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... LAW INWLLIGENCE. COURT OF CHANCERY-WEDNESDAY. WARREN V. BURTON. This was a motion, by way of appeal, from an order of the Vice-Chancellor. The plaintiff was a travelling preacher, of the Weslcyan Methodist connection, for the district of Manchester, and in that capacity had under his spiritual guidance the congregations of Eve of their cha- pels. Some time in the year 1834 a question arose in ...


... BOW-STREET. ROBBERY AT THE FREEMASONS' TAVERN.-James Wright, a decent looking elderly man, was placed at the bar, charged with stealing twelve silver table spoons, of the value of £7 and upwards, the property of Mr. Cuff, the proprie- tor of the Freemasons' Tavern, Great Queen-street. It appeared that the prisoner was in the employ of the prosecutor, as an extra waiter, and had been so for ...


... I .J1 I.O l int. a hIW- lia ,i; ,5t~l'i'i gl or: Solic 'n orC it nett ot C'r sc! t' {a i for l0erio g rore ~I ~li f(~5'O Bett1ocm, and re- u -I~ ,Z 1 1( ll lat11le r e 0' r ?? 9' etlry ittu t rn art I I )i ; oltli'lo ftle'ra iii lp' rr recs . ?? oeldatioll of .II,. ?? 'tln nitain al ?? a fjilllt w th.e' by) thle late GO- \ f ''Silgtit whici vlbose - r IS >'°O1'- the pay, that I sce I 1 aN' ...


... On Monday the Cmolt again met, when, with the t concurrence of Counrel, thf case of RIobert Reid, frem c Pathhead, in the'parial nf Dysart, accused of tbenmurder of his eife, sas postponed. n'homnal Browne, and Junrers Torrence, charged witlh entering ceirtain fields, on thr property of Aruiston, with t frre-srnris, for the jrs~rhse niflillig ganri, in the night of b Iith Derember last, ...


... HOME CIRCUIT.-MAIDSTONE, WEDNESDAY. CROWN COURT. ?? Mr. Justice GASELCtr.] William Catt, aged 35; Ifillian U'raight, 28; James Smith, 26; Janmes Haywood, 28; James WIrelstead, 23; Robert Welstead, 19; and Edward Baker, 32, were in- dicted for having feloniously assembled, armed with ofTen- sive weapons, on the night of the 5th of September last, for the purpose of illegatlly landing, removing, ...