Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC AMUSEMfENT~S. The THAMES TUNNEL, opposite the end of OIdi Gravei.Isure, Waipping, but otn the Rotherhithe side of the Rivre, near thle Cuirrcir.-Notice Is hereby given, that thle Publifc fulley ViIRIV the TUNNEL every day (Sundty excepted), from nine In tire scorning until six lin thle evening, ripour payment of One Shill- ling four each P'eresu, Tlie Archwary being lighted with oil ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WHITE SLAVES. A MEETING of the Uarepresented is held every Snltday Eves. ing, at 7 o'Clock, at the New Assembly Roamns, 148, H.l. born Bars, near Gray's inn Lane. Mr.aW. SLATER Lectures on Moral, Literary, Political, ard Scientific subjects., E STALI-WOOD returns thanks for all past favours, and re. E spec'fally informs the Inhabitants of Hammersmith, Chi,. wick, Fulbam, Kensington, and their ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -WESTElN: ANNU-ty0 8SOC1E.TY JSSA JL 3 IJI 1TiEEBR, J.l97. 2, BEel SFpitlWcrnlali aid ?? 10, Geo. IV, To the C2L RGYV, ,PnaOFESSIONsA;, O'rlCIAL, and CoS117kC5AT, ?? Sylscriptions ithis excellent !nstitution, for qrantinq Innwlttes to`'Widows, Orplhans, - and 2,ier Relaiives, eore so arriargedi as te enablc persons of thea: most liinted meanrs to make 1~r'iiisnion for their Families, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO.MO RELO W. BELFAST AND CRUMLIN RtOAD BILL. A PETITION to ihe House of Commons, (which hbas been referred to the Committee,) having been presented on the 26th instant; by Mr. M'CANCE, against this Bill, on the ground, among others, of there being a sborteraud betterlineALL PERSOWS INTEREST- ED are requested to meet at the DO VGALL ARMS, | on WEDNESDAY next, at TWE VE oclock, tocont- sider ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .FITc COMD- RT'1c¾f' l I1ldler this Diy, A)C. SA\MUEICL I] A1NI-FL L, C11AiIRiXN, Capt. BOD, i I..M Vie-WidLn AA the Hlospit al, RIer. ChIMANCEL1.011 M~ARV 'IN, Bell. CJOHN 115113, 711 ~CO~l ?? 11.1iCEN lFF0 LOWE, ci'oil ;h il froin itaS ?? cosisting (if t~icllclJlSlP' WERE, 11.u ti N',c~i'i3I'Ltii't i t IFLU I 1.1i Steu, ' tI 'cocct Ic tl otie elceu0% thu r' refer to Geertvitit .ccil/'~tlc' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OU'1', RHEUMIATISM, COUGHS, and k COLD:?-LIVE PILLS, entirely vegetible, discovered by the tiev. C. Carrington, Virnr of Berkeley, one of his aiesity's Depccty-L.ieuteinants, &c., for the Comity of Gloucester.-By In. creaingthe quantity of life and vigour in everypartof the svstem, they enable nnture to make inciedibel eforet for the cxpulso. of disease before organic destruetlon. It is thus ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO THtE FREEHOLDERS OF THE COUNTY OF ANTR.IM. GENTLEMEN, Vf Y the recent death of Dr. HENRY ALLEN, the office of Coroner for thiw ounty has become vacant, and I beg leave to offer myse'f ?? for the same. I have long been convinced, Voafn actual observation, that the situation of Coroner ought to be held by a Medical Man; and should I be so fortunate as to obtain the ap- pointment (for which I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PORT OF IPSWICH. THIE next Meeting of' the Commiesioners for lIprov- r ug this Port, will he held, by adjournment, at the Srown Hall, Ipswich, on Tuesday, the 10th day of harsb instant, precisely at Eleven o'clock in the Forenoon. . ipswichl, H S. JACKS lANR .Mlfareo 5th, loss. Clerk to the said Commissioners. NOTI'ICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, T HAT the et General Sessions of the Pese and General aol ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? MOR~TON-I1x-MAl11 hI r jOLL FREE FAlIR for Fat and Store Cattle, JI Horses, Sheep, Pigs, and Merchandise, 'will be held, as usual, on the 24th inst. being the Tuesday befoere Lady Day. r I 5O COVER this Season, l835, at Whittlebury .LLodge, near Towcesater. OPPIDAN, by itubents; dam by Giohanna. Thorough-bred mares at five sovereigns, 'and five shillings the groom; half-bred mares at three ...

Advertisements & Notices

... It lDISORDERS OF T1lE EAR. to R/J S. GARDNER, AvuIisT, from l ondon, has a- jVL the honor of announchin, that in consequence of is the numerous applications which have been, made to ler he for an extension of the period to which she had intended .o Ihnit her stay in Porsmourh, she will continue to. in afford her assistance and advice to those who may wish as to avail them selves of it, until ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CHICIJESTER INFIRNIARYX / HERE is a Vacancy in the Office ofLOUSE T SURGEON to this Institution, which will be w FILLED Ur on the 16th of April ?? Partic- lars, Candidates to apply to the Secretary, at the Infir- imary. CHARLES HURLSTONE, Sec. INFIRCMARY, CHICHESSTER, Feb. 27, 1835. SC r C V ] 1 PLACE LUNAT1C ASYIU)- INU R SLING, N'EAIR S O U TrIIAS 2 0 IV. S It f VHIE Medical Profession and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE.B N~OTICE to SHIPPERS and PASSENGERS. The BU.SSORAH MERCHANT, For M1ADRAS and BENGAL, L. W.- MIONCRIEP, Commander, win prceed to Portsmouth about the 20th Instant to embark, her ?? and sail about the 26th ?? freight on passage P~~00~catait IiocrifJerusalem Cof~ee.bouse; to Messrs. tioger an Co, 9, Old Broad-street; to Win. Bruce, ?? lombrd~tret; or to Edmund Read, I, ...