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... SHO CKING MURDER AT BOL TON. [FROM THE MANCHESTER ADVERTISERS.] A most extraordinary sensation has been created in Bolton since Friday week, arising from a rumour that two children on Bolton Moor had been poisoned by their own father. The facts which transpired at the coroner's in- quest on the bodies of the deceased, on Monday last, are ats follow- John Orrell, the father of the two children, ...


... BENCII OF MAGISTRATES. Thursday, March 5.-Present- W. SEY1U11, JouvN HA LL, Esqrs. and General ST. JOINS. VEXATIOUS ?? information was laid against William Cave, the keeper of a beer-house on Mount Sion, for not having the words ' to be drunk on the lirnmises, on the samie board whereon was wiitten his name, &c. Goodman, the common informer, called Harry Andrews; I took notice of the two ...


... ILAW NOTICES.-TI TDAiY. VICELCHANCBLLORiS COU'r, LINCOLN'S INN. Sittings at Ten. Hnson v anson, etitionby order- ?? In re Green. petition wood v ?? v Hlowell, part ?? v Boron, plea- Hindle V Klag-Baldwzin v Lew~is-Samse v Price.-Attorne~y.General v Jones, two CatiSe-Edwards v Jones-E;WotOI5 v Spooner-Mret~ roalf v Archbishop or York-Dixon v Beaiey-Feake r Craolefoldt- De Tastet v Hsnkey. ...


... NORTIT WALES CIRCUIT'. Biefrie Mlr. aron Boli';tl . j erimiyi ,l etlhshire- WVedniesday, iiiaroh II, ?? Bola. lx is C( 'll aleelshiri'-Santill-day, March I1,:a i ?? reiVon. d. ?? glesie-Wediliesdiy, Marheli i8. at Bi'alinarils. VI I)Ijea/lilitshkir'-Sii ii id, nr;,, eu l2 1t l h i I I lin. 2( ie F/in/tqhi'-e-W uciliiesiiiy, MII arch 25, at Al'dd. B Pi L'I/esea/r--Sa t iirilay, i'sarchll 2(0, ...


... MANSION -li0USE. Yesterdav, an aged mai ;applicil to Alderman Pirie, who slat for the Lord Mayor (lils Lordship having been engaged in licensing publicans at Gttildliall), aud requested ile Alderman's interference with the ovretcers of St. Mary Mounthorne, to save him fro'm perishira. Alderman PitNI ( Can they refuse assistance to a lman like you- Applicalnt: They refuse to take me into the ...


... OLD COURT. 'Before Mr. SergeantA&.ABIN.j John Smith, aged 19, Was indiited for breaking into the dwelling-llouse of Frederick Bird, and stealing two foreign gold coiss, of the valuc of 10l., hik property. It appeared that the prisoner was standing opposite to the saltp of thle prosecutor, who is a bullion-dealer in Chicapsidc, when he sudden'y dashed his hand through a iano of glass, and ...