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Morning Chronicle




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Morning Chronicle


... LAW INTELLICENCE. COURT OF CHANCERY.-MONDAY. ?? V. HICNS. The LOnD CsiANCI':..I.On, on taking his seat this morn- ing, gavc judgment in this appeal. The circumstalmces of the case were laid before the public at thle time it was ar- gued, anid also when it was before the Viee-Chancellor. His Lordship afiirmed the decision of the Court below. ATTORNEY.GERSERAL, ?? SHO00. The farther argaments in ...


... Yesterday a Court was held for the dispatch of business. Although it was well known that the question of throw- ing open the Court was to be taken into consideration, there was by no means a crowded Court during any part of the sitting. MOTION FOR OPENING THE COURT. Sir PETER LAURIE rose lor the purpose of moving the resolution of whichl he had given notice- That this Court do conduct all ...


... COURT OF CHANCERY.-MONDAY. The Lorns CoN1S26ssionErrs (the laster of the Rolls and Mr. Justice Bosanquet) entered Court this morning at ten o'clock, and after disposing of some matters of no importance, retired to their Lordships' private room for the purpose of hearing a motion in the case of Shirley v. Lord Ferrers. At twelve o'clock their Lordships re- turned into open Court. TUE ATTORNLY ...


... NORTHERN CIRCUIT.-YORK. SATURDAY, APRTIA. NISI PRIUS COURT.-[Before Mr. Baron Parks] FARRER, V'. BROOKE.-ASSAULT. Mr. BL.ACKBURNE and Mr. DUNDAS appeared for the plaintiff; Mr. ALEXANDER for the defendant. The plaintiff and defendant were cheering an evening in the glootly month of November, by taking a few glasses at the Duke of Leeds public house. near New mill. in Saddleworth, when the ...


... TIlE MURDER AT IJ'OOLIVICII. Not~withstanding the had state Of thle Weather Yesterday a large numiber of persons assembled ill front of, thle Bii- tannia public-bouse, inl the early part, of the dav, atid conl- st. tiiiued there in de.fiance oft the ratin ft at camne dowii rather I sharp at intervals, until the arrival of Mr. Carttar, m a fro Coroner, when thc greatest anxietv was manifested ...


... C~ENTRAL CRIMINAL COURT. OLD COURT.-MONDAY. These sessions cvimnsenced to-day, N lie ihe Court was opened wvith tie ?? lorn:s, aol] the Recorder, Mr. Scr- jeant Arabin, lbe Lord Maosr, &e., took thein seats on the bench. Thbi Grand Jury having been sworn, the Learned Reo corder proceeded with his usual t I)arge, is whirl, however, there .115 ?? point of soy piubilc interest. T'he ...


... LA TV INTELLIGENCE. COURT OF KHING'S BENCH.-Tt'~5DAY. MEAD iV. DAVISON~. This Was an action to rocaser a Sum Of 241. 10s. being the arnostnt of the defendant's subscrip tioni onl a policy oif insolrilnee on thle ship Cirisk. The pulicy was allv~ted to haove been effectetd by a muotual assurance comtpany, callisd The llrithlti Assoclat too,'' held at North Shields. It wess oee of the rules of ...


... :-LAW NOPIClS-Ti1s DAY. COUnRT OF HANIPtt'TCY, BASINGIIALL-STREET. Before.Mr. CommimSloner VVllIi.lAlA .-3ohin Thompson, late of West Harrdi gmatreat, booikbinder, at ten; ?? - John ia Pope, of Woodthireet, (he10apeide, carpet warehouse. alan, at tiaeen; ?? ip h, of Houadid-9itch, and Wl cl.street, Qripplegate, carrier alad leathr osellerat twelve; adjoilrned exvanination. Before. 1r. ...


... INSOLVENT DEBTORS' COURT.-MONDAY. Samuel Bumfred Homer, described as an attorney, was opposed on his application to be discharged by Mr. Wakelcy ( ho was specially retained), on the part of Messrs. Robertson, wine merchants, of Villiers-street, Strand. Ie was supported by Mr. Cooke (with whom was Mr. Woodroffe). The aggregate amount of debts owing by the insol. vent was stated at 69,9551,, of ...


... QUEEN-SQI' ARE. On Thursday evening, Ar. W5illiamn Heywood. a re 6pectable corn-chandler residing in King-street, Ham. mersmith, appeared to answerthe complaint of Mr. John l'ayne, a neighbour, for maliciously shootingat his pigeons and killing two of them. It appeared from the esidence that a Mr. King, another neighbour, had long viewed with envy the pigeons of Mr. Payne, in consequence of ...


... SHERIFFS' CO UT.-WrIDNESDAY. [Before Air. Sergeant ARABIN.] IURINElt V. GMEMDLEY. In this case, which excited considerable interest, the plaintiifl, a lad 19 years of age, sought the sum of 71 17s. fron his employer, an attorney, as a recompense, at the rate of 7s. EL Week, for his services. aMr. MANSELL stated that the plaintirt was con Odentially employed by the defendant, as appeared from ...


... LAW NOTICSS.--TH8 DAY. COURT OF CHANCERY, WESTMINS'TER Sittings at ten. [rtfl~me Before the Lod onislonerra2ergnealy Deaollowin g v rehearings had;ap peastandi oo y o thsl day aa d v tvuck out, u Ev cient cause 1 s ed tonihe Curthis ?? andr iz v ?? doseles Robinson * Nzewdick , Gort urtaea of and cost; Thirh, iaBaeiley, Attorney. v eseral ori of Winchester v Fera y v Thomas. * OTloS IVY t)AT5. ...