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... IM ANS IOUN.HOU IE. The ?? of ,Bishops~alo i' arisi (Complained against a milaiary pelntioner etid his is fe, who are, together with tfieir two children, dcl)Penslnt, upon paroichial bounty. The descriptios given of thle hu,,band andi wife caused no small dle'grep (if tllrinitv. 'Vhe penlaotivr bad for -some time been vinder obligatlolts to the 1 arish, 'and althoughi brought up to the trade ...


... C CENTRAL CRIMIhAL COURT.-MAnItci 4. OLD COURT. [Before the LOaD Cmisr BARON, Mr. Justice VAUGHAN, and M-r. Baron BoiICAND.] 2liaurice 'Donahue, aged nineteen, was indicted for a- saulting and robbing George D~ay of a watch and handker- chief on the highway. Mr. DOANE appeared for the defence. The prosecutor it appeared was passing through St. Gues's at two in the. morning of the Stlit of ...


... I-IAIH COURT OF JUfST[CiARY. Onl 31oday the follo wing criuririrl cases wel e br ought I We before tire Courtr- !to. d, Jaernw Taogler,. otudideat o divinity, ?? Guilty to p I cc; the Charge of stealirng .6itt lo hisra notes, from a toclifast On Al draiwer', in the houise-of Ir wfs, Windmill Street,in ls C which Iioa.was a lodger. The prisoner is a young man of and C respectable parents addi ...