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Advertisements & Notices

... itO be DISPOSED OF, a small BIb&VERY, with L the Business attached to It.-Apply to tie Pqlpters. TO GROCERS. / T be DISPOSED OF, with immed9,e aossei'siil, T an excellent Wholesale and Retail G OCERY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1 sE ANTED ),-A steady respectable young Man, A Y of good address, as aln ASSISTANT in the Shop I of a JEWVELLER and S1LIVERS'IITH.-ApplY to Mrs. y Hickman, High-street, Oxford; if by letter, post paid.; v~ Reference to character will be expected. EE 'ANTrS a situation as BUTLER or UPPER St SERVAN'I,-4 married mnan, aged 3G, who on-[ derstands his business, the manageionet of brewingf, &rc. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AA~ D CO S5IOtA t OIRoMn. I V VrIE of the INTE- OPELL C1APEL. in T iche di ors- -qv' . C [)ISELl1`l` C~n effects of Sunshine bu RI R rdinary e I,10 def manneer in 0bitih the beatt-js The ltaeprodrrred, togeth tr t ' -roe f Ligt r iy pla, Char,.e I whoic. and th:e fidelit. rrdf htieleide thres specmel1 of orchi- B a1repro Pj Is 'excited by the originlsl, . e .he ore eet I ImCre've ExhibitiOns ...

Advertisements & Notices

... evee )l- KEET -IPPI. B u ?? AGE1T fur suppvying Phus- dani J m-outh, Porrt aehm,~uics~i * butJaOtatWih~ GTUINN1ESS',s SU1'E. M) RPUls Pf)PiVE Re i has constantly a 1lm1ge ,;t~ck hi CuslR. tind c (if *1Km otle Which he receives direct fron; the Br ewery.a 'J -cannot warrant any in Lotfle'q to be Gienuinxe unle~s it has a lablo affixced to it, hvn ?? Agpent, arid a chsSiblo i'HsJ In nae f thie ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CLOSE OF THE PRESENT EXHIBITION. 1RITlSH INSTITUTION, PALLIIALL- The Gallery J for the EXHIBITION anod SALE of the WORKS of BRITISH ARTISt S is open daily from Ten in the Morning until Five in the Evening, and WILL ho CLOSED on SATURDAY, the 25th ?? Is.; Catalogue ls. WILLIAM BARNAL'D, Keeper. The GALLERY will be RE-OPENED early in MAY, with a SELECTION of PICTURES by ANCIENT M4ASTERS. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... late JOHN ABERNETHY, Esq. SURGEON, F.,laS., &c.-The mere announeeneut or a Mcdi- cine at all ?? by the above great man, would, in the estimata2 every person possessing the slightest ?? 6l' truly great genins, be a safficielit guarantee to them for its ?? astonishiug successo f the Anti-bilirnsand Stomachic Digecstivo pills, also of the Family Aperient Mixture of the above ceiiilent surgeon (as ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - ,1.anteC. Wii D ?? i atelb, a respe 0tabl' s V^Y sV'I'll, as an APPREONTICI to a ci9 sdr -u a LC5 l hlgz ri: pll5t) Mir. S. Jn1sEat. en,2r , _ X7n7ee , ,ail ,in or APPREN ICE ; I ?? a a.A Premiui will be r i 15011 1)cI A to iul, _ 3 _ _, Y s trceet, Aian.lse[ter A; VITD; ag5ood CARD,', an ?? t A R OI .'I'lii o Ir lA perSO 1ifm d g to.. ' lchney wooid heli Pot iile Aliest(,r.' * ' .,la .25. 0 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... P'UBLIC AMUSi.$A1 - `1 IS., APOLLONICON.o-TOMorOw, Saturday, at two o'tlock, alr. PURKIS villperform the fdiolting selection, iz., Introduluction, Chaos and Chorus (Crcation); Havdn-Veuper, Laudate lDominum- ; iotart-Trio, ?? soul with roge (Mount of Olivee( ;leethoten-Sok y, Oh silence fond warblers; Russell -Choru ' LOift up your heads ; Handel. PART it. Fill~t~leio from rile Works of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -I OF BRIGHTON. OTICE IS IIEREBY GIVEN, that a Public Vestry N gecting of the Inhabitants of this Parish will be held t1,own Iall, oil THURSDAY, the 30th day of April inst., at I , o'clock at noon precisely, to nominate and appoint at leeubstantial and discreet Persons, paying scot and lot, and Ihirty s and residing in dwellin w bouses within the said Parish of tieannual value of f 3tD, to be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ii Aniiial fnieiliiI ?? 'tJ 1lS fth 1L B.\ ?? COMP'ANY !II ;\jjitl)EEMN- will he li-hi ;it i:- - ~ lX- her, 'oii ToESDAY, tili- 7th dav 4)1 ?? inext, ait 12 i t.) noi-. 1111, ill ti-ens oIF the Coinicirit. Do rl. ljts trill he fiiridv foi- -lvel oi Pt idllv, flthe :I ploxillto. I IA. ATORIXIIE, Clfshicr. Do A-hertleen, 241h March, 111311. I, TEACHERS FORC DRi. BELLUS SC1HOOFLS, PAT ABRREDEEN, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TEAS, &C. &c. I pHU DAVIDSON bvgs to offer his Itest t Hnile S to hIls1 ~[-F Isid, antl Cttsttomeis in zeiiwr'il, for tho hit' -;II Support heJ hts re-cited'ilivehe fins bi tit inl Btusin'ss. e Hel tahus thle filihi-ty ?? ifii Iiillhs Couintry Friends, thatt Its Ivili Fz I *his tosno supply of C LOU IP S E1R II and TAR ES Is ring i'e-ot.He htts nowv ciii hand tt Stock Ot' very fineu S REDS), ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *-i :-. N.WORK, Ve~vi ,'' l *4 sn' -4.ailing Ship wj ,SItARI3 AMiLTON~ !, ,/ 57,,,e. Y483 T~rSIRegist~rJc f * tOm'w~rl LXJNIaY, Master. This Ship is a re,:iliar Trader t., New York; has the bost aecommiodatins for Pdssengers, and will be dis- 1ttelhtd ahout the Sto of Mav. Apply to JOHN HOt.l.lNGWORT13, or THOMAS WAItD, Hil, ArarleA31. 1835. t Bowiniley-Lane. .Als~ - ;FOR DUNKIRK, ; *~ z T1H ...