, was indicted for having unlawvfulilv, ma- liciously, and feloniously set fire to the parochial chapel of Rivington, situate about four miles from Chorley, and double that distance from 1l30ton-le Modrs. It ap- peared from the evidence that, on the night of the Ist of December, a person named Lee was proceeding homeward ...


... GUILDHALL. y 'Yesterday Willriam Kelly, ihe driver of one of Mrs. 1-oare's waggons, of lHcrmitagc-wharf, was brought before Mr. Alderman Ansley, in consequence of a boty, about Ieleven years old, having been crushod to death by his waggotn. Mr. Goodman, a baker, in Great Swvan-alley, Colemon street, stated that, aobout twelve o'clock, as hie was going dawn Colemen-street with a basket at his ...


... COURT OF CHANCERY.-WEDNESDAY. WvARMEtN V. BURITON. The Loan Ciia-cl~f.Lon, at the sitting of the Court, gave juilgmtent in this matter, which waso argucd for four days of the last week. After a brief reviewv of the pro- evedings in thle niotion, and the decision of the Vice- Chancellor agalinst the application of Dr. Warren, his Lordship proceeded to obqerie on the kind of govern- snent whichl ...


... - - I A lRATHlCORAMAC.-MiLl'TARY LANV. : II military oilicers there still exist, in high places, c lingcring wishes to maintain the ?? heresy that ;aln English soldier is bound to give implicit obedience to whatever his superior may commnmamiltd. So said a good D ouldier and able writer in 1832, whleim thoi ihappy scenes at BIl istul excited a large share of publie attention. 'Ihe expression ...


... - - A DlE:lBY ASS[ZES. INOC.EBY AND OTHEilItS, ASSi(;NI-I;S oF C. AND E. PO'TTiiEl ANDt) CO. ?? OLI VlER. 'I'his action ea nio nn for tritil on Sat idlav Ias i, before Sir N. T'l'fniA ifl nda special juvi. -'le 1ilaiiltifif, his are tile occupiers of' the Dintlig Vale Calico l'rintitlir Works, in G(rbssop, in the sprinx of' last veas' obtained 'in inj'i ctiois inl tile Court at Chansicery ...


... COURT OF CHANCERY.-WEDNESDAY. SANDY8 V. LONG. This was a motion to rescind an order of the Vice- Chan- cellor, directing the plaintiff in the cause to find security to the amount of 1001. for the payment of the costs that might be incurred in the prosecution of the suit. Mr. CooPmU, in support of the motion, said it appeared from the affidavits that Mr. Sandys appeared as the next friend of ...


... IINSOL TEANT DEBTORS' COURT.-Tu-ESDA Y. IMPORTANT CASE. IN T1lE MArTEr OF IlENtY WILSON. In this mattcr, which came befare the Court in the nature of a ro-hearing. was involved a question of con- sidenble iniportance. Tle insohvent, a bidlif' harl becn dis- chargod under ?? Act in the year 1830, at wlich period Ile owed about 4(01., snd in iis schedule, to the truth of w hichl he had sworn, he ...


... _ CAMBRIDGE, FRIDAY, MARCH 20. AIPorisEst CaSE O BUERIiY. HENSLOW V. CAN1HAM.-This was a second action (we reported the first in our last week's number) brought by the plaintiff under the 7th sec. of 2d Geo. i, cap. 24, to recover from the defendant the sum of 5001., which the defendant had forfeited by reason of his having corrupted William Thompson, a voter for the borough of Cambridge, to ...