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Advertisements & Notices

... NEW YORK LINE OF PACKETS. Sailing on the 89h of ceery smont' , viz. ENGLAND, G. ?? -750 tons, 8th Ilay. VIRGINIAN, 1 Haris ?? 62otons. 8th June. SHEFFIELD. F. P. ALLEg 5 818 tons, 8th July. UNITED ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO ltDGt3*OIJWD WOBIflIB. TO BE LET BY PROPOSAL, At the House of Mr Pearson, Qsueen's Head Inn, afo7peth, on Wednesday the 61th VIsuy of May next, at 12 o'Clock, ~HE Making of about 200 Yards in Length, of .TAUNDERGREOUND DRAIN, to clear the Quarry of Water at Cawsey Park, near Felton. The Quarrynman will point out the Part, and any other ne- cessary Particulars may be known on applying to Mr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... in- tal 7' j'?O .bc LET, with immediate possession, a hOUSE,' IV. with large garden, stab2c, and soach-hocue, situated on ig, the Miii Hill, Iffley. or, For putticulars apply to Mrs. Nowell, Iffley. ill, Hen ieq aird Dorchester Tui'npike Jocs'd?. ? ?'OTICEis hereby given, Titat a Meeting of 'the' ci' the above Turerilte Roads will be held at the White hart Inn, in Benson, in the county of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC AMUSEMEN'TS. The THIRTY-FIRST ANNUAL EXHIBI- TION of the SOCIETY of PAINTERS In WATER-COLOURS. at their Gallery, Pall-mialElaEt, Io ?? each day from .ine till ?? Is., Catalogue 6d, R. HILLi, Sev. MAGNIFICENT EXHIBITION, 106, New Bonad-street, Hanoyer-square.-J. HOLLAND'S Im OXY HYDROGEN transparent and opaque MICROSCOR and llIS. COPE, the largest, most poteerful, and most distinct in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHIPPING INTELLIGEINCE. POR MNADRAS and CJALCU'prA, has all her Fdead welht-h oil board, and Aill positiyely sntil the lot of Jane, the ,asarkrellol fine iiast-mailinig I'lomniry teak-built strip MOi 0yrTUTIA T EPHIlNSTON H, Register 611 Thos, WViLTsAin ToLtan, Commandvier, pigI b ?? Fxprort Dock. This ship baa very an.- jerir an spai naccL~vommoationsq, nod carr-irs or, experienced ?? frigt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... , 1 crownTt fldim'w Miuld conmme)citl fun, b'il'Zi' HOL,3OtN, LONDON. >1)1Th l (fiirl \lIalveril,) returns thaimks Il ,e very glreat aiilport atid appiroval mvhicl hlio ITO ItI aabovo wsehavo twIread3y j & ,,(1 pl,Ovro)eLZrtS ill the abovclws aeilad arti rfom Colvlefcial and Peortesslonla, ,,e 1 ioifl its ventriEal siatuatioln is pleculiarly Oel'itle'' ar has idudused him toi make a further ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'i ' 0THEATRE-ROYiAL, XEX-1R.. I I.ABTEEIEIONDAY. April.Oth 1835 O I ,EXTRAORDINARY NOVELTY AND ATTRACTION I II i PFor the Benaft o~f J'lfr. G. T.4YLOR,- Who trusto the Entertainments seleacted foer the above -Evening will ecarer to him ashars of that Putronage:aad - 0lberally extendedto his Brother PerfIrners., . i ?? Perfoernces will cemenee wil (for the fI ;Stcond tire,) ai eeitiely New and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... C0 &L 7LEG G; OF HMALTH1. No. 11, MAY-STREET, BELFAST. mO~wsoxV PILI14. Tyrants, in vaini ye trace the wizzard ring; In vaiin ye limit mind's unwearied spring. CURE OF SEVERE NERVOUS AFFECTION' H&ysteria, extreme Debility, and all their consequent sqzfferings, iiz the ca.e of a Lady, fsr whom the prqfessional Gentlemen could do nothiin-, abso- uteSy nothing! ! TO T. 'MOAT, ESQ. Vice ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CONCERT. iTA8TER RIEG~OND OST respectfully ani IcTA to the Nobility and M O~t Gentry, that, after hId'E4igements in DUBLIN, he will have the honour t ve CONCERT in BEL FAST. (739 ยข UNBRasLLt, PAds SOL, AND STRAW BONNET Warehouse, 118, HIGH-STREET, BELFAST. *E. DAVIS ETURNS sincere thanks Fior the liberal encourage- ment she has received for tlIFt Ten Years, and begs leave to intimate that she ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COUNTY OF ANTTUM.L SPECIAL ROAD SESSIONS W ILL be held puarsuatit to the Act of 3d avid 4th 9 William IV. Chap. 78, at the following places and times, for the purpose of considering all Applications for Presentments. and Applications for Payments, that may -then and there lie laid before such Sessions, respectively; and for transacting such other business as is, by the afore- said Act, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO VNDEZGBOlOND WORNHIRS. TO BE LET BWY PROPOSAL, At the House of Or Pearson, Queen's Heed Inn, Hon pette, on WVcdnesday the 6th, Day of Maay next, at 12 o'Clock, IHE Making of about 200 Yards in Length, of T UN DERGROUND DRAIN, to clearthe Quarry of Water at Cawsey Park, near Felton. The Quarryman will point out the Part, and any other ne. cessary Particulars may he known on applying to Mr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. OR CHINA, or passage to MADRAS, PE- F NANGandl SINGAPOH1W o and Passengers only tile blilp JOHN', I. IOROStIAN, HI.C.S. Commander, lying in thle Enet India Export Dock; will sail front Gravesendi 0n Ue 4th Afay-For freight to China, or passsge to Madras, ?? to IlMc.-rit. Moerjoribonk~s and Ferrers, IS, King's Arins.yard. Cole- man-street: or to Messrs. Dallas and Coles, ...