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... Yesterday a Court was held further to consider the pro. posed reforms in the civic institutions preparatoryto their behig laid before the Commissioners of Inquiry, There was a very full attendance of Aldermen. COMPULSORY FREEDOMS. Sir PETER LAURIE was surprised at hearing from the minutes of the preceding Court, that a resolution had been adopted for compelling all householders in the City to ...


... OXFORD CIRCUIT.-WoncCisrl:R, MARCHn 12. fiiltE.ANT V. CllAiFFi D.D.r This was an action of replevin by thle plaintiff's, executor of the late WV. Sergeant, on a distress for goods taken for rent arrear by the defendont, who is a Doctor of Divinity and Master of Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge. Avovvry rest arrearunder it tena.ncey at e1100 per amlem; the goods taken In distress amountced to ...


... WORSHIP STREET. Two females of respectable appearance, named Sarah Smith and Rebecca Ryan, the first a married women, and the other her unmarried sister, are in custody at this office, charged under very extraordinary circumstances with picking the pockets of several persons in Shoreditch Church last Sunday after- noon. It appeared from the evidence given before Mr Broughton, the sitting ...


... lauma'A aw To Z3-xlwl?? ull t?u, aili lo 261PRIAL VWMEBW4. Intni ? -tat ?? ?? QP of Pr qwii~ .opA p*3gfjgJAewin41AtlI gi 'V M,'v#ti iit '9 'M ME. ., atppwd fip thor,',i,, Miffus4 e*4ni4w4pye1 VAoF 14i Iwgw Z)#o* .rr 3#wa# IRIo Ut4P tr4gOA d t & ,A . olyapep ,f i'a . h-sibilr y Aob 4' go WtAQ, clasf thqejdg ?? ?? ~ r:}R~~vO Lit is cear that,-the..m ebt44 cea~md tW MR5 and 4ha~t~xjbt9Q-P9Uide9 ...


... ILAW NOTICES.-TI TDAiY. VICELCHANCBLLORiS COU'r, LINCOLN'S INN. Sittings at Ten. Hnson v anson, etitionby order- ?? In re Green. petition wood v ?? v Hlowell, part ?? v Boron, plea- Hindle V Klag-Baldwzin v Lew~is-Samse v Price.-Attorne~y.General v Jones, two CatiSe-Edwards v Jones-E;WotOI5 v Spooner-Mret~ roalf v Archbishop or York-Dixon v Beaiey-Feake r Craolefoldt- De Tastet v Hsnkey. ...


... MANSION-HOUSE. On Saturday Sir Peter Laurie wiaited upon the Lord Mayor for the purposc of informing his Lordship that hc had rcason to suppose that although Joseph Ady is n 3 prison, the old svstem was carried oil, ant the public were still subjected to imposition by-tbe promise of Sone pecuniary ad(. vantage, A gentleman namted lixon, of No. 73, St. Pmed's *hurclt. yard, received, a fetw ...


... EXCISE PROSECUTIONS OF UNLICENSED .I10 USES. I COURT OF EXCISE.-SATURDAY. A great number of persons were proceeded against for having sold spirits and ivine without being licensed'. A good deal of interest was excited by the following Tliomas Ball, the proprietor of the extensive eating- house, No. 19, Biucklerabury, appesred to answer to an Information, charging him wyith having sold on a ...


... HOME CIRCUIT.-MAIDSTONE, WEDNESDAY. CROWN COURT. ?? Mr. Justice GASELCtr.] William Catt, aged 35; Ifillian U'raight, 28; James Smith, 26; Janmes Haywood, 28; James WIrelstead, 23; Robert Welstead, 19; and Edward Baker, 32, were in- dicted for having feloniously assembled, armed with ofTen- sive weapons, on the night of the 5th of September last, for the purpose of illegatlly landing, removing, ...


... LAW NOTICES.-TJIIB DAY. COURT OF CHANCERY, LINCOLN'S-INN. sittings at ten. W arren v BU~tO -Taytur.,v Pgeldes m notions part heard. MoBiorNs ay DATE.-l0th of Novembsr. 1S34, Richards v Wood -2tl of d ecember, 1834, Saunderso'o y Walter-iStb of December, IS3-iJ. iutchinson v. VWrer. VICE.CHANCELLO1VSg COURT, DINCOLN'S-INN. Sittings at ten. Pontifex v Shout, petition by ?? GenIeral v Jones- ...


... TRIM ASSCZES-TlIAt OF TIHE ORANGE20,tN. The trial of Danied, Aelsou, and Slnith, thren out of tle five Orangernen accused of the murder of John llearr, a Ronman Catholic, in tile town of Kells, on the dav ,f the termination of the last Meath election, closed on Satur. day, by the jury being discharged on thc verge of the county, and the prisoners remanded to the next assizes. Durin thc trial ...


... POLICE REPORT EXTRAORDIJAR Y. BOW-STREET OFFIC E. On Saturday morning a stout deecuitldokin, m a s, I having the appearance of an upper-sermant, nas brouoa , before th c magistrate s under a warrant, in thi e ustiA' form, against the peace of our said Lord the King , h t crown ani dignitvf, &c. &c., charged inith sendine threatening letter to Middlesex oe, it hard biorksing m at The prisoner ...


... DISTRESSING :CSE;; Nr,rr'wy &Jlareh, 1835. I 1;EAl from the wmir, that greit trouble prevails amongst the WHis andi ANTI-TORiES; that is toi-say, amongst the WHIGS, and those MEMBEES who always opposed them, who called them the ii0i'st of tyrants, who addressed the Kifg to turn them out, ?? h'ave'now0 endeatvoured to vote them in -ajidin even before they see whatqtlteir successors will do ! ...