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... ASSISE INATELLIGENCE.-THis DAY. MIDLAND CIRCUIT,-OAIcHAM. MARCii 6. The commission for the county of Rutland was opened this day, there being two cases for trial in the Civil Court. and five in tile Calendar l risoners, one being for child murder by the mother of the infant, two for perjury, and two for petty larceny. The Grand Jury throw out the bill for murder, but intimated to the Judge ...


... HOME CIRCUIT.-CHFLMSFORD, WEDNZ5DAY. CROWN SIDE, [Before Lord DNAN. Incd James Pueficid, aged 33, labourer, was indicted for fe- loniously setting fire to certain stacks of corn, on the night of t'te 4tb of February last, the property of Isaac Davie, at Toppesfield. Mr. CLARKSON conducted the pros-:. ar-on; Mr. JESSOr defended the prisoner. . t The prosecutor is a farmer, living r. thi county, ...


... LAW NOTfCEJR-TihD DAI. ! ?? - VICE.CHANCELLOR'S COURT, LINCOLN'S INN. Sittings at Ten. Carewe v Itobinson; to be spoke ?? V Higgins; petition- Expaste Evans, ?? e v King-Attorney-Geneml v Jones- Dalton v Bevan; ?? v Lewis-Same v Price-Attorney- General v Jones-Edwards v Jones-Ewstes~ v Spooner-Metcalfe v the Archbishop of 1York-Dixofl v Bealy-Feake v Cranefeidt-De Tastet v Hankey-Grlffith v ...


... MANSION -li0USE. Yesterdav, an aged mai ;applicil to Alderman Pirie, who slat for the Lord Mayor (lils Lordship having been engaged in licensing publicans at Gttildliall), aud requested ile Alderman's interference with the ovretcers of St. Mary Mounthorne, to save him fro'm perishira. Alderman PitNI ( Can they refuse assistance to a lman like you- Applicalnt: They refuse to take me into the ...


... POLC8 INTBLLIGENCE. I- ?? GUILDHALL. «Yesterday Geoiye Windsor, a boy about fourteen years old, was. charged with embezzling various esnall sums. belonging to his employer, Mr, Carr, a lace-man in Gutter~ane. 3 Alfred WVoodhouse, a clerk In the service of the romplaslinht, ?? e that the sooner wes employed to tarry parcels to the inns, and on the 1ith ebaary he wras sent with three ?? for ...


... OLD COURT. 'Before Mr. SergeantA&.ABIN.j John Smith, aged 19, Was indiited for breaking into the dwelling-llouse of Frederick Bird, and stealing two foreign gold coiss, of the valuc of 10l., hik property. It appeared that the prisoner was standing opposite to the saltp of thle prosecutor, who is a bullion-dealer in Chicapsidc, when he sudden'y dashed his hand through a iano of glass, and ...


... ASSIZE INTELLIGEACR. :WESTERN CIRCUIT-SALI3BURY, MARCH 9 The calendar in this place is Unuounily hea vy. It con tains seventy-nine names; of these, oni is c violating a female child under ten Years,; tw Charged With three with cutting and maiming; twIlv0 with arson; against the game laws (ten of whom arel with offences Lord Bolingbroke); and the remaider W prosecuted by hie ith offences tt an ...


... IAN1TS LiNT A1SSJZUS. Th pigAsjYsie, for this county commenced bro onl Tiesday, on which clay thle Judgles of Assize, Bacor Wif (l urney, and Sir juohn Iatreo arivdithsiy. te haddnd h reiu dywt the Dukied ?? iy- tile Thenr Loredsiatelyanchedr arrivaD ?? a ceedeld ?? ?? whera thfelcommission for oh holding thre Assizes wats opened in thle usual maniner.- in' Their Lordships then proceeded to ...


... *Oil Thursday the Court ofiusticiary met and proceed- hi oil with the criminal cases then appointed for trial ; they do1 ue~re Sixteen in number, in the first five of which thepri- be sefers pleaded Guilty, and received sentence asuno- Caotharine Mackrenzaie, for setaling two bottles of beer su1 from the shrop of Daniel Kerr, Old l~ishmarket Close, on ha 3d1 January -last, aiggravated by her ...


... TRIM ASSCZES-TlIAt OF TIHE ORANGE20,tN. The trial of Danied, Aelsou, and Slnith, thren out of tle five Orangernen accused of the murder of John llearr, a Ronman Catholic, in tile town of Kells, on the dav ,f the termination of the last Meath election, closed on Satur. day, by the jury being discharged on thc verge of the county, and the prisoners remanded to the next assizes. Durin thc trial ...


... VICE.CHAINCELLOR'S COURT, AMAPciI. G. ATTORNEY iGEN'EitA. 1t. PEARSON. - On this illrrti; etritil, ?? relates to a dissentinrg chupei il St. Joba's-streelt, WVeterlmTmiton, at present in ?? POcs.ei of lhe IUnitarians, the sshjest beieg to restore it to the Prerbyteilans pro. fessing tie dlctrillof il The rity.millt ils itbior ganrejudgloctlt. Ils Hotnour could not dlivet iis rn(I of the ...


... Yesterday a Court was held for the dispatch of business. THE ROBBERY IN CORNHILL.; The LORD MAYOR said, that it was his painful duty to inform the Court that the Court of Aldermen had come toadeterminationto discharge from the office of con. stable Mr. Neville Brown, the Upper Marshal, appointed by the Court of Common Council, and to recommend to that Court to dismiss that officer from the ...