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... MANSION-HOUSE. Yesterdav mutch curiositv was excited by tile appre- hension of a mati, niamed TiOnias 13B Icher, a pawnbroker, Who has, tip to the psresent tinie, maintained a very re- spectab1e chlarater in Lonon. the inories. stated I lr. lsaace Moses, a slnpseller, of thcilnrc.sac that the prisoner had been at crstomer of his for the last three or foor years, and was always considered to be ...


... bAias; o T- 8 vn un- -1 o 0Wo |- - 41- t~idons of Insolvent Debtors heard at the County Hall in d Derby, on Friday the 27th iebruary, before Wi LIAM A1 JOHN LAw, Esq. P William Orton, James Allen, and John Bamford the elder, were unopposed, and ordered to be discharged. S James Canline and Joseph Mlanlove, had received notices tc of opposition, which were abandoned, and they were dis- charged. ...


... L AWTF IN TEL LIGENCEh'. COURT OF CHANCERY.-TLLSDAY. ECCLhs'rONE V. StililMERSDALF. This is anl appeal front at tecision of the late Master of thle RZols onl thle effect of a shifting clause in a will. Tile appeal being agdinst thle whole decrec, the SOLICITOR- GENER~AL and Mr. JACs wer heurd yesterday Iin support of that decree. Mlr. WALKER followed thits inorning an the conic stile. Mr. rx ...


... CENTRAL CRIMINAtL COURT-Tv;sDAY. OLD COUR~T. [Before the REOtRcasn.] -,PCCAA I TuBH KING AT TIlE PRtO55iCUlTIO OF SAMUiiE i0 C, GiS JittIN IICOSO, VVILLIAM tBROOK5, WItLLIAMI W5ARREiN, ANtS MAT- TiSO i5' JO511 Ofli1tt IiM, Post CONSPIRACY. IMr. Plilxsisrs tttd -Mr. B3ODKIN appeared for fihe pro- secutnt lo Mr. Ci.xARtSON for the clofendasit Matson ; anti Mr-. DOANr. for Warren. The prisoner ...


... IINSOL TEANT DEBTORS' COURT.-Tu-ESDA Y. IMPORTANT CASE. IN T1lE MArTEr OF IlENtY WILSON. In this mattcr, which came befare the Court in the nature of a ro-hearing. was involved a question of con- sidenble iniportance. Tle insohvent, a bidlif' harl becn dis- chargod under ?? Act in the year 1830, at wlich period Ile owed about 4(01., snd in iis schedule, to the truth of w hichl he had sworn, he ...