... ' - -MoNDAY MAHC LI , 'IIs C([11CF , MOCNDAY, IllkncI 1f; (I Heltre I, r. II-r-- 1 A i LCISO t. : Mr. Bi roni Aldicisili look li 8t0t, 'it ?? o'elock -ti, eI* CROtea list is imuchl est numlerous thoul loriiieui. conta~iningit I jeii . llhtic suvell ciii. s.17ry io l h' ?? iii ituS 'liurl uI(Iirtrr11; itil Irty six ill ?? West Derby.-I Iuci nre l : ipr.t4il'i r' Atelisele,' teik hlig si:t as ...


... I .J1 I.O l int. a hIW- lia ,i; ,5t~l'i'i gl or: Solic 'n orC it nett ot C'r sc! t' {a i for l0erio g rore ~I ~li f(~5'O Bett1ocm, and re- u -I~ ,Z 1 1( ll lat11le r e 0' r ?? 9' etlry ittu t rn art I I )i ; oltli'lo ftle'ra iii lp' rr recs . ?? oeldatioll of .II,. ?? 'tln nitain al ?? a fjilllt w th.e' by) thle late GO- \ f ''Silgtit whici vlbose - r IS >'°O1'- the pay, that I sce I 1 aN' ...


... COil nr ''Of P H.XN f)RY- g'gN Ri lA ln1'rren r. /litoii f ?? i is aa it lt We, lb 1,ivy of a'lpa l. fitr l tilt l ul(lr ol' , il s ne elt i . \\ i WI, t1i I.,tr lNlI.; of the (wo nlule ,id i ?? (il solziavllili. lI .Sit- C.W ETli HEl i3 IA, II, 1al thii; ?? I, 111we illitellvl~c 1.1m, silntivf-ula-s' of :11-111not.l as .t.ilt wblieilll;. IY'l~t l eeitltv aiil sii liillz staled iii ll 'iliet ...


... WORSHIP STREET. Two females of respectable appearance, named Sarah Smith and Rebecca Ryan, the first a married women, and the other her unmarried sister, are in custody at this office, charged under very extraordinary circumstances with picking the pockets of several persons in Shoreditch Church last Sunday after- noon. It appeared from the evidence given before Mr Broughton, the sitting ...


... lauma'A aw To Z3-xlwl?? ull t?u, aili lo 261PRIAL VWMEBW4. Intni ? -tat ?? ?? QP of Pr qwii~ .opA p*3gfjgJAewin41AtlI gi 'V M,'v#ti iit '9 'M ME. ., atppwd fip thor,',i,, Miffus4 e*4ni4w4pye1 VAoF 14i Iwgw Z)#o* .rr 3#wa# IRIo Ut4P tr4gOA d t & ,A . olyapep ,f i'a . h-sibilr y Aob 4' go WtAQ, clasf thqejdg ?? ?? ~ r:}R~~vO Lit is cear that,-the..m ebt44 cea~md tW MR5 and 4ha~t~xjbt9Q-P9Uide9 ...


... BOW.-STREET. Mr. Dattgerflcid; a solicit or, residing ut No. 20, Lin- coln's-ionntields, appeared to answer t~o a complaint laid by Carter, the informer, charging him, under thle 89th of Goo II., ithpubishng ertain bills, without having the printer's namie attacbed thereto, thereby rendering hinmselfliable to a penalty of 201. Charles Dlgby, the informer's witness, deposed that on the 14th ...


... POLICE INTELLIGENCE.-S4TURDA. E I GUILDHALL. A female of respectable appearanc e, namnte Elia Toys- /in, and her daughter, about 12 years old, bearing the same name, were brought before Mr. Alderman Ansley, charged with shop-lifting. Mr. Bartleoot, of the firm of Parkyn and Barulcott, drapers, l.od gate hill, stated thattheprlsoners came Into his shop between six atid sevell o'clock otl Friday ...


... COURT OF CHANCERY-SATURDAY. FEW V. GUPPY. The LOrD CHANCELI.ORI intimrrated to the Counsel in this case, that.hc intended to dispose of the matter in dis- pute on Wednesday morning. RiCKlETTS V. BODENHAU. This case stood over in order that it might be taken at at period when two gentlemen of the Ecclesiastical Court could slake it conve- niast to attend. It was now iotimated to his Lordship, ...

Merionethshire Assizes

... Plerioone'.hb hire Assise3. / L . I-, i (!rasc a Cvcresprflcd.cct.) Gitil'Frri' V. JIINES AND (IT.11ItS.- Mr. Temple Opl ii ci thie pleacdings. Th'Ice I t count of the dccla: ratiou wis 1' ir ain illeciil distress, the 2d count for anl excessive distress. and the 3d coiflit in trover, t)v which ilel'cndc,ut hall pleaded Not guilty. Mr. Attorn'ey i'i ectal stated that (ite plaintiff is a li ...


... At tihe aleeting if the Court (n Saturday, Johli Dawson Iva* broug'rit forward, charged with rnb.r e bery or theft, in having assaulted, on the 6th January pol last, N. Dassauville, Esq. stirgeon, and taken from his on person a gold watch, with two seals and two rings attach- ed]. He was farther charged with previous conviction of y theft. rea Mr Dassativille satned, that on the evening of ...

Carnarvonshire Assizes

... Camrarvonwnive Assizes. On Saturdar evenino- Mr .I 3-itiie lBolland. nr. companied hvd i brilliant cortebgo preceded h y our and twentv javelin hearers: iirrived in Carnarv on. Ucsides the Hi'lt Sheriff's (Jihin Morgants, Esq.) carritge, in) which the leared Judgte raede, we per- ceiled the carriaiges iiis 'Richard Garnots, Esq; Johnlt Rowlatid's,'sq (Plasfirion) ; Rice 'l'hoinas, Esq. ...


... POUNTY ARMA0.1 ASS'ZES. WtbNESD.AY, MARCSI: 1 i._.Tis uy the follosvng Gen- tlemen were sworn and impannelgd before tie 'High Sheriff (E. Bacon, Esq.) and immediately afterwards proceeded to transact the Fiscal business of the County :-- Maxwell Close, Esq. Foreman; W:.-Blacker, Carrick, James Johnston, Roger Hall, Alexander Hamilton, S. W. Cope, Arthur I. Kelly, Barnet M}Kee;. Murcus Sypnot, ...