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... EXTENSIvE FORGEEIY AND DEFALCATION IN TEx CITY.-Within the last few days it has been discovered that a gentleman who has been for some years well known on 'Change has absconded, after committing forgeries to a most frightfiul amount, and carrying. with him a considerable sum of money. The principal delinquent is, it appears, the nephew of. an old and one of the most respectable merchants in ...


... 1lENCH OF AIAGISTITS'1'S. MoNDsA, MlARnCn 30.-Iresent-Sir D. Scoiir, Bart., Captain FuiL.i a, UI.N., and S.Y.r2IOCtU, J.ll ALL, attdJ. II. l mioten, 1?',ter Shepherd was remanded till this day week on a charge of havirjn robbed ?? 1 m. pi!l11, of 1vi9igean, rvith viwhom hc former ly lived as fo(otian, of a large quanotity of plate wearing apparel, &c. It appeared that tbe prisoner hadl tounll ...


... BUVRC,. Ir -aiet b ;r Report to the fagistrates of Edinburgh relative to tle - eligibility of that City for Manufacturing Estcblith to mnents. I IPplu ,or Edinburgh, a large city, in thae contre oF a popfulas he districf. rii, in. its agriculture, sand rich lni'its m? Detta of it especially coal snd lime1 wtithin. a mile of'tb-aea, and a aood'sbaiport, directly tatisfiuniciting not oniy wth ...


... ,. si'.Vs1 ?? I T . T L I GE ANl CE. L (A l 1!A I 1 -1 ?? 11 eoeh liil ed., was airroigne ( On til inlidiunnit rhorlgilig himi n% ill] tile wilful. miurdler of \i joinl Soul110, e It Liverpool, onl the 17th of October lAs. 'I he i~icrs tire alreadly ill thle recollectionl of 011 190101 F 10 the d10)0t119 there1 was1 it great 10013 as to tle 13 5101 of' the prisoner's mlind, ;ill of l l ended ...


... .'ISSLST f.lA NCASIFIIi,- !Iuqt Fawcettl, ers inidictuil for tire! r 1witieol imrruitr of' Wilit run Soit!i', at ,I`UI e ?? erI tile WtI (if' Nuoveinlrer ?? prisuncir~ ia riroirrg marn 's Of IL 'I rerttitlul appe aranciii i.a tist of D bilrhil, '5 WIOOI,-1rd11~y arid connection. islvediltl in ieC le in thlat City. Ilb ?? not gnilty. A MrI. fi'cei rnd Krii Roscoe cinducted th rll rto A Ir.trr ...


... J) INB3G1U1II ,l H ASSIZLs. .o 111.1. e1;-, fair t1;, -Sss ?? .. ?? . ?? - __ n I 'It 'li5euLIiLssion for thitP -11t1ty Celeitd on Sattirda~y lit s11 litligilt before2 1 1atult 'it1lldltt At live oriuock in fa the( slr'stti (V ?? `N`eweoste,1 (acet- ?? 5ittg for tho ulgh Sheritf, *.ir Roi nt Henry Cultiilfrc itart, of Acton, near WIrunia, WittI seaS prevented or ~,(n ntticrding i1 ...


... MIDLAND CIRCU1T, WARWICK, MARCH 28. NISI PRIUS COURT. [Before Chief Justtice Til.iAL and a Comnmon tory.] ELECTION ASSAULT. DAVIS V. BADGl.t. 'This was an action brouight to recover dainages for an assault. The defendant pleaded that he was not guilty. Mr. BALGUY and Mr. WHITE conducted the case for the plaintiii'; and Mr. Serjeant GOULsI§uN and Mr. Hutm- Fnt:Y appeared on behalf of the ...


... * I- , fart' O'Neal, and John Harrison, poethovat the King's Head,. b.fird Street, came before Mr Dyer and Mr Chambers in a case of assault. Mrs O'Neale stepped at once to the complainant's. dside of the office, and making a low curtsey, ?? out -11 Plase your Honours, I'm not able to spake a word ofEnglish. On me oath I say it, an here's my witness, turning over aroll of paper. The contents ...


... MURDERS BY POISOANING. The town of Burnham Market, in Norfolk, and the vicinity for some miles round, have for the last week been in the most dreadful state of excitement, caused bv the discovery of three diabolical murders which have already been committed, and a plan laid for taking away the lives of several others. The circumstance that led to the discovery was as follows:-A woman named ...


... HOME CIRCUIT.-LwFo;s, FRIDAY. CIVIL SII)E. BAIRRON V. THE EARL 01 ASHBURNHtAM. This was an action for a breach of contract. Mr. PLATT and Mr. CLARniSON conducted the plain- tiff's case ; Air. I.ONG and Mr. DARBY the defendant's. Mr. Barron rented a farm of the Earl of Ashburnham, and prior to entering- ouper his tepaney, made an agreemenrt with the steward of his Lordship, that as he did not ...


... Iouse of Lord4 House of Lords, March 26. Oswald v. AM'Whyr-This case related to the fishings in the Solway Firth, andi was fully argued by Dr Lush- ingmIn. Mr Keav for the appellant, and Mr Tinny and Mr Marray for the respondent. Judgment was pont- poned. March 27. Lord Macdonald v. Hacdonald-The Lord Chancellor sat with Lord Brougham to bear this case, which stands adjourned to Molnd'ay next. ...


... LIVERPOOL POLICE, ., v:~ Va X .,LtlLn mU i~ . - , A GENO-wI ta KENTLVCXIAN.-A ?? Ame- rican seaman, whose wild appearanee might perfectly jus- tify a Yankee gazeteer in describing him as half alligator half bl Ana, or half any thing but a human being, was placed at the bar of the Police Coart on Thursday, charged with having forgotten the lessons on temperance learned-in the United States, by ...