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... OAKrTANT, M'iARCH 0.- Eliiabeth Rushler, aged 26, was found guilty of* having concealed the birtb lie of her infan5ft, and senteneed to three monthls fin A- risonmeti t. of VVINCHESTEII, MARCH 6.-Alary Hawkins, aget! Lte ~Il wvast ciaiged with hasving ott the l4th of Nov. lststfr to a barn and other ho ?? ?? 'ii. Jury foun d that shte had committed the act whistra re-' ~itn ,itnisound state ...


... Thursday, March 12.-Present-Sir D. ScOTT, Bart., and WV. SBYNItlUit, Fsq. Frederick Denman and Thomas Pairsons were charged with having a quantity of turnip greens in their possession, under sus- picious circumstances. Cousens, the police-officer, deposed that on Tuesday morning last, between 5 and 6 o'clock, lie sawv the prisoners in Trafalgar. street, with the greens in two sacks (whi ch the ...

Merionethshire Assizes

... Plerioone'.hb hire Assise3. / L . I-, i (!rasc a Cvcresprflcd.cct.) Gitil'Frri' V. JIINES AND (IT.11ItS.- Mr. Temple Opl ii ci thie pleacdings. Th'Ice I t count of the dccla: ratiou wis 1' ir ain illeciil distress, the 2d count for anl excessive distress. and the 3d coiflit in trover, t)v which ilel'cndc,ut hall pleaded Not guilty. Mr. Attorn'ey i'i ectal stated that (ite plaintiff is a li ...


... -40- MARLBOROUGH-STREET. ALT. ron; Lovip.-Jainers T'i071apOon, npprcntice to Mr. Gould, proprietor of the London Hotel, Albernarle-street, t wvas brought before Mr. Chambers, charged with having dt neglccted his moaster's business. St Mr. Gould said lie had taken the defendant as his ap- prentice without any fee; had paid the expenses of the r indenturesa himself, and bad provided him weith ...

Carnarvonshire Assizes

... Camrarvonwnive Assizes. On Saturdar evenino- Mr .I 3-itiie lBolland. nr. companied hvd i brilliant cortebgo preceded h y our and twentv javelin hearers: iirrived in Carnarv on. Ucsides the Hi'lt Sheriff's (Jihin Morgants, Esq.) carritge, in) which the leared Judgte raede, we per- ceiled the carriaiges iiis 'Richard Garnots, Esq; Johnlt Rowlatid's,'sq (Plasfirion) ; Rice 'l'hoinas, Esq. ...


... POUNTY ARMA0.1 ASS'ZES. WtbNESD.AY, MARCSI: 1 i._.Tis uy the follosvng Gen- tlemen were sworn and impannelgd before tie 'High Sheriff (E. Bacon, Esq.) and immediately afterwards proceeded to transact the Fiscal business of the County :-- Maxwell Close, Esq. Foreman; W:.-Blacker, Carrick, James Johnston, Roger Hall, Alexander Hamilton, S. W. Cope, Arthur I. Kelly, Barnet M}Kee;. Murcus Sypnot, ...