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... LAW INTELLi GENCĀ£. COURT OF CIIANCERY.-SATrURsoy. Notice was placed on thle door of Lincoln's Inn Hall that the Lord Chaoccilor would mot sit to-day. VICE-CHANCELLOR'S COURT.-SATUIRnAY. IVARRSIEN v. BURTON.-TAY1.O1t 0. rTS.DEF5. This day was specially appointed for tise hesaring of two motions in these causes of very great interest to Me- thodists. The Court was crowded with respectable per- ...


... Yesterday a Court was held further to consider the pro. posed reforms in the civic institutions preparatoryto their behig laid before the Commissioners of Inquiry, There was a very full attendance of Aldermen. COMPULSORY FREEDOMS. Sir PETER LAURIE was surprised at hearing from the minutes of the preceding Court, that a resolution had been adopted for compelling all householders in the City to ...


... OXFORD CIRCUIT.-WoncCisrl:R, MARCHn 12. fiiltE.ANT V. CllAiFFi D.D.r This was an action of replevin by thle plaintiff's, executor of the late WV. Sergeant, on a distress for goods taken for rent arrear by the defendont, who is a Doctor of Divinity and Master of Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge. Avovvry rest arrearunder it tena.ncey at e1100 per amlem; the goods taken In distress amountced to ...


... COUNTY OF ARMAGIH ASSIZES. Sa. Lowden was indicted for shooting at Peter M'Mar hon, with intent to kill also with intent to indict some grievous bodily barmn; >sand for a common assault. This affiair took place on the 13th August, when prosecutor was returning home from the fair of Niewtonliamilton.-Guilty of the 'assault ; to be imprisoned 12 months. Den. ?? n ad Titos. Donnelly, for ...


... LA W INTELLIGENCEL COURT OF CHANCERY.-TnIuRsDAY. The LorD CHANCELLOR heard counsel on a lunatic petition in his private room. The case occupied the whole of the day. VICE-CHANCELLOR'S COURT-TnunSDAY. The Vlce.Chancellor was occupied the whole morning with causes of no public interest. We understand that Hir. Spence has determined to give up his extensive proctice in this Court, and confine ...


... LANCASTER LENT T. I. ~ - : I , ' I I l e V : 1 , 1 1 6 . 4 4 0 1 1 1 h 4 1 4 4 l 1 lle r t r 1, I l l4 ' e r ' Ell alo h1,41' 0(I lly ii.V SIi 114:11 4111444' 14. j1411,1 11h 1,11I1 I, 111 01C,11t114' Ii-I soI. l A1'ilu414 IWO '1C'(Il lk ,'ztfrou 1 ln11 hi,, I;,1 I~ 414111\1'4',l4'1:rti Mr4., Park 1,441i. 4, 14'q,'14,4 ol. s'1(1W 1' I nI 14444'':tkIt41IL II. 11MVI o ...

Lancaster Spring Assizes

... I ?? Aprin g CROWN COURT. te Fr iday, 20. ~e MRDEROF MR. SOUTHGOATE. INSPECTOfl o le CUSTOMS AT LIVERPOOL. . Norman Weelah. aged 56. was indicted fir theua ilfil lura,, .y of WVil i on Southga' ...


... House of Lords, March 4. It was expected that some cases would be appointed for Fridsy firt. Dur. u tirquirvy, i turns out thilat the parties are not quite ready to proceed. And the Lord Chancellor has accordingly postponed theni till Monday the 9th instant, when lie will sit to hear appeals in this House, for the first time since his restoration to the woolsack. Lord Brougham, we understand, ...


... I G U LD)ElA LL. Yesterday a decant-looking~ worntn, namled Bradford, who resides at No. 2, Beech-lane, Cripplegate, applied to Mr. Aldermati Pirie for informial ito w~hether lii.r landlord,. who ditratrined liar fitriit nrc ott Tuesday, coukid lawfully sell her property onl ?? fl-llowing Friday' (I his day). T[le A itjitr.ifitAx, rifier consunii g with IIris ciorle, sald he'could not rdo so. ...


... ' - -MoNDAY MAHC LI , 'IIs C([11CF , MOCNDAY, IllkncI 1f; (I Heltre I, r. II-r-- 1 A i LCISO t. : Mr. Bi roni Aldicisili look li 8t0t, 'it ?? o'elock -ti, eI* CROtea list is imuchl est numlerous thoul loriiieui. conta~iningit I jeii . llhtic suvell ciii. s.17ry io l h' ?? iii ituS 'liurl uI(Iirtrr11; itil Irty six ill ?? West Derby.-I Iuci nre l : ipr.t4il'i r' Atelisele,' teik hlig si:t as ...


... ?? AFI'hALZ. I to House of Lords, March 9. ield Tis day the Lord Chancellor, the Earl of Eldon, and ide Lord Brougham at to hear appeals in terms of the ap- 'ek, poinrmens of last week. The first ease was that of ie e . Baugh, in which Lord l3ougham, as Chan. Iro- ellr had reversed an order of Sir John Leach. The t appeal was from the judgment of Lord Broughamn. After the argument the case was ...


... OFFENCES., ACCIDENTS, &c. DESTRUJCTIVE FIRE.-With the exception of the destruction of the late Houses of Parliament, a more extensive loss of property has sot taken place than the awful conflagration on Tuesday morning, about one o'clock, in Mar- shall street, Golden square. There is every reason to believe that the fre commenced in the timber-yard of Messrs Taprell and Holland, and a strong ...