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... BOW.-STREET. Mr. Dattgerflcid; a solicit or, residing ut No. 20, Lin- coln's-ionntields, appeared to answer t~o a complaint laid by Carter, the informer, charging him, under thle 89th of Goo II., ithpubishng ertain bills, without having the printer's namie attacbed thereto, thereby rendering hinmselfliable to a penalty of 201. Charles Dlgby, the informer's witness, deposed that on the 14th ...


... POLICE INTELLIGENCE.-S4TURDA. E I GUILDHALL. A female of respectable appearanc e, namnte Elia Toys- /in, and her daughter, about 12 years old, bearing the same name, were brought before Mr. Alderman Ansley, charged with shop-lifting. Mr. Bartleoot, of the firm of Parkyn and Barulcott, drapers, l.od gate hill, stated thattheprlsoners came Into his shop between six atid sevell o'clock otl Friday ...


... LAW INWLLIGENCE. COURT OF CHANCERY-WEDNESDAY. WARREN V. BURTON. This was a motion, by way of appeal, from an order of the Vice-Chancellor. The plaintiff was a travelling preacher, of the Weslcyan Methodist connection, for the district of Manchester, and in that capacity had under his spiritual guidance the congregations of Eve of their cha- pels. Some time in the year 1834 a question arose in ...


... COURT OF CHANCERY-SATURDAY. FEW V. GUPPY. The LOrD CHANCELI.ORI intimrrated to the Counsel in this case, that.hc intended to dispose of the matter in dis- pute on Wednesday morning. RiCKlETTS V. BODENHAU. This case stood over in order that it might be taken at at period when two gentlemen of the Ecclesiastical Court could slake it conve- niast to attend. It was now iotimated to his Lordship, ...


... OXFORD CIRCUlT.-WolcnsTUR, MACIIC lIJ. CROWN COURT. Thic oriiring ('kerles Price, wvho was yestertiav citpi-; talb- con vie-ted or bariing shot ait wvith intelnt to murder Thomas Gcrearra, cu of the( E~arl of Coventr%`s keepers, Wass brought up before Mr. Justice Park fur Judgment. Seti~tnce Itad been deferred onl the pri'cs'ding rice, in) con- sequence of an objection takcn by Mr. Godson to ...


... NORTHIERN CIRCUIT.-LAN CASTER, MARCH 18. CRtOWN SIDE.-ARSON. John Sivn, 35, was indicted for having unlawvfulilv, ma- liciously, and feloniously set fire to the parochial chapel of Rivington, situate about four miles from Chorley, and double that distance from 1l30ton-le Modrs. It ap- peared from the evidence that, on the night of the Ist of December, a person named Lee was proceeding homeward ...


... Yesterday a Court was held further to consider the pro. posed reforms in the civic institutions preparatoryto their behig laid before the Commissioners of Inquiry, There was a very full attendance of Aldermen. COMPULSORY FREEDOMS. Sir PETER LAURIE was surprised at hearing from the minutes of the preceding Court, that a resolution had been adopted for compelling all householders in the City to ...


... OXFORD CIRCUIT.-WoncCisrl:R, MARCHn 12. fiiltE.ANT V. CllAiFFi D.D.r This was an action of replevin by thle plaintiff's, executor of the late WV. Sergeant, on a distress for goods taken for rent arrear by the defendont, who is a Doctor of Divinity and Master of Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge. Avovvry rest arrearunder it tena.ncey at e1100 per amlem; the goods taken In distress amountced to ...


... WORSHIP STREET. Two females of respectable appearance, named Sarah Smith and Rebecca Ryan, the first a married women, and the other her unmarried sister, are in custody at this office, charged under very extraordinary circumstances with picking the pockets of several persons in Shoreditch Church last Sunday after- noon. It appeared from the evidence given before Mr Broughton, the sitting ...


... lauma'A aw To Z3-xlwl?? ull t?u, aili lo 261PRIAL VWMEBW4. Intni ? -tat ?? ?? QP of Pr qwii~ .opA p*3gfjgJAewin41AtlI gi 'V M,'v#ti iit '9 'M ME. ., atppwd fip thor,',i,, Miffus4 e*4ni4w4pye1 VAoF 14i Iwgw Z)#o* .rr 3#wa# IRIo Ut4P tr4gOA d t & ,A . olyapep ,f i'a . h-sibilr y Aob 4' go WtAQ, clasf thqejdg ?? ?? ~ r:}R~~vO Lit is cear that,-the..m ebt44 cea~md tW MR5 and 4ha~t~xjbt9Q-P9Uide9 ...


... HOME CIRCUIT.-MAIDSTONE, WEDNESDAY. CROWN COURT. ?? Mr. Justice GASELCtr.] William Catt, aged 35; Ifillian U'raight, 28; James Smith, 26; Janmes Haywood, 28; James WIrelstead, 23; Robert Welstead, 19; and Edward Baker, 32, were in- dicted for having feloniously assembled, armed with ofTen- sive weapons, on the night of the 5th of September last, for the purpose of illegatlly landing, removing, ...


... LAW NOTICES.-TJIIB DAY. COURT OF CHANCERY, LINCOLN'S-INN. sittings at ten. W arren v BU~tO -Taytur.,v Pgeldes m notions part heard. MoBiorNs ay DATE.-l0th of Novembsr. 1S34, Richards v Wood -2tl of d ecember, 1834, Saunderso'o y Walter-iStb of December, IS3-iJ. iutchinson v. VWrer. VICE.CHANCELLO1VSg COURT, DINCOLN'S-INN. Sittings at ten. Pontifex v Shout, petition by ?? GenIeral v Jones- ...