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... COURT OF REQUESTS.--Mul).41i. A MWIDOW\VED IHOPE;. .1. Pierce, a sleek, strock-lfced qareocc, sumrnotleit a nian nained Alle'otuo for 21. The CommitsiloNon having inqjuired the notucre of Ihe debt, the plulcitiff stat'cl that it had( aecrired nis rent. :cd the amount of various pinms of glass which had boeet dellmolished during the period *f deelhdant's tecirc. Mr. Alleome, when asked what he ...


... LANCASTER ASSX5SS. ofT,,,:,.2 $.A - I o. . (Continned front the (ant pnge.) Ml~onday, ?? 23. (is lordship dld not taie his seat this morning until ten o'clock, in consciiuence of the cxecution of Weislh.) CllARGE 01' INCENDITA11S8,1. Y'loioma? Vpi etgt, aged 33, was indictedi tfr swilfaliv, muali- ciously, andi teloniously setting fire to IL barn, stables, and outhouse, beloltgitog to Jo.lli ...


... COURT OF CHANCERY.-THUitSDAY. COCK;BURN V. RAPHAEL. This was a petition, praying that certain sums of money now in the hands of the Accountant-General, might be paid out of court without any deduction on account of legacy duty. An Armenian merchant, who died at Ma- dra had, by his will, left a considerable sum with directions that It should belaid out in Indian Securities, forcertain ...


... LAWT OF AliREST. TO THE MERCHANTS AND TRADERS OF THE CITIES OF LONDON AND WESTMINSTER, AND THE TRADING COM- AIJNITY OF ENGLAND. The following statement is circulated by the Society of Mutual Communication for the Protection of Trade, with the iew of directing attention to a Bill now before Parlia. ment 'touching the Law of Debtor and Creditor, and abolishing Imprisonment for Debt except in ...


... HOME CIRCI'IT.-.MAISTONroti, SA'TCILAY. CROWN COL'RT.-[Blofore Mr. Justice (iASotLrFst Ale.vander' Tundurski, it Pcile, aged SI, wtis piaced at the bar, charged with uittering a forged c'otnterl'eit hill of exehange for .500fL, with intent to dcjranid Gcori~e F'ittth, at East Wielkham. Mr. Bowt.iN,, condcucted the lproecutitof. TIii' p)risnncr (lid not ?? eounuse!. (George Finch7 started that ...


... MARLBOROUGH STREET. James Thompson, apprentice to Mr Gould, proprietor of the London Hotel, Albemarle street, was brought before Mr Chambers, charged with having gone out at night and neglected his master's business.- he defendant, in answer to the charge, said he certainly did go out at nigh, because he wanted to pay a visit where he knew he should not be allowed the liberty of going in the ...


... ASSIZE' INTELLIGENCE. NORTHERN CIRCCIT.-LANCASTER, MARCHi 23.: CROWN COURT. Thomas Siriglt, ?? 33, was indicted for having un- lawfully, naliciousiy, and feloniously set fire to a barn, a stable, alid an out-house, at Scotfortih, in the occupation of John Alston. On the 26tbs of January a pile of buildings was found to be oil fire, and despite every exertion, the erections, with their contents ...


... EXTRA ORDINARY FRA CAS. Yesterday Major W.) Byrne was brought before the Brentford Petty Sessions, on a warrant, charging him with having desperately assaulted Lord Montford on Sunday. The assault having been committed at noon on the high road, great interest was excited at Hanwell and the neigh- bourhood to hear the investigation. The magistrates present, were-Col. Clitleroe, chair- man; Rev. ...


... DEN ON ASSIZES. ICsoatinuael frona stir ?? C R WNV.\ 1 A n. WEDNESDAY_.AS~ 'pairt ot' onr itnpressioii only ]Inst week Contained a list of the Griiied J ut-v, we ro-itoct It- Mr. Baron Gurtrey.took li's seat ait ilie Crown Bii r, when ,53 Magistrates answered to their, itotos. aiontog whom wvere thle Right H9on. Lord P6ltimore, Lord Viscount B3orniigdon, and thle llight Hin. alld Rev. Lord ...


... LANCASTER ASSIZES-CRO WN COURT. illURDER AT LIVERPOOL. NORMAN WELSH was sldicted osi Friday for tlie wilful murder of i William Sonithgate, ot Liverpool, on the 17th of Octaber last. The prisoner, who was ?? as belig 56 years of age, and who was of deceat appearasce, pieaded not Guilty. I-le seemed to be a good deal depressed during the progress of the trial. The deceased rle, Southlgae ras a ...


... . ZrANCAETEW -ASSIVrs.. ? ; 1. I - I . . - CROWYN SIDE. , . , ?? Mlarch 20, ; Mrl5DD.C OF Dt. 5OUTIt0tATE,- INSPECTORt Or. cus. ' . TO314. AT LIVERPOOL. .I rpran.Wte i, aged t i, was hiicted for thle wilful murder .of William f,1 iat1e, Inspector. of his Majest'I Customs atrls iverpool, on tile 17h. of October last. The AttorneyGeeneral, with. whom: were oAfr. C61tnnl IIr. Stsrkie,-aintd Dlr. ...


... NISI PRIUS C'OURT.-FRIDAY, IfARcill 20. .*iiu.l jutiOt' ?? .1. .-X 053)41.1 .i.\iAbi]1 ?? LIBEL. GRUNDY i. KAVE-Tiis wis an action brought by the pini11- tiff, Mr. Edninind Gnundy, of Park Idills, near Bury, to receive ?? for i11 alleged I bel contained iii i bill publilshel by thle de- fenidaint, Mr. John lKaye, printer tind bookseller, Bury. The follow,- ing were the brief folets:-Mr. Grundy ...