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London, England


London, England

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... OFFENCES., ACCIDENTS, &c. DESTRUJCTIVE FIRE.-With the exception of the destruction of the late Houses of Parliament, a more extensive loss of property has sot taken place than the awful conflagration on Tuesday morning, about one o'clock, in Mar- shall street, Golden square. There is every reason to believe that the fre commenced in the timber-yard of Messrs Taprell and Holland, and a strong ...


... BOW.-STREET. Mr. Dattgerflcid; a solicit or, residing ut No. 20, Lin- coln's-ionntields, appeared to answer t~o a complaint laid by Carter, the informer, charging him, under thle 89th of Goo II., ithpubishng ertain bills, without having the printer's namie attacbed thereto, thereby rendering hinmselfliable to a penalty of 201. Charles Dlgby, the informer's witness, deposed that on the 14th ...


... POLICE INTELLIGENCE.-S4TURDA. E I GUILDHALL. A female of respectable appearanc e, namnte Elia Toys- /in, and her daughter, about 12 years old, bearing the same name, were brought before Mr. Alderman Ansley, charged with shop-lifting. Mr. Bartleoot, of the firm of Parkyn and Barulcott, drapers, l.od gate hill, stated thattheprlsoners came Into his shop between six atid sevell o'clock otl Friday ...


... LAW NOTICES.-THis DAY. OOURT OF CHANCERY, LINCOLN'S-INN. Sittings at ten. Exparte Back, lunatic petition by ?? v3forris, by order. VIClI-CHANCBLLOR'S COURT, LINCOLN'S INN- Sittings at Ten. Ilei v Lvw, to be snoke ?? v Huntsmnan-Wright v ?? v Joneo-Edge v Dallas-ll~fnage v llenage- ?? v Howell-Dalton v 1teavsn-laldlihi v Lewis-Same v Prica-Attorney-General v Jones-Edwards v Jones-Ewsters v ...


... EXTENSIvE FORGEEIY AND DEFALCATION IN TEx CITY.-Within the last few days it has been discovered that a gentleman who has been for some years well known on 'Change has absconded, after committing forgeries to a most frightfiul amount, and carrying. with him a considerable sum of money. The principal delinquent is, it appears, the nephew of. an old and one of the most respectable merchants in ...


... LA W INTELLIGENCEL COURT OF CHANCERY.-TnIuRsDAY. The LorD CHANCELLOR heard counsel on a lunatic petition in his private room. The case occupied the whole of the day. VICE-CHANCELLOR'S COURT-TnunSDAY. The Vlce.Chancellor was occupied the whole morning with causes of no public interest. We understand that Hir. Spence has determined to give up his extensive proctice in this Court, and confine ...


... ASSIZE' INTELLIGENCE. NORTHERN CIRCCIT.-LANCASTER, MARCHi 23.: CROWN COURT. Thomas Siriglt, ?? 33, was indicted for having un- lawfully, naliciousiy, and feloniously set fire to a barn, a stable, alid an out-house, at Scotfortih, in the occupation of John Alston. On the 26tbs of January a pile of buildings was found to be oil fire, and despite every exertion, the erections, with their contents ...


... HOME CIRCUIT.-CHFLMSFORD, WEDNZ5DAY. CROWN SIDE, [Before Lord DNAN. Incd James Pueficid, aged 33, labourer, was indicted for fe- loniously setting fire to certain stacks of corn, on the night of t'te 4tb of February last, the property of Isaac Davie, at Toppesfield. Mr. CLARKSON conducted the pros-:. ar-on; Mr. JESSOr defended the prisoner. . t The prosecutor is a farmer, living r. thi county, ...


... EXTRA ORDINARY FRA CAS. Yesterday Major W.) Byrne was brought before the Brentford Petty Sessions, on a warrant, charging him with having desperately assaulted Lord Montford on Sunday. The assault having been committed at noon on the high road, great interest was excited at Hanwell and the neigh- bourhood to hear the investigation. The magistrates present, were-Col. Clitleroe, chair- man; Rev. ...


... LAW INWLLIGENCE. COURT OF CHANCERY-WEDNESDAY. WARREN V. BURTON. This was a motion, by way of appeal, from an order of the Vice-Chancellor. The plaintiff was a travelling preacher, of the Weslcyan Methodist connection, for the district of Manchester, and in that capacity had under his spiritual guidance the congregations of Eve of their cha- pels. Some time in the year 1834 a question arose in ...


... LAWT OF AliREST. TO THE MERCHANTS AND TRADERS OF THE CITIES OF LONDON AND WESTMINSTER, AND THE TRADING COM- AIJNITY OF ENGLAND. The following statement is circulated by the Society of Mutual Communication for the Protection of Trade, with the iew of directing attention to a Bill now before Parlia. ment 'touching the Law of Debtor and Creditor, and abolishing Imprisonment for Debt except in ...


... LAW NOTICOS.-THi8 DAr. COURT OF CHANCERY, LI\COl.N'S INN. Sittingm at Ten, Tamlyn v lleynolds, ?? Griffiths, lunatic pctitlon- Eiparte Allen-Ercclestone v Shelineradale, appeal. VICE-CRANCELLOR'S COURT, LINCOLN'S INN. Sittings at Ten. Warren v Burton, part ?? v Fildes, ditto. ROLL'S COURT, CHANCERY-lANK.. Sitting3 at Ten. PXTITI ?? v Barber-Tenisont v Rarnsbottom-Vere v onuth -Hawes v Bossey ...