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... id VICE-CHANCELLOR'S COURT-SATURDAY. e, WARREN ?l. BI3I1 'ON.-TAVLOR v. FIELDS.-This dlay was IP specially a~ppointed f.r thle isearing of two motions In these causes of nosy O. great interest to Madiorlisis. The Court was crowded with respectable per- sorts durlrtg thle inhale dlay, Sit C. WVeTocenELL. appeared for the painitllirs, and stated that those 5tn two causes wvera taront isnrttical, ...


... ASSIZE INTELfLfGENrCE. H1OGME CIRCUIT.-lRlTroRD, 31AIO 11 i. UIVIL S I )E. [13efore Lord DVNitAN and a Spcial Jlmiy.l it IAPlIN . F1StK. This was aln action of assault. Mi. TIIEsIiItI and Mr. NNAYi coinducte(l the plantines case ; Mr. Serjetllt SIANillm. and Mr. }E'PlNASS: the defendants. 'ilie plaintiff is a tanner at BishopS Stortroord, and ?? delfoudant an attornley, who acted as agent for ...


... LA TV INTELLIGENCE. COURT OF 8oAtES V. GOVEIS.Il This was a motion to dissolve an irjfwe~lwih n n estrainred the defendants from parting uwith or nelgotianting H~e certain bills of exehange claimed by the plaiiatifl ans the To figent of th~e present Governmenlt of P'ortugal. The question has been repeatedly (hiscussed before th h'ic etC Chancellor, and amotion of the ...

Oxfordshire Lent Assizes

... O?ford?hire Lent i?ss?zes. Thursday last John Fane, Esq. H~igh Shetriffo0l his CountY, attended by the usual cavalcade, mleet M~r. Justice Park and Mir. Justice C'oleridgel then Judges of Assi'ze, and the Commission was on their arrival opened at the Town Hall. Yesterday rnortiingj thleir l~ordship~s attendeds divine service at St. AlaTry's (Jhurchl, where an excellent and ...


... DISTRESSING :CSE;; Nr,rr'wy &Jlareh, 1835. I 1;EAl from the wmir, that greit trouble prevails amongst the WHis andi ANTI-TORiES; that is toi-say, amongst the WHIGS, and those MEMBEES who always opposed them, who called them the ii0i'st of tyrants, who addressed the Kifg to turn them out, ?? h'ave'now0 endeatvoured to vote them in -ajidin even before they see whatqtlteir successors will do ! ...


... CENTRAL CRIMINAK4L COUWT'.-FR i.4v. tilt llr, Just ice Vauighani, Sir John Nichi'ol, intd t ite Re- corder, took their seats onl the bench, shottly after nine sia, o'clock. Stt PIRACY AND MURDER. CL Jamloslt and Bottle-ti f-Beer, thle two black-s who stand Iin- if, dicted for piracy uinulinurdler, wvere placed nt thle bar and till arraifrned, for hiaving, on the l .thl ci A ugust, made ant as- ...


... TOWN COURT.-BEFORE ?? JUSTICE PARIEr. His Lordship entered the court at ?? nine, and after he usilil ?? against vice and immorality bad been read, the following gentlemen wvere sworn of the Grand Jury: Win. A. Sriteei. Esq., Foteman i Dlesrs Malin Sormble, This. Pollard, C. i1. blowbray, Wlm. runere, Win. U'Wailes, Joteph Crawboal, Cuarles Italne, James Archbold, Harrison Buhnati, Jolii ...


... DURHAM SPRING ASSIZE S, Monday, March 2. CROWVN SIDE.-B.3ro0PE SIR JA5455s pAssel. The learned Judge took his seat on the bench at 10 o'clock, ,hern the following gentlemen were sworn of the Grand Jury: J NV. Williamson, 'of Wlsiekhatio, Esq., foreman; A. Wjl- o50on, if Coxhoe Hail; W. T1. Salvin, of Croxcdale; E. Ship. Verdson, of D grhasn R. Casrr, of Dunaitan Hell; T. Hopper, ,fDurhint NV. ...


... - - I A lRATHlCORAMAC.-MiLl'TARY LANV. : II military oilicers there still exist, in high places, c lingcring wishes to maintain the ?? heresy that ;aln English soldier is bound to give implicit obedience to whatever his superior may commnmamiltd. So said a good D ouldier and able writer in 1832, whleim thoi ihappy scenes at BIl istul excited a large share of publie attention. 'Ihe expression ...