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Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire, Scotland

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Advertisements & Notices

... POrt TIIE 11MVEYIT or M I S S T Y 1 E n, Who respectfully solicits a shbaie of public patronage. OII Friday eveiing, Mlarch 20, 1835, . Will be pertbfoned, tite popular Nautical Burletta of THE PILOT: onl, A TALE OF THIE SEA. Mr Masterman will Dance his much admired Buffo Dance. To iwhich vilI be added, ?? very lugbable lnterlude of THE DEAD SHOT. Altver th(! Interlude, The Misses Tyrer will ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AEPIMEBN TOWN AN~D COUNTY BANKC. X TIMAIArjeN is liccehy givenc, in terms. of the Eighth Article of tic.- Cciacc 2:0: ccfo-imi-i ci ty, that, at a (~'c'rMct c-ial OF tic c;-a v. ?? o'c the 5tih cccacvccc, the i'aii cc-tg Gentlemenlct IWerc V,:ctili-,- ire:ors ccj dwn ecvoincaci ticci, vii.- 1A LENA N1D. R BiRO)WN, 1Esji. Met-Chacit, Ac'rcic'n. Lc.te'riWILLIAlf tiv nu-NE1 or Mliwiciory Lotge. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... in 11iil lt-aii', pill :000, I -tt, 'hut lls;, wll. LIiv 11101 ?? y .e l A; t rcu;tata Im,11ater wl.rtO file. it~ai' ?? t;ts tI~l.'1 1t i0l'i S . 1 01-tco jwo iun 'i tt: it i llt l Gs I I ts IIltoi : )Va'llII ; F b- to lld , &tlo *foe w t -I N l 11: lalt, ft~ldo Iteks Isittips Bolts ?? 'N i1 E i ti',wars la it S]utllslltl' rot, A Vtoui (it, ( II wil tit, ide-noeX. 01wIt ?? FlLt, ?? .D p Wi ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE 'to INTENDINS3 E)AGUiANTS. -i &it. ' LOI),1-1,U ~ut~eSr Ew b:1.ieg, to i it Otiti'aN iiit tlil'y i:tve illst ?? ito li:tiil aL selert ?? oif G NERtAL I tt ,NfON(~l1Y, J~iillhl lv adaptiv toi tlase iiutendillt linii-_ 1 ?? Utl',is; ?? Shot; 1 Powdil c. & 1l 1'L. would, at the Smule ntil.( vilritl( Itieotutst cau1fi. reoutltl h iiliiui I ?? W.*'AlIMS, it Iiiilt htilie4leC essenitially 1i ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BANK MEETING. C1,HIf Annual General Meeting of the PARTNERS of the T BANKING COMPANY in ABERDEEN, will be held at their Office here, on TUESDAY. the 7th day of April Oext, at 12 lo 1wk noro, in terms of the Contract. he Li~ts vill be ready for delivery on Fridlay, the 3d proximo. A. MOit IICF, Cashier. laakA, Aberdeen, 24th M11arch, 1835. CARD. 'URS9. MiARTIN bers to intimate, that she has ...

Advertisements & Notices

... vpgtn Stibsuriiers 1aitzlir rz'litiiqnieiiI theil BooT and Stit ft luit~lweSS in fa`otit' of' ita. WILLIAMI iU'INT'OSil, Who hts e,,4iieti'l it tor the l:ist Tv'I.' Mo bs, thi'y big respecttiily t on t11t11il-ld him to tilecl Ccustollmers ; all, lit tilt, stileii tie-, to I'v- tw~i heir sincerc thallks for the extensive altitonlaitt they ?? all aloil'- recei't vid. IP. S. ?? & Co. -ebrdeen, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BBALL-PUELIC ROOMS. RS. WILSON and Miss li. ROitERTSON have the boeotr J/jto aitnotrl;e, that their ANNUAL JUViFNiLE BALL will tkei pilce oil tIC evitliti of0 linittSilAY, the 300it of April, a iii 4url zeldge very grateitilly thlg ?? and great kinditess they liavc received. 50, Bole Accord Street. E D U C A T 1 0 N. R ,WlR. DAVIDSON, TEACIIEII, I)es to ?? to his Frien4ds -1jan tIPiublic, that ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ABEERIMEfN TOWN AND COUNTY BANKING NT4 I ?? is lirielAn.1 u dint, ill terilm of thCit( ont ict zL0 te iiti ie Ill.itilig of the collaolay, for [it,~ pturpose of 1K'ti Tig Dii mcoliis wili he fi~l-i 1mme, ?? I'itrity thle 50it tht of JAs. NEISTLAND, SIUCRETA~lY.I loL 7, 1835. On on~ludag, 234 Alurhtl. 1.10fP.ERT'SON, sumllFON, will coitillonvie a COU [tS5r of ?? TRUCTMfNd~. to WXOM EN~ ui l ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 7 TLLIAM DUNCAN retutrns his IgI fitefelbratenl t s to his F: N Friensti }astu the Pjblic fofr tthe Pitrolnage he hias received CIjrcj, II, has ?? ins liisiiess. He begs leave to iltitmy ithit thiat In has ditp.,std of his Sr d poets and ?? his SillOm' to Itr P. S- VO.k mrj , t n hico wkas fori asine years in his e mploymwent, atid wehiotni he risbetfnl lv irecoulleiids to the patroniave ef ...

Advertisements & Notices

... y SIMETLAND CATTLE. s. Therie will be I'XltOSM 'O tillen l, lit T11111lic 1'1itp, at LlairS Hill, Parish tIF OF Fioncar. oil Mood1:1N the hh mv1N. orf' March, in F I~rY MHErILAND CATTLE, (turnip)-fed), Sines and Cows, 0 r in npiieoni oftjt'te1ird. if Also, TWVNTY SIIHETLAND CATTLE, From thte Straw-vard. LI Ct,' 'lbs Ron p to cotme nne at 12 o'clock ?? it will Its it givein o00 seivityil ~. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... s, M.AUtSHALL & SONS, JEWELLEMS AND SILVERSMITHS, . ~ jilei)),78 LATelI.y t e No 12, Arerts .lludiiis, Nlotth hflidije Sireed, Elrqihm-gh, e M EU in ?? to i filsrii theirctilsioltwiiS i fii ile l'nlilit, tiint itwitis tlo thoir tformeer Iltilr of Bflsiosq havint I Ven! dvetiOvmI by five. thiln halvrtei ?? xtvitsi- Pvretillisis No. 54, PIIIN(,'s f STiERT 1 naxt (dortln Tito II %ill Hotel, atid ...

Advertisements & Notices

... POR'rRAIT OF THE RSIGHT HOI¢OURLABLE JAmIES ABERCROIWBY, . 7'LL its sHL SPEAKE R. JILL be Publisbedt S0on, by Mil'. KAY, Prlintseller, NO, 5, W Greenside Place, Edinburgh, an ENGn.VI.NS bV an emnr01lit London Artist, fromt at POIrtlrait in thle DOSeSUSiol 0 OF tile RIGH T HONOUINIAllLE Loiti) ABsEItCiiO.tiY, lattely painted by Mr. COL. VIN SMITH, S.A. Prints ..1 . 1 0 Proofs.1 .. I 10 0 Do. ...