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London, London, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... LAW LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY. OTICE is hereby given, that the Dividends on the Shaies N the Capital Stock of this Society for the Year 1834, will be paid on ap pliatonat ?? FEE' TREETr, LONDON, 0n the Sixth day of PRI net, r o an suoeqentday (Wednesdayf excepted), between the bours of Eleven o'clock in the Morning and Three 'clocks n f the ?? Anid further Notice is hereby given, that the Tranfr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CLOSE OF THE PRESENT EXHIBITION. flRITISH INSTITUTION, PALLMALL.-The Gallery D for the EXHIBITION and SALE of the WORKS of BRITISH ARTISTS, is open daily from Ten in the Morning until Five in the EeIngan WILL be CLOSED on SATURDAY, the 25th inst.-Admnis5iO' is.; Cataloguei. WILLIAM BARNARD, Keeper. SOCIETY of BRITISH ARTISTS.-The EXHIBITION ?? of the SOCIETY of BRITISH ARTISTS, in Suffolk ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO READERS, CORRESPONDENTUS ,e The letter of Mr. Oastler, which we promised last week, is omitted for want of roem. On second thoughts, we found that its insertion would involve the exclusion of a deal of matter of more immediate acd eaneral interest. 5sre feel great pleasure in publishing the following list of subsecrip. tions for the Dorchester victims. It reflects great honour on the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS. CLOSE OF THE PRESENT EXHIBITION. BRITISH INSTITUTION, PALL-MALL.- The GALtUERY for the EXHIBITION and SALE of the WORKS of BRtlTISHI ARTISTS is OEN daily, front ten in the miorislig until five in the evenIng, alid wvill be closed onl Saturday, the Ilnstant.-Admission Is., Catalogue Is. WILLIAM BARNARD, Keeper. Now OPEN, at No. 28, Old Bond-street, THODIS'S EXHIBITION of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. roil MAD)RAS DIRECT, to Sail from Graves- end 5th 'May, the ?? trader F ROYAL WIL1LIAM, ;rliQ Tons burden, God o N.I, (late of the ?? Commander, ?? Inin xpor Due,.Sheis fitted exprafs~ly for susoeers liiinigeigt fet beweendec s. si curries a surgeon. {~sfreglnocpanage aplyto he ommndr, at the Jerusalemi coff hose o Ma~r. AbutnolandLatans ftreslt St. lHelen'li; or t ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Just published, in small RVO. price 7s. 6d. SCENES and LEGENDS of the NORTH of SCOTLAND; or the Traditional History of Cromarty. By HUGH MILLER. A. and C. Black, Edinburgh; Longman and Co. London. THE POOR. Just published, price Is. SUGGESTIONS for restoring the MORAL CHARACTER and the INDUSTRIOUS HABITS of the POOR; also for establishing Dis- trict Work Farms instead of Parish Workhouses* and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUCTION. V'ictoria 'Theatre.-51lendid Itecoratiotis arul Oenie'rvt, i'nte'osis W\ardtrobecs, Mcinteiiery, mttporb Chindtiltiers, Fittings Oft Pit itto Blux, SIloolls, Dreantlig-rooiu, Gr~ee-roam, Tlr,'asntrs, (rcttemrta, Oac. 'laO Plattu-f'arte;, fille-toned aerathtltte, ).50 sets of tiltisle, Plays, table l'ier mad Chitneny Glinse, &v. It. HAMMOND, of 30, Bell-vy-rd, and 26', M ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUCTION. fitycerlor 1itoumehold Furniture, ?? Mahotgany Wardr,,Ie, Bunk. rises.4 Exteaditig V~ining-tubics, mid itumerous Effects. MIESSRS. EVELEIGH and CO. ,will SELL LJby AUCTI ON, at their (ireat Rouoms, 76, Latib's Conduilt- Otret, TO-MO BRlOWV, April 7, ait Twelve Itir One, precisely, excel- lent HOUSEHOLD FURNITURlE, cuatyrising a rosetrood draw- ing-room sulit of ioo, card, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... [ADVERTISEIEMI ENT] CiRlEAT NVESTE'RN RAILWAY. A ai inonymious article hit, a ppei'retl hi ?? ?? (CILhron(ic(c, i(tiililit tiwar) 10isrvpltseCltatiolls With - speot to this undcrtalking. In refutatiou of t hem, the l)irectors appeal t! the ah- nexed Report of Mr. Stcpiheuson anid Mr. I'aliucr, tv.,, clinrocut civil cgineers. They moreover declare that thc tcxcral as~crtion, vi ii respect to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . MORISONS MEDWCINES. Cure of extreme internal Suffering. To Mr. HASTXTT. SMIR,-I return you my sincere thanks for ' the Pilln (Morison's Universal Medi- cines), which I received from you, through the mediinmi of Captain Brown, whose kind- iieis tod' tn will never be'erased from my iheart, until it sball cease to beat, And, sir, I consider it a duty incumbent ot rme, for the g ood of others, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC AMUS.E.Mt NTS. 'BRITISH INSTITUTION, PALL-MA'ALL.- Tie GALLERCY for the EXHIBITION an01 SABE of the wOnKS of BRIITISll ARTISTS is OPEN daily, from tell in the mornilg nritil five in the ?? Is,, Catalogue Is. JVlLLIAMt BtARNARD, Keeper. XHIBITrION of CAMELLIA JAPONICA, or JAPAN ROSE-A Collection of these lenistlfill Exotic$ is ilow in Bloom tit CHANDLER and SONS' Nursery, Vauxhall,- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC AMUSEMIEANTS. of Patronized by her Royal HI ghness the Princess Augusta and Prince ei George Ral Madame TUSSAUD and SONS, in obedience to the vwiake of their numerous Patrons, respectfully announce that St their EXllIBITION snol PROMENAl)E, with the addition of the splendid GOLDEN CORINTHIAN SALOON, New Figures, t Dresses, atd Ensbellishments, is NOWt' OPEN, vith success, in the Great ...