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... - - A DlE:lBY ASS[ZES. INOC.EBY AND OTHEilItS, ASSi(;NI-I;S oF C. AND E. PO'TTiiEl ANDt) CO. ?? OLI VlER. 'I'his action ea nio nn for tritil on Sat idlav Ias i, before Sir N. T'l'fniA ifl nda special juvi. -'le 1ilaiiltifif, his are tile occupiers of' the Dintlig Vale Calico l'rintitlir Works, in G(rbssop, in the sprinx of' last veas' obtained 'in inj'i ctiois inl tile Court at Chansicery ...


... COURT OF CHANCERY.-WEDNESDAY. SANDY8 V. LONG. This was a motion to rescind an order of the Vice- Chan- cellor, directing the plaintiff in the cause to find security to the amount of 1001. for the payment of the costs that might be incurred in the prosecution of the suit. Mr. CooPmU, in support of the motion, said it appeared from the affidavits that Mr. Sandys appeared as the next friend of ...


... IINSOL TEANT DEBTORS' COURT.-Tu-ESDA Y. IMPORTANT CASE. IN T1lE MArTEr OF IlENtY WILSON. In this mattcr, which came befare the Court in the nature of a ro-hearing. was involved a question of con- sidenble iniportance. Tle insohvent, a bidlif' harl becn dis- chargod under ?? Act in the year 1830, at wlich period Ile owed about 4(01., snd in iis schedule, to the truth of w hichl he had sworn, he ...


... NORTHERN CIRCUIT-LANCASTXER, MARCIS 17. Thomas Eastwood was indicted for a daring highway robbery committed on the 9th of December, upon0 the person of George Hurst, who was proceeding in a gig in company with an individual named Taylor, from Alan. chester to Rochdale. Mr. Taylor is one of the professors of surgerv who, in this part of the country, bear the title of the Whitworth Doctors, and ...


... LAW NOTICES.-THIS DAY. VICE-CHANCELLOR'S COURT, LINCOLN'S-INN. Sittings at ten. Ills Honour appointed cause petitilois to be heard this day. One hundred and forty.eight are placed in the paper, but only those peti. tions which are unopposed nith motions will bo heard ROLLS' COURT, CHANCERY-LANE. Sittisgs at ten. AFTran tntAtIsING PETITIoNs.-81otr CAvsss.-Barthrop v Ihayhew-Long v ...


... NISI PRIUS C'OURT.-FRIDAY, IfARcill 20. .*iiu.l jutiOt' ?? .1. .-X 053)41.1 .i.\iAbi]1 ?? LIBEL. GRUNDY i. KAVE-Tiis wis an action brought by the pini11- tiff, Mr. Edninind Gnundy, of Park Idills, near Bury, to receive ?? for i11 alleged I bel contained iii i bill publilshel by thle de- fenidaint, Mr. John lKaye, printer tind bookseller, Bury. The follow,- ing were the brief folets:-Mr. Grundy ...


... I-IAIH COURT OF JUfST[CiARY. Onl 31oday the follo wing criuririrl cases wel e br ought I We before tire Courtr- !to. d, Jaernw Taogler,. otudideat o divinity, ?? Guilty to p I cc; the Charge of stealirng .6itt lo hisra notes, from a toclifast On Al draiwer', in the houise-of Ir wfs, Windmill Street,in ls C which Iioa.was a lodger. The prisoner is a young man of and C respectable parents addi ...


... CROWN COURT, CARIUCRIFEGtUS, MIARCH 19. At 10 o'clock the Hon Judge Johnson entered the Crown Court, and the Grand Jury having been called and re-sworn (for names see our last number,) his Lordship. briefly ad- dressed them to the following effect :-Gentlemen, I take it for granted that you have already disposed of the most part of the fiscal business of the County, during the days that have ...


... I G U LD)ElA LL. Yesterday a decant-looking~ worntn, namled Bradford, who resides at No. 2, Beech-lane, Cripplegate, applied to Mr. Aldermati Pirie for informial ito w~hether lii.r landlord,. who ditratrined liar fitriit nrc ott Tuesday, coukid lawfully sell her property onl ?? fl-llowing Friday' (I his day). T[le A itjitr.ifitAx, rifier consunii g with IIris ciorle, sald he'could not rdo so. ...


... ' - -MoNDAY MAHC LI , 'IIs C([11CF , MOCNDAY, IllkncI 1f; (I Heltre I, r. II-r-- 1 A i LCISO t. : Mr. Bi roni Aldicisili look li 8t0t, 'it ?? o'elock -ti, eI* CROtea list is imuchl est numlerous thoul loriiieui. conta~iningit I jeii . llhtic suvell ciii. s.17ry io l h' ?? iii ituS 'liurl uI(Iirtrr11; itil Irty six ill ?? West Derby.-I Iuci nre l : ipr.t4il'i r' Atelisele,' teik hlig si:t as ...


... House of Lords, March 4. It was expected that some cases would be appointed for Fridsy firt. Dur. u tirquirvy, i turns out thilat the parties are not quite ready to proceed. And the Lord Chancellor has accordingly postponed theni till Monday the 9th instant, when lie will sit to hear appeals in this House, for the first time since his restoration to the woolsack. Lord Brougham, we understand, ...