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... Thle Rlev. Joint StaiaLtoe wasl indicted for having forgedi attil uttcred a decd purpoorting to convey certain property ati Page Bank, withl initent to defraudl John lazakerly. O)ther I cotnnts charged with itrtent to defraud the Dukc of ?? , 0 Tb'e prisoner had forme rly been inicumbent of thre church ot V Ramtsidc, near Ulecrstotr, ?? gboutt two years ago he was I suspendedl ftrr implroper ...


... The Assizes for this county commence this day, before Air. Baron Parke and Mr. Justice Alderson. Although the calendar contains the names of com- paratively few prisoners, we are sorry to add that the nature of a greater portion of the offences is of the most grave description. There are no fewer than seven persons charged with the crime of murder. Three are charged with forgery, two with ...


... SCROWN COURTi.-FnutoAY, MAtteRC '20. yr NormanWelsh, sired 5G,' nvan arrsigscd nonoar iudvrrter nrt chatruirrrg him in ith lthle whirr I murder of Mtr. NVWI turm Sokil igaIrte, w at Li verpool, thre l7th. of October toof. Tire prisoner pienrrieu gZ sot ?? prisoner war a wealober at ttre L.iver'rrot Cire. 2., to whthii Stationtihe hind been reducedt fret a, arnie. le ror Office ...


... wOnLTRUYUflIMAND AU9MES, CONCLU 051. 3,a4iday, Maurch 0, CYROWN SIDE-BEFoRE Mr JusTicE ALDERSON. 3OSE PH LA (IB 2RT, aged 17, who had been tried the day before, but in cofltoquentce of an informality in the lndict- wuent, the Judge ordered another indictment to be made out, or, which he was arraigned, viz., for having, on the 22nd of Oc.- tober last, stolen a kylile cow and a kyloe heifer, ...


... Iouse of Lord4 House of Lords, March 26. Oswald v. AM'Whyr-This case related to the fishings in the Solway Firth, andi was fully argued by Dr Lush- ingmIn. Mr Keav for the appellant, and Mr Tinny and Mr Marray for the respondent. Judgment was pont- poned. March 27. Lord Macdonald v. Hacdonald-The Lord Chancellor sat with Lord Brougham to bear this case, which stands adjourned to Molnd'ay next. ...


... SHO CKING MURDER AT BOL TON. [FROM THE MANCHESTER ADVERTISERS.] A most extraordinary sensation has been created in Bolton since Friday week, arising from a rumour that two children on Bolton Moor had been poisoned by their own father. The facts which transpired at the coroner's in- quest on the bodies of the deceased, on Monday last, are ats follow- John Orrell, the father of the two children, ...


... Thursday, March 12.-Present-Sir D. ScOTT, Bart., and WV. SBYNItlUit, Fsq. Frederick Denman and Thomas Pairsons were charged with having a quantity of turnip greens in their possession, under sus- picious circumstances. Cousens, the police-officer, deposed that on Tuesday morning last, between 5 and 6 o'clock, lie sawv the prisoners in Trafalgar. street, with the greens in two sacks (whi ch the ...


... MIDLAND CIRCU1T, WARWICK, MARCH 28. NISI PRIUS COURT. [Before Chief Justtice Til.iAL and a Comnmon tory.] ELECTION ASSAULT. DAVIS V. BADGl.t. 'This was an action brouight to recover dainages for an assault. The defendant pleaded that he was not guilty. Mr. BALGUY and Mr. WHITE conducted the case for the plaintiii'; and Mr. Serjeant GOULsI§uN and Mr. Hutm- Fnt:Y appeared on behalf of the ...


... IM ANS IOUN.HOU IE. The ?? of ,Bishops~alo i' arisi (Complained against a milaiary pelntioner etid his is fe, who are, together with tfieir two children, dcl)Penslnt, upon paroichial bounty. The descriptios given of thle hu,,band andi wife caused no small dle'grep (if tllrinitv. 'Vhe penlaotivr bad for -some time been vinder obligatlolts to the 1 arish, 'and althoughi brought up to the trade ...


... NORTHERN CIRCUIT.-CARLUIS~, NIARI CRIMINAL COURT. [Before Mrt. Ilaran PARES.' MURDER OF A Nviflt John Pearson, aged 47, was indicted for the rnilrul mr. der of his wife, Jane Pearson, at Randy-lands, in the parish of Abbey Lanercost, on Tuesday, the 14th ?? last The prisoner is a coarse-featured, hardy-looking Mni' belonging to the labouring class. Th e case excited 9reat interest, and the ...

Police Intelligence

... ?? HltCthjrifC. I' AIII,}IL YoI,,N (Ii111.1,-AttIloli;lieseX Seussimis tile other lily a slinelvilat conlic;1il ease orc urreil II i/dam Jthshsq, aedl I.} years, blit lv lo had I lr(iailv lblven coiivictctl three tithes, IVvs iu. .litel ior stv'alitg a lain, ?? 6s. the property ol y Rlobert lBroIdlig, a cheesoeilltoger, wilisc shop lie y elntered (11 the ?? of til (titi of 'ebtisary, and, ...


... ,. si'.Vs1 ?? I T . T L I GE ANl CE. L (A l 1!A I 1 -1 ?? 11 eoeh liil ed., was airroigne ( On til inlidiunnit rhorlgilig himi n% ill] tile wilful. miurdler of \i joinl Soul110, e It Liverpool, onl the 17th of October lAs. 'I he i~icrs tire alreadly ill thle recollectionl of 011 190101 F 10 the d10)0t119 there1 was1 it great 10013 as to tle 13 5101 of' the prisoner's mlind, ;ill of l l ended ...