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April 1835
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Belfast News-Letter


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Belfast News-Letter

Advertisements & Notices

... Meeting Tc-?0orrav. GENERAL MEETING OF THE My9ICAL PROFESSION. T HE MEDI(CAL PRACTI '0ERS resident it, T Town are requested to Yeeyon SATURDAY, the 4th inst. at ONE o'clock A-1M hbe ASSEMBLY ROOM, COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS, to consider of matters which concern the interests of the profession at large. Belfast, 2d April, 1835. (692 NORTIIlMEAST fOCIETY. T HE COMMITTE R of the NORTIH-EAs'r I' SOCIETY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MAGAZINE DE MODES II AND PARPEISIAN DEPOT. j RS. KEITH respectfullyc nounces her Remval| H$G11 X~BEET, OPPOSITE BRIDG'E-STREET. (677 NEWV AEHS)0, &C. THE SUBSCRlI-ER has received, per following lVessels, just arrived frmn HOLLAND.: Per 'e' ?ut, from DORDT, 200 Hhds. best sowing FLAXSEED. Per Flora, from ROTTERDAM, 260 Hbds. best sowing FLAXSEED, 20') Mats FLAX, prime quality, 12 Casks MADDER. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TFIgE 1IATAIESTEI A .ss 11)1fal e cflZpanflq, FOR ASSURANCE AGAINST FIRE, AND O0 LIVES AND SURVIVORISHIPS, PURICHAS1 OF ANNUITIES, REVERSIONS, &r. &,!. 'OFFICE-98, KING-STR'IIERT, VAN JICES T.ER Capifa'g-TWO MILLIONS. ESTABLISHED MIARCH, 1824. FIRE DEP.IRTMENAT. fli jl A~ssmredl t..- coti-led to otpe-t/jipr (lf thle Prosfits B withlout ankv liability oil their part fo tBie loses. Parties ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1!;i: i? I. I ? CHOICE , lFA[MILY TEAS- ato-m joliai; G I-d7A331nE a CO. 't:P :FCT the atteintion nf the Pnhlic to their choice I *Iselection of TEAS, just received from the Comr- TAP4Yr MARCH SALE, which are giving general satisfaction fut Lev, -Prices. Orl' ers from the Country-packed in Double Tin Cases lxi 'adlock, containing 5 lbs., 10 lu.s., and 15 lbs. Th eir WINES are of the finest, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CONCER T. MsIASTER IEGOSN I OST respectfully atino ces to the Nobility and Gentry, that, after his ngagaments in DUBLIN, he will have the honour to Ze a CONCERT in BEL- FAST. (739 MAJ azi1vE DE MO1DES AND RS. KEITH respectfully] urnces her Removal to 3 39 3 X G t,% R El E T, OPPOSITE B E-STREET. (677 SPLENDID SALE OF SIM~I 1R.U31CERIY5 &C. &C- T the request of several LADIES, who have been un- ...