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Morning Chronicle



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Morning Chronicle


... LAW INTELLICENCE. COURT OF CHANCERY.-MONDAY. ?? V. HICNS. The LOnD CsiANCI':..I.On, on taking his seat this morn- ing, gavc judgment in this appeal. The circumstalmces of the case were laid before the public at thle time it was ar- gued, anid also when it was before the Viee-Chancellor. His Lordship afiirmed the decision of the Court below. ATTORNEY.GERSERAL, ?? SHO00. The farther argaments in ...


... Yesterday a Court was held for the dispatch of business. Although it was well known that the question of throw- ing open the Court was to be taken into consideration, there was by no means a crowded Court during any part of the sitting. MOTION FOR OPENING THE COURT. Sir PETER LAURIE rose lor the purpose of moving the resolution of whichl he had given notice- That this Court do conduct all ...


... COURT OF CHANCERY.-MONDAY. The Lorns CoN1S26ssionErrs (the laster of the Rolls and Mr. Justice Bosanquet) entered Court this morning at ten o'clock, and after disposing of some matters of no importance, retired to their Lordships' private room for the purpose of hearing a motion in the case of Shirley v. Lord Ferrers. At twelve o'clock their Lordships re- turned into open Court. TUE ATTORNLY ...


... NORTHERN CIRCUIT.-YORK. SATURDAY, APRTIA. NISI PRIUS COURT.-[Before Mr. Baron Parks] FARRER, V'. BROOKE.-ASSAULT. Mr. BL.ACKBURNE and Mr. DUNDAS appeared for the plaintiff; Mr. ALEXANDER for the defendant. The plaintiff and defendant were cheering an evening in the glootly month of November, by taking a few glasses at the Duke of Leeds public house. near New mill. in Saddleworth, when the ...


... MANSION-HOUPSE.-SATUlDAY. FINAL EXAMINATION or FOGTI;tR AND ItPHY.-Tltc witnesses for the prosocution attended for the purpose of being bound over to give evidence against Foster for forg- inga bill of exchange for 8801., and Mustrphyi foraidin,, and assisting Foster in his eacape, knowing that that prisoner had corn. mittedanactoffelony. tIr.IAnolv, thellbarrister attended upon the part of ...


... MANSION-HOUSE. A woman named Anne King was brought before the Lord Mayor, charged with having robbed a labouring man of two sovereigns. The Complainant stated that be met the prisoner the night before in the Borough, and was asked by her to make her a present of a treat in the shape of a drop of gin. Seeing that she had no money and that she had a pair of terrible black eyes, he consented to ...


... POLICB INTELLIGENCE. . MANSION.HOUSE. The LoAD MIAYOR stilted, that he considered it to be his duty, in order to caution his fellow-citizens against the tricks of the scheming part of the community, that he had wiihin a rtew davs received a leftel from a gentle. man at Ipswich, enelosring a printed paper direc cd from a money firm in London, offering the mast ectracrdinarje accommodation to ...


... LAW, N7'WyECS.-Tois DAY, COURT OF CHANCERY, LINCOLN'S.INN. Sittings at ten. Reid v. Baillie, motion for juagmnrtt.! AnjoJaRNED LUV.ArC Plrr'crIT1 .HI111 It;igde, exparta Bing. den-in re Samre expartre Ncateleltn re Fowler exparte llolyoake- rnre Tharp exrparte Tharr-lno i Nuoti exparte Brown-In re l.. JOeup expnrte 1iusted-1lt re Bllettitt ?? BEiexritt-In rc Chalt.. paera ?? Chnitnleca-In ...


... I [Before B. RoTCH, Esq., Chairman.] EXTRAORDINARY CASE. Yesterday John Sutherland, a man of very respectable appearance, was indicted for assaulting Mrs. Mlary Ann Cough.- - The defendant is clerk to the Hon. Mr. Thomas Ers- kine, the Chief Judge of the Bankruptcy Court, and has held that situation for no less than 21 years. The case, from its peculiar circumstances, excited great interest. ...


... ASSIZE INTE, LLIGENCE. NORTHERN CI1'CUIT.-YoRK, Apirtt.7. CROWN COtRT. This morning Mr. Barton ALPF2ASON procred'ri in trtn canno of nianslaighter, t o of whihb vwere of art aggra- vated nature. The first, T'Anmas .Si',ion, wana charged sirh the man- slauiihter of Thonmso Thtirrintt, by tabl,jtvg i:imiTP the thigh wi: h a SC-. the. The parties werec mowsing together in n field at Kirby on-the ...


... MANSION- HOU SE. An aged man, named B13'rown, who was 3nme time ago brought, before Alderman. PNUaI, at the Mansionej house, by an officer, charged reith having lain in the streets witl- (ont a farthing in his pockets, appeared before tire Loito M IAYOR to conoplair agnainst tlhe oflicers of two parishes. upon the forrer occasioh the unfortunate old man stated, olda tis strtement was found to ...


... :-LAW NOPIClS-Ti1s DAY. COUnRT OF HANIPtt'TCY, BASINGIIALL-STREET. Before.Mr. CommimSloner VVllIi.lAlA .-3ohin Thompson, late of West Harrdi gmatreat, booikbinder, at ten; ?? - John ia Pope, of Woodthireet, (he10apeide, carpet warehouse. alan, at tiaeen; ?? ip h, of Houadid-9itch, and Wl cl.street, Qripplegate, carrier alad leathr osellerat twelve; adjoilrned exvanination. Before. 1r. ...