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... THE ROBBERY OF MR. WILLIAM.SON'S SHOP IN CORNHILL. On Tuesday the Committee of General Purposes, to which the report of the Court of Aldermen, relative to the accusation against Mr. Brown, the Marshal, of having T attempted to obtain a restoration of the stolen property by v a compromise with those who were parties to the com -v mission of the offence, assembled at Guildhall, for the pur- pose ...


... ASSIZE' INTELLIGENCE. NORTHERN CIRCCIT.-LANCASTER, MARCHi 23.: CROWN COURT. Thomas Siriglt, ?? 33, was indicted for having un- lawfully, naliciousiy, and feloniously set fire to a barn, a stable, alid an out-house, at Scotfortih, in the occupation of John Alston. On the 26tbs of January a pile of buildings was found to be oil fire, and despite every exertion, the erections, with their contents ...


... DEN ON ASSIZES. ICsoatinuael frona stir ?? C R WNV.\ 1 A n. WEDNESDAY_.AS~ 'pairt ot' onr itnpressioii only ]Inst week Contained a list of the Griiied J ut-v, we ro-itoct It- Mr. Baron Gurtrey.took li's seat ait ilie Crown Bii r, when ,53 Magistrates answered to their, itotos. aiontog whom wvere thle Right H9on. Lord P6ltimore, Lord Viscount B3orniigdon, and thle llight Hin. alld Rev. Lord ...


... - z . . . - ?? f Confsuesd from ouer dh Page.) SATIURDAY.-This morning Air. Baron Gurney again entered the Court at 9 o'clock, when WiIliain Jones was placed at the bar, anid Mr. Gully, the Governor of the Exeter City Gaol, identifying him as a matt who bad been convicted (as stated in yesterday's report,) and transported 7 s,-the Jiudge sentenced him to be transported for life. Tbe prisoner ...


... COURT OF CHANCERY.-WEDNESDAY. WvARMEtN V. BURITON. The Loan Ciia-cl~f.Lon, at the sitting of the Court, gave juilgmtent in this matter, which waso argucd for four days of the last week. After a brief reviewv of the pro- evedings in thle niotion, and the decision of the Vice- Chancellor agalinst the application of Dr. Warren, his Lordship proceeded to obqerie on the kind of govern- snent whichl ...


... : '-11rj ZE 1 Ad h I1~ l ?? -Ig ectt thnake IGtne ,~ eeeqen T2 i wotrieos na il e n il 5 Nt55vrr~d ic L:500, vennder way he totot p 1 to ed him if he fotevte f0 tt rs livefldeen co on ty rtit s Mebr thnd and ~ fieswlial 0;;flneit!. tile for tha t by thefior the cas for the plaintiff ?? IT in t . sgive thion (Gartner) tflD tl ati'i 0 0 ha~tit't inight L t the uptn g leiot. owclock on the firsti ...