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... COUNTY SHIERIFF'S COURT, YORK1 CASTLE. TU;Si)AV, MlARitCIr 10. TIlE LATE RIOT AT HALliANX I)UIING TIlE ELECTION. A Coort wils hldl this ntrning at elr ell o'clock, in tile Magistrates _ xomixit the C.ltlirt ?? ;?V§. GoAY, Esq., Under Sherill to assess t I tile dalumges lole ?? imli,,idmik lilfllfirs, dirring tire litre election :1 ?? the hliundred haI 'ig sulttred udlgmcit to go by defarrlt. ...


... SHO CKING MURDER AT BOL TON. [FROM THE MANCHESTER ADVERTISERS.] A most extraordinary sensation has been created in Bolton since Friday week, arising from a rumour that two children on Bolton Moor had been poisoned by their own father. The facts which transpired at the coroner's in- quest on the bodies of the deceased, on Monday last, are ats follow- John Orrell, the father of the two children, ...


... The Assizes for this county commence this day, before Air. Baron Parke and Mr. Justice Alderson. Although the calendar contains the names of com- paratively few prisoners, we are sorry to add that the nature of a greater portion of the offences is of the most grave description. There are no fewer than seven persons charged with the crime of murder. Three are charged with forgery, two with ...


... wOnLTRUYUflIMAND AU9MES, CONCLU 051. 3,a4iday, Maurch 0, CYROWN SIDE-BEFoRE Mr JusTicE ALDERSON. 3OSE PH LA (IB 2RT, aged 17, who had been tried the day before, but in cofltoquentce of an informality in the lndict- wuent, the Judge ordered another indictment to be made out, or, which he was arraigned, viz., for having, on the 22nd of Oc.- tober last, stolen a kylile cow and a kyloe heifer, ...


... NORTHERN CIRCUIT.-CARLUIS~, NIARI CRIMINAL COURT. [Before Mrt. Ilaran PARES.' MURDER OF A Nviflt John Pearson, aged 47, was indicted for the rnilrul mr. der of his wife, Jane Pearson, at Randy-lands, in the parish of Abbey Lanercost, on Tuesday, the 14th ?? last The prisoner is a coarse-featured, hardy-looking Mni' belonging to the labouring class. Th e case excited 9reat interest, and the ...


... LA W INTELLIGENCEL COURT OF CHANCERY.-TnIuRsDAY. The LorD CHANCELLOR heard counsel on a lunatic petition in his private room. The case occupied the whole of the day. VICE-CHANCELLOR'S COURT-TnunSDAY. The Vlce.Chancellor was occupied the whole morning with causes of no public interest. We understand that Hir. Spence has determined to give up his extensive proctice in this Court, and confine ...


... House of Lords, March 4. It was expected that some cases would be appointed for Fridsy firt. Dur. u tirquirvy, i turns out thilat the parties are not quite ready to proceed. And the Lord Chancellor has accordingly postponed theni till Monday the 9th instant, when lie will sit to hear appeals in this House, for the first time since his restoration to the woolsack. Lord Brougham, we understand, ...


... ?? AFI'hALZ. I to House of Lords, March 9. ield Tis day the Lord Chancellor, the Earl of Eldon, and ide Lord Brougham at to hear appeals in terms of the ap- 'ek, poinrmens of last week. The first ease was that of ie e . Baugh, in which Lord l3ougham, as Chan. Iro- ellr had reversed an order of Sir John Leach. The t appeal was from the judgment of Lord Broughamn. After the argument the case was ...


... OFFENCES., ACCIDENTS, &c. DESTRUJCTIVE FIRE.-With the exception of the destruction of the late Houses of Parliament, a more extensive loss of property has sot taken place than the awful conflagration on Tuesday morning, about one o'clock, in Mar- shall street, Golden square. There is every reason to believe that the fre commenced in the timber-yard of Messrs Taprell and Holland, and a strong ...


... LAW NOTICES.-THis DAY. OOURT OF CHANCERY, LINCOLN'S-INN. Sittings at ten. Exparte Back, lunatic petition by ?? v3forris, by order. VIClI-CHANCBLLOR'S COURT, LINCOLN'S INN- Sittings at Ten. Ilei v Lvw, to be snoke ?? v Huntsmnan-Wright v ?? v Joneo-Edge v Dallas-ll~fnage v llenage- ?? v Howell-Dalton v 1teavsn-laldlihi v Lewis-Same v Prica-Attorney-General v Jones-Edwards v Jones-Ewsters v ...


... BENCII OF MAGISTRATES. Thursday, March 5.-Present- W. SEY1U11, JouvN HA LL, Esqrs. and General ST. JOINS. VEXATIOUS ?? information was laid against William Cave, the keeper of a beer-house on Mount Sion, for not having the words ' to be drunk on the lirnmises, on the samie board whereon was wiitten his name, &c. Goodman, the common informer, called Harry Andrews; I took notice of the two ...

Oxfordshire Assizes—(CONCLUDED.)

... As.?izes-(coNcLuDED.) NISI P1UUS COURtT-MAUCIx 7. ti B fre ?? and a Special Jury.) a GORuON, Es.vcOl~ov sthis ease excited considerable interest from the peculiar or mutre of the action~, Eve present our readers with a ?? report 0 M( r. Tvrwllitt opened thle pleadings. h idr. Mnc stated the plarintiff's case. He said this action t Idbenbrought uinder ctroutuSmtanceO which entitled the l8 q.Oa ...