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Midlothian, Scotland


Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland

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... Iouse of Lord4 House of Lords, March 26. Oswald v. AM'Whyr-This case related to the fishings in the Solway Firth, andi was fully argued by Dr Lush- ingmIn. Mr Keav for the appellant, and Mr Tinny and Mr Marray for the respondent. Judgment was pont- poned. March 27. Lord Macdonald v. Hacdonald-The Lord Chancellor sat with Lord Brougham to bear this case, which stands adjourned to Molnd'ay next. ...


... House of Lords, March 4. It was expected that some cases would be appointed for Fridsy firt. Dur. u tirquirvy, i turns out thilat the parties are not quite ready to proceed. And the Lord Chancellor has accordingly postponed theni till Monday the 9th instant, when lie will sit to hear appeals in this House, for the first time since his restoration to the woolsack. Lord Brougham, we understand, ...


... ?? AFI'hALZ. I to House of Lords, March 9. ield Tis day the Lord Chancellor, the Earl of Eldon, and ide Lord Brougham at to hear appeals in terms of the ap- 'ek, poinrmens of last week. The first ease was that of ie e . Baugh, in which Lord l3ougham, as Chan. Iro- ellr had reversed an order of Sir John Leach. The t appeal was from the judgment of Lord Broughamn. After the argument the case was ...


... I .J1 I.O l int. a hIW- lia ,i; ,5t~l'i'i gl or: Solic 'n orC it nett ot C'r sc! t' {a i for l0erio g rore ~I ~li f(~5'O Bett1ocm, and re- u -I~ ,Z 1 1( ll lat11le r e 0' r ?? 9' etlry ittu t rn art I I )i ; oltli'lo ftle'ra iii lp' rr recs . ?? oeldatioll of .II,. ?? 'tln nitain al ?? a fjilllt w th.e' by) thle late GO- \ f ''Silgtit whici vlbose - r IS >'°O1'- the pay, that I sce I 1 aN' ...


... At tihe aleeting if the Court (n Saturday, Johli Dawson Iva* broug'rit forward, charged with rnb.r e bery or theft, in having assaulted, on the 6th January pol last, N. Dassauville, Esq. stirgeon, and taken from his on person a gold watch, with two seals and two rings attach- ed]. He was farther charged with previous conviction of y theft. rea Mr Dassativille satned, that on the evening of ...


... The ordinary monthly meeting of the Commission took di place on Moadav. The Lerd Provost il the chair. RATr OF WAGES. H Mr Tullis brought forward the motion of which he hod formerly givens notice, tiat a Committee be appointed to R inquire Sa to the rate of wages paid to the different ser- vaonts ito the establishment. I-Io soil this 'notion hbad suggested itself to him oil 0t late occasion, ...


... PUBLIC SHAVING ON SUNbAYS. In the Bailie Court of Dundee, in August last, a complaint was brought by a barber against his on apprentice for refusing to shave his customers on the H, maornings of Sunday, when the Magistrates decided our in fivour of the muster.- The-case for; the appren- out tice was advcatetl to the Court of Session, and- oi'. eal the 11th inst. Lord Jeffrey altered the ...


... LIVERPOOL POLICE, ., v:~ Va X .,LtlLn mU i~ . - , A GENO-wI ta KENTLVCXIAN.-A ?? Ame- rican seaman, whose wild appearanee might perfectly jus- tify a Yankee gazeteer in describing him as half alligator half bl Ana, or half any thing but a human being, was placed at the bar of the Police Coart on Thursday, charged with having forgotten the lessons on temperance learned-in the United States, by ...


... BUVRC,. Ir -aiet b ;r Report to the fagistrates of Edinburgh relative to tle - eligibility of that City for Manufacturing Estcblith to mnents. I IPplu ,or Edinburgh, a large city, in thae contre oF a popfulas he districf. rii, in. its agriculture, sand rich lni'its m? Detta of it especially coal snd lime1 wtithin. a mile of'tb-aea, and a aood'sbaiport, directly tatisfiuniciting not oniy wth ...


... I-IAIH COURT OF JUfST[CiARY. Onl 31oday the follo wing criuririrl cases wel e br ought I We before tire Courtr- !to. d, Jaernw Taogler,. otudideat o divinity, ?? Guilty to p I cc; the Charge of stealirng .6itt lo hisra notes, from a toclifast On Al draiwer', in the houise-of Ir wfs, Windmill Street,in ls C which Iioa.was a lodger. The prisoner is a young man of and C respectable parents addi ...


... MIANla, ?? OF ENOAC,-aimNT.-On Alonda v, Air N ich olsoni. tea nierchant, of Fenclhurch Street, appenied to romplain that agertlemnan wvhom he haol engnred to act as second maitt on hnoard the George the Fuith, a ship bouud ?? the East Indlies, had, with- out dte notice, thougt proper to enter another ship. Dr N. thoonhlit it important to make sueh mieounduect peblio, to prevent its repetition ...


... I1 Gooln in fFRACAS. £X~gN r Air. Byrile sea brought before bU ?? Be Was brought before ti: Itededa ?? wj. ?? warralit. Charging p 'lred, pra y 2assaultcd Lord ot-,I ?? ;1163 been committed at aoon- on til I, -,j IVinterest was excited ait Han- to blreoadrlborltoed, to hear the investi|th ?? dtol Tj' ; turiarteO an Reverendxttfr Ao Ci elitir fi pownOall, and- Tbo CnlO lie, W.Ceighteti, , Ba I~ ...